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Sparkbox Hackdays

Sparkbox Hackdays are a day long event, with a wee bit of planning, where we smoosh our big brains together to create neat things that expand our normal. It’s a chance to push boundaries, explore ideas, and experiment with crazy.


  1. Anytime: Drop ideas on the Trello Board
  2. 2 days prior: Voting Closes
  3. 1 day prior: Teams and Plans shared in #hackday
  4. Do amazing work!

What do we hack on?

Ideas for hackdays could include technologies, concepts, languages, patterns, tools, sandwiches, frameworks, writing styles, presentations, you name it. Drop it on the Trello board and before the next hackday we’ll pick the top few vote getters. Paying for votes is frowned upon, but selling your idea with good descriptions, gifs and blackmail is not.

How do we choose what to hack?

All ideas must be on the Hackday Trello board to facilitate voting and discussion. Creators have 2 minutes to pitch their topic the morning before voting closes.

Two days before the hackday, at 1pm, voting for the best ideas is closed and tallied. You can vote for any idea by opening the card and clicking Vote. The top few vote getters will be moved over to The Chosen lane and teams formed around them.

How do we prepare for hackdays?

Once voting is closed and ideas are chosen for the hackday, you can join any team. Teams may beg, plead, and negotiate as they choose. Team rosters and a preliminary plan for attacking the idea should be published in the #hackday Slack channel by 3pm hackday-eve. Everyone has good ideas and can/should participate - even you Jody!

Constraints for team formation:

  • No team can be greater than 5 members
  • No team can be less than 3 members
  • Everyone who wishes to be on a team is on a team
  • All skills needed are represented on the team

What happens when we're done?

The Trello board seemed boring without a third lane, so this was inevitable. We’ll unnecessarily move The Chosen to this column when each team has published something to the World Wide Tubes. Some uncreative ideas: Foundry Post, NPM Package, Website, Foundry Lab-thing, Ruby Gem, Dribbble.

All cards in every column will be archived from the board. "What!?", you say? Yes, all cards will be archived. If you think your idea should have made it, feel free to pitch it again. Otherwise, drop in your new ideas.