This is a stripped down version of the UA library.
All it can do is register, deregister and update APNS registrations - tags/alias/quiet time etc.
All analytics, events, carrier, UI, database, local storage, push handling, app state monitoring, location services and code required by them have been removed. Storefront, Inbox, Subscription - all gone.
Build as below, but you DON'T need:
libsqlite3.dylib CoreLocation.framework CoreTelephony.framework StoreKit.framework
Seems to work fine in my testsI've just submitted this in a live app, so we'll see how it goes once that's approved.
Next, I wish UA didn't use ASI-HTTP-Request...
Urban Airship's libUArship is a drop-in static library that provides a simple way to
integrate Urban Airship services into your iOS applications. This entire project will
allow you to build the library files and all sample projects. If you just want to
include the library in your app, you can simply download the latest
and a sample project. These zips contain a pre-compiled universal armv6/armv7/armv7s/i386 library.
Download and unzip the latest version of libUAirship. If you are using one of our sample
projects, copy the Airship
directory into the same directory as your project:
cp -r Airship /SomeDirectory/ (where /SomeDirectory/YourProject/ is your project)
If you are not using a sample project, you'll need to import the source files for the User Interface into your project. These are located under /Airship/UI/Default
The core library requires your application to link against the following Frameworks (sample UIs have additional linking requirements):
libUAirship-<current_version>.a CFNetwork.framework CoreGraphics.framework Foundation.framework MobileCoreServices.framework Security.framework SystemConfiguration.framework UIKit.framework libz.dylib libsqlite3.dylib CoreTelephony.framework (Exists in iOS 4+ only, so make it a weak link for 3.x compatibility) StoreKit.framework CoreLocation.framework
LLVM 4.0 is the default compiler for all projects and the static library.
Header search path
Ensure that your build target's header search path includes the Airship directory.
Before getting started you must perform the steps above outlined above.
In addition you'll need to include UAirship.h in your source files.
The library uses a .plist configuration file named AirshipConfig.plist to manage your production and development application profiles. Example copies of this file are available in all of the sample projects. Place this file in your project and set the following values to the ones in your application at
You can also edit the file as plain-text:
{ /* NOTE: DO NOT USE THE MASTER SECRET */ "APP_STORE_OR_AD_HOC_BUILD" = NO; /* set to YES for production builds */ "DEVELOPMENT_APP_KEY" = "Your development app key"; "DEVELOPMENT_APP_SECRET" = "Your development app secret"; "PRODUCTION_APP_KEY" = "Your production app key"; "PRODUCTION_APP_SECRET" = "Your production app secret"; }
If you are using development builds and testing using the Apple sandbox set APP_STORE_OR_AD_HOC_BUILD to false. For App Store and Ad-Hoc builds, set it to YES.
Advanced users may add scripting or preprocessing logic to this .plist file to automate the switch from development to production keys based on the build type.
asi-http-request BSD Copyright (c) 2007-2010, All-Seeing Interactive.
fmdb MIT Copyright (c) 2008 Flying Meat Inc. [email protected]
SBJSON MIT Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Stig Brautaset.
Base64 BSD Copyright 2009-2010 Matt Gallagher.
ZipFile-OC BSD Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Gilles Vollant.
GHUnit Apache 2 Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
Google Toolkit Apache 2 Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
Reachability BSD Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc.
MTPopupWindow MIT Copyright 2011 Marin Todorov
JRSwizzle MIT Copyright 2012 Jonathan Rentzsch