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CUE Engine - iOS

Using the Demo Project

To run CUE Audio's ultrasonic engine on iOS, simply follow these steps:

(1) Go into iOS/consumer and open consumer.xcodeproj in Xcode

(2) At the top of AppDelegate.m, insert your API Key into the following:

#define API_KEY @"yourAPIKey"

(3) Run the project. Transmit ultrasonic audio by playing a trigger from the SampleTones directory. Upon registering the tone, the device display the binary signal received.

(4) To customize the ultrasonic trigger response, simply modify the following callback within your ViewController.m file:

[CUEEngine.sharedInstance setReceiverCallback:
        ^void( NSString* jsonString )
            //handle engine JSON here

Accessing CUEEngine with Custom API Key

  1. Make sure you have CocoaPods and the CocoaPods Artifactory plugin installed. You can do so with the following commands using Homebrew:
brew install cocoapods
gem install cocoapods-art
  1. Add credentials to allow you to use the CUEEngine CocoaPod. In ~/.netrc (create this file if necessary) insert your credentials:
login <username>
password <pass>
  1. To use this CocoaPod, execute the command pod repo-art add cocoapods-local "" in your project's root directory via the command line.

  2. Finally, run pod install

  3. To update the engine version in the future, run:

pod repo-art update cocoapods-local 
pod install

The engine version can then be updated in your Podfile. An example of such a podfile is:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '10.3'

plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [

source ''

target 'MyProj' do
  # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for consumer

  project 'MyProj.xcodeproj'
  pod "engine"


Custom Implementation

  1. In your Info.plist file, make sure you set Privacy - Microphone Usage Description.

  2. Make sure to enable microphone access in your app.

  3. Configure the Audio Session:

#import <engine/AudioSession.h>

Then call the method [AudioSession setup]. The audio session should always be properly configured if the engine is to function as designed. A good place to call this is in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.

  1. Next, setup the engine using your API key:

[CUEEngine.sharedInstance setupWithAPIKey:API_KEY];

You can start and stop listening with the methods:

[CUEEngine.sharedInstance startListening];
[CUEEngine.sharedInstance stopListening];
  1. To decode data from the engine, set the engine's ReceiverCallback. This is the block of code that will execute each time an ultrasonic signal is detected. An example is:
[CUEEngine.sharedInstance setReceiverCallback:^(NSString *json) {
        NSData *data = [json dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSDictionary *jsonDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:nil];
        //get triggerID
        NSString *symbolString = [jsonDict objectForKey:@"winner-indices"];
        NSLog(@"Trigger Detected with SymbolString: %@", symbolString);

For details on the structure of the returned JSON, see here.

  1. To transmit an ultrasonic trigger from the engine, select from one of the following:

Transmit as an integer between 0 and 98,611,127:

result = [CUEEngine.sharedInstance queueTriggerAsNumber:number];
if( result < 0 ) {
    NSLog(@"Triggers us number can not exceed 98611127");

Transmit as a "trigger" (format "X.X.X" where X is an integer from 0 - 461):

result = [CUEEngine.sharedInstance queueTrigger:triggerStr];
if( result < 0 ) {
    // handle error