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138 lines (105 loc) · 5.99 KB


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  Lightweight LAMP & LEMP stacks to use on Docker.

Simple, lightweight and useful LAMP & LEMP stacks to use on Docker via Docker Compose. With PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, PhpMyAdmin, PGAdmin and Mongo-Express. You can generate your environment in whatever way you desire.

Service Container Name Default Ports Version Description
Apache Server demet-apache 80 / 443 2.4:alpine Apache Web Server
Nginx Server demet-nginx 80 / 443 stable:alpine Nginx Web Server
PHP demet-php 9000 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 PHP-FPM Versions (Default: 8.3)
MySQL demet-mysql 3306 8.0 MySQL 8.0
MariaDb demet-mysql 3306 10.6 MariaDb 10.6
PhpMyAdmin demet-phpmyadmin 8080 latest MySQL Web UI
PostgreSQL demet-pgsql 5432 12.0 PostgreSQL 12.0.
PGAdmin demet-pgadmin 8081 8 PostgreSQL Web UI (dpage/pgadmin4)
MongoDB demet-mongodb 27017 7 NoSQL database
Mongo-Express demet-mongoadmin 8082 latest MongoDB Web UI
Redis demet-redis 6379 7.2 Redis Database
RabbitMQ demet-rabbitmq 5672 / 15672 3-management-alpine RabbitMQ Message Queue

You can change the image versions of the containers via .env file.

Default docker-compose file includes PHP 8.3, Apache, MariaDB and PhpMyAdmin containers.

Also, host names of all services are demet-<HOST>. For example, host name of demet-mysql container is mysql.

You can change the prefix of the container names in .env file by changing the DEMET_PREFIX value. For example; if you change the prefix as local, your container names will be local-php, local-mysql, etc...


Clone this repo by using following command:

git clone && cd demet

Now, you must create .env file to specify port configuration for the containers you selected. In order to generate .env file, you can run following command simply:

make init

Great! .env and docker-compose.yml files have been generated. If you want to change default ports or configuration, you can edit .env file.

Then, configure and generate your docker-compose.yml file as you want.

NOTE: If you want to use default stack (PHP & Apache & MariaDB) skip the following step.

make generate

Now, You're ready to build the containers you selected. In order to build the containers, you can use following command:

make build

If everything is okay, you can start to use Demet! Let's go to http://localhost .

If you want to enter to PHP container, you can use this command simply instead of docker exec command:

make webserver

That's all! Happy coding!


  • Your project files must be in ./public/ directory.

  • You can change php.ini settings by editting files in ./docker/php<VERSION>/conf/ directory.

  • If you need new extension for PHP, you can update ./docker/php<VERSION>/Dockerfile file and add a new extension you want.

  • You can find configuration files of Webserver which you used in ./docker/apache/ or ./docker/nginx/ directory.

  • You can find configuration files of other containers in ./docker/ directory as well.

  • Composer, XDebug and OPCache are included for PHP. You can use these directly.

  • If you want to enter to spesific container, you can use this command:

make run c=<container-name>
  • You can check the List of the containers for your setup:
make ps
  • You can use following commands simply in order to up or down docker-compose instead of docker-compose up|down.

for UP your containers

make up

for DOWN your containers:

make down
  • If you need to restart all container, you can use this command:
make restart
  • You can access to container logs from ./logs/ directory.

  • You can use following command to clean & delete your docker-compose and .env files

$ make clean
  • If you have any spesific problem, you can open a new issue on the Github. Because, some version of the docker images couldn't be work correctly depends on the your OS or system arch. For example; to use MySQL 8.x version on Arm based processors, you might need to add platform: linux/arm64 config in section of the MySQL service at the docker-compose.yml file. Because, sometimes it can throw an error when try to use it directly. In summary, you can try to solve the image/container issues, you can research the solution about them, and maybe you can add the issue with the solutions or open a new PR to fix them.

I try to keep up-to-date the this tool. Please make sure the new changes before update your local clone via git pull. Because some changes might cause some conficts.


If you have any advice, let me know please.

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • izniburak İzni Burak Demirtaş - creator, maintainer
  • ulaskilic - Contributor
  • Mustafa Palavar - Contributor