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Run Playwright tests using the project's DDEV setup

This reusable workflow:

  1. Launches DDEV.
  2. Runs the provided command such as ddev orchestrate from inpsyde/ddev-wordpress-plugin-template to set up the environment (install WP, plugins, ...).
  3. If the Ngrok auth token is provided, it sets up Ngrok. Ngrok can be needed if some third-party service, e.g., webhooks, must access the website.
    1. Launches Ngrok, using vendor/bin/ddev-share from inpsyde/ddev-tools by default.
    2. Saves the URL to the specified env variable, BASEURL by default.
  4. Installs Playwright and its dependencies via the provided command, such as yarn install && yarn playwright install --with-deps or ddev pw-install-host from inpsyde/ddev-wordpress-plugin-template.
  5. Runs Playwright tests via the provided command, such as yarn playwright test or ddev pw-host test from inpsyde/ddev-wordpress-plugin-template.

It is possible to add any env variables for the "host" and for DDEV.

The "host" env variables (ENV_VARS) can be used in the tests (Playwright runs outside of DDEV), such as user credentials or credit card numbers. To keep things simple and avoid passing hundreds of variables, consider using an .env file, and commit .env.example with usable defaults for parameters that do not have to be secret, then add cp .env.example .env in PLAYWRIGHT_INSTALL_CMD (ddev pw-install-host already includes it).

Use the DDEV env variables (DDEV_ENV_VARS) for debug flags of your project needed for the tests to run properly (e.g., using placeholder product images or non-live mode).

Also, it is possible to change some DDEV config values, such as the PHP version (PHP_VERSION).

Usage example

name: Run Playwright tests via DDEV
    uses: inpsyde/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/ddev-playwright.yml@main
      ENV_VARS: >-
          {"name": "SOME_USERNAME", "value": "${{ secrets.SOME_USERNAME }}"},
          {"name": "SOME_PASSWORD", "value": "${{ secrets.SOME_PASSWORD }}"}
      DDEV_ENV_VARS: >-
          {"name": "SOME_DEBUG_FLAG", "value": "true"}
      DDEV_ORCHESTRATE_CMD: ddev orchestrate
      PLAYWRIGHT_INSTALL_CMD: ddev pw-install-host
      PLAYWRIGHT_RUN_CMD: ddev pw-host test

Configuration parameters


Name Default Description
PHP_VERSION '' PHP version which will override the version set in the DDEV config
NODE_VERSION - Node version which will override the version set in the DDEV config
DDEV_ORCHESTRATE_CMD '' The command for setting up the DDEV website, such as ddev orchestrate from inpsyde/ddev-wordpress-plugin-template
PLAYWRIGHT_INSTALL_CMD '' The command for installing Playwright and its deps, such as yarn install && yarn playwright install --with-deps or ddev pw-install-host from inpsyde/ddev-wordpress-plugin-template
PLAYWRIGHT_RUN_CMD '' The command for running Playwright tests, such as yarn playwright test or ddev pw-host test from inpsyde/ddev-wordpress-plugin-template
PLAYWRIGHT_DIR 'tests/Playwright' The path to the Playwright project
NGROK_START_CMD 'vendor/bin/ddev-share' The command for starting Ngrok, such as ddev-share from inpsyde/ddev-tools
BASEURL_ENV_NAME 'BASEURL' The name of the env variable with the base URL for Playwright, used for overwriting it with the URL from Ngrok


Name Description
COMPOSER_AUTH_JSON Authentication for privately hosted packages and repositories as a JSON formatted object
NPM_REGISTRY_TOKEN Authentication for the private npm registry
NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN Ngrok auth token; skips the installation of Ngrok if not provided
ENV_VARS Additional environment variables as a JSON formatted object
DDEV_ENV_VARS Additional environment variables for DDEV as a JSON formatted object
SSH_KEY Private SSH key to be used to reach remote destinations
SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS SSH hosts to be set in the known_hosts file