Graph-based DPLL-SAT Solver for propositional logic formulas in 2-XNF implemented in C++20.
This repository contains the source code of our implementation of Algorithm 8 (G_2XNF_DPLL
) from our paper SAT Solving Using XOR-OR-AND Normal Forms called 2xornado
Run 2xornado -h
to get the following help:
Positional arguments:
fname path to 2xnf-instance
Optional arguments:
-h --help shows help message and exits [default: false]
-v --version shows version and compilation information [default: false]
-dh --decision-heuristic decision heuristic; 'mp' for MaxPath, 'mr' for MaxReach, 'mbn' for MaxBottleNeck, 'fv' for FirstVert [default: "mp"]
-fls --failed-lineral-search failed lineral search; 'no' to deactivate, 'trivial' to only search for trivial, 'full' to search for all failed linerals. [default: "no"]
-flss --fls-schedule number n s.t. every n-th crGCP we perform fls [default: 1]
-sc --score activate weighting of vars based on score (inspired by VSIDS) [default: false]
-simple construct the trivial IGS from the input 2-XNF instead of the extended trivial IGS [default: false]
-pp --preprocess expects 'no', 'scc', 'fls_scc' (failed lineral search + SCC), or 'fls_scc_ee' (failed lineral search + SCC + edge extension) [default: "fls_scc"]
-ppo --preprocess-out path for output of xnf after pre-processing (input and output xnf are equivalent)
-gp --guessing-path path to file storing guessing path; each line contains exactly one number corr to the corresponding variable; USE WITH CAUTION!
-vb --verb verbosity (choose in 0-100) [default: 0]
-t --time-out timeout in seconds (negative to deactivate) [default: -1]
Informally, a XNF-formula is a CNF-formula, where literals are replaced by XORs of literals, called linerals.
The solver reads 2-XNF-formulas in a DIMACS-like format with header p xnf n_vars n_cls
, where linerals, a XOR of literals, are encoded as literals connected by +
; and clauses are terminated by 0
For example, the XNF clause -1+2+3 4+5 0
A CNF-XOR formula consists of a CNF formula and XOR constraints on the variables. 2xornado
supports these constraints in the usual encoding as a line starting with x
followed by the involved literals. For example the constraint x -1 2 0
, but also as the XNF unit clause -1+2 0
To solve systems in algebraic normal form (ANF), use our anf_to_2xnf
tool to encode the system of polynomials in 2-XNF first.
On Ubuntu/Debian ensure that the packages build-essential
, cmake
, and libm4ri-dev
(optionally libjemalloc-dev
, libbenchmark-dev
, catch2
) are installed. On Arch-based systems the packages base-devel
, cmake
, and m4ri
(optionally jemalloc
, benchmark
, catch2
) are required.
Then run cmake .
and make 2xornado
Alternatively, use the docker image jdanner/2xornado
(download via docker pull jdanner/2xornado:latest
) or build it yourself using the provided Dockerfile
by docker build -t jdanner/2xornado:latest .
. Then access 2-Xornado through docker_2xornado