We have following groups to manage and contribute the project, each one has its own rights and responsibilities.
As a member of Committer Team, you must contribute and maintain the features or modules. Because of that, you have following rights:
- Merge right for pull request.
- Vote right for promoting contributor to Committer Team.
- Vote right for promoting Committer to PMC.
The current Committer Team members is as follows (in alphabeta order):
- Chunlin Wu @linsir
- Hui Li@Miss-you
- Jinchao Shuai @shuaijinchao
- Junxu Chen @nic-chen
- Ke Tang @supermario1990
- Lang Wang@totemofwolf
- Ming Wen @moonming
- Suo Zhang @soulsoul
- Yong Li @chnliyong
- Yuansheng Wang @membphis
- Zhiyuan Ju @juzhiyuan
- Zhiyong Li @zhiyong0804
In various situations the APISIX shall hold a vote. These votes can happen on the phone, email, or via a voting service, when appropriate. Voters can either respond "agree, yes, +1", "disagree, no, -1", or "abstain". A vote passes with two-thirds vote of votes cast. An abstain vote equals not voting at all.