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A JavaScript SDK for the Concourse CI API.


npm install --save @infrablocks/concourse



concourse provides a client for interaction with the Concourse CI API. The client expects to authenticate using basic authentication credentials for a particular team. To construct a client:

import { Client } from '@infrablocks/concourse'

const url = ''
const username = 'concourse-client'
const password = 'super-secret-password'
const teamName = 'main'

const client = Client.instanceFor({ url, username, password, teamName })

Note, teamName only needs to be provided for a Concourse CI deployment with a version less than 4.0.0.

The client does not yet have full coverage of all available API endpoints, (currently at 44% coverage) however that is the eventual goal. The methods currently supported are detailed below.

Client Methods

  • async Client#getInfo() - Returns an object with server version information.
  • async Client#listTeams() - Returns an array of all teams.
  • async Client#setTeam(teamName, options) - Creates or updates the team with name teamName according to the provided options. options can contain:
    • users: an array of strings identifying users that have access to this team, e.g., local:fred or github:bob.
    • groups: an array of strings identifying groups that have access to this team, e.g., github:organisation.
  • Client#forTeam(teamName) - Returns a TeamClient for the team specified by teamName. See below for more details of the methods supported on TeamClient.
  • async Client#listWorkers() - Returns an array of all workers.
  • Client#forWorker(workerName) - Returns a WorkerClient for the worker specified by workerName. See below for more details of the methods supported on WorkerClient.
  • async Client#listPipelines() - Returns an array of all pipelines across all teams.
  • async Client#listJobs() - Returns an array of all jobs across all teams.
  • async Client#listResources() - Returns an array of all resources across all teams.
  • async Client#listBuilds(options = {}) - Returns an array of all builds across all teams. The options map can contain:
    • limit - the number of builds to include in the response (integral, > 1).
    • since - the ID of a build to fetch from (integral, > 1).
    • id - the ID of a build to fetch up to (integral, > 1).
  • async Client#getBuild(buildId) - Returns the build specified by buildId.
  • Client#forBuild(buildId) - Returns a BuildClient for the build specified by buildId. See below for more details of the methods supported on BuildClient.

BuildClient Methods

  • async BuildClient#listResources() - Returns an array of resources for the build.

WorkerClient Methods

  • async WorkerClient#prune() - Prunes the worker.

TeamClient Methods

  • async TeamClient#rename(newTeamName) - Renames the team to the provided newTeamName.
  • async TeamClient#destroy() - Destroys the team.
  • async TeamClient#listPipelines() - Returns an array of team pipelines.
  • async TeamClient#getPipeline(pipelineName) - Returns the team pipeline specified by pipelineName.
  • async TeamClient#forPipeline(pipelineName) - Returns a TeamPipelineClient for the pipeline specified by pipelineName. See below for more details of the methods supported on TeamPipelineClient.
  • async TeamClient#listBuilds(options = {})- Returns an array of team builds. The options map can contain:
    • limit - the number of builds to include in the response (integral, > 1).
    • since - the ID of a build to fetch from (integral, > 1).
    • id - the ID of a build to fetch up to (integral, > 1).
  • async TeamClient#listContainers(options = {}) - Returns an array of team containers matched by the specified options:
    • type - one of check, get or put determining the type of the container. If type is check, pipelineName and resourceName must also be provided.
    • pipelineId - the ID of the pipeline for which to fetch containers (integral, > 1).
    • pipelineName - the name of the pipeline for which to fetch containers (string).
    • jobId - the ID of the job for which to fetch containers (integral, > 1).
    • jobName - the name of the job for which to fetch containers (string).
    • stepName - the name of the step for which to fetch containers (string).
    • resourceName - the name of the resource for which to fetch containers (string).
    • attempt - the attempt of the build for which to fetch containers (string).
    • buildId - the ID of the build for which to fetch containers (integral, > 1).
    • buildName - the name of the build for which to fetch containers (string).
  • async TeamClient#getContainer(containerId) - Returns the container specified by containerId.
  • async TeamClient#listVolumes() - Returns an array of team volumes.

TeamPipelineClient Methods

  • async TeamPipelineClient#pause() - Pauses the team pipeline.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#unpause() - Unpauses the team pipeline.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#rename(newPipelineName) - Renames the team pipeline to the provided newPipelineName.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#delete() - Deletes the pipeline.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#listJobs() - Returns an array of team pipeline jobs.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#getJob(jobName) - Returns the team pipeline job specified by jobName.
  • TeamPipelineClient#forJob(jobName) - Returns a TeamPipelineJobClient for the job specified by jobName. See below for more details of the methods supported on TeamPipelineJobClient.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#listResources() - Returns an array of team pipeline resources.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#getResource(resourceName) - Returns the team pipeline resource specified by resourceName.
  • TeamPipelineClient#forResource(resourceName) - Returns a TeamPipelineResourceClient for the resource specified by resourceName. See below for more details of the methods supported on TeamPipelineResourceClient.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#listResourceTypes() - Returns an array of team pipeline resource types.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#listBuilds() - Returns an array of team pipeline builds.
  • async TeamPipelineClient#saveConfig() - Creates the team pipeline. Throws an error if the pipeline already exists.

TeamPipelineJobClient Methods

  • async TeamPipelineJobClient#pause() - Pauses the team pipeline job.
  • async TeamPipelineJobClient#unpause() - Unpauses the team pipeline job.
  • async TeamPipelineJobClient#listBuilds() - Returns an array of team pipeline job builds.
  • async TeamPipelineJobClient#getBuild(buildName) - Returns the team pipeline job build specified by buildName.
  • async TeamPipelineJobClient#listInputs() - Returns an array of team pipeline job inputs.
  • async TeamPipelineJobClient#createJobBuild() - Create a build for team pipeline job.

TeamPipelineResourceClient Methods

  • async TeamPipelineResourceClient#pause() - Pauses the team pipeline resource.
  • async TeamPipelineResourceClient#unpause() - Unpauses the team pipeline resource.
  • async TeamPipelineResourceClient#listVersions(options = {}) - Returns an array of team pipeline resource versions. The options map can contain:
    • limit - the number of versions to include in the response (integral, > 1).
    • since - the ID of a version to fetch from (integral, > 1).
    • id - the ID of a version to fetch up to (integral, > 1).
  • async TeamPipelineResourceClient#getVersion(versionId) - Returns the team pipeline resource version specified by versionId.
  • TeamPipelineClient#forVersion(versionId) - Returns a TeamPipelineResourceVersionClient for the version specified by versionId.

TeamPipelineResourceVersionClient Methods

  • async TeamPipelineResourceVersionClient#getCausality() - Returns the team pipeline resource version's causality.
  • async TeamPipelineResourceVersionClient#listBuildsWithVersionAsInput() - Returns an array of all builds that have the resource version represented by the client as an input.
  • async TeamPipelineResourceVersionClient#listBuildsWithVersionAsOutput() - Returns an array of all builds that have the resource version represented by the client as an output.


const teams = await client.listTeams()
// => [{id: 1, name: "main"}] 

const teamClient = client.forTeam(teams[0].id)
// => TeamClient {apiUrl: "", httpClient: ..., team: {...}

const pipelines = await teamClient.listPipelines()
// => [{id: 1, name: "test-pipeline", paused: false, public: false, teamName: "main" }]

const containers = await teamClient.listContainers({pipelineName: pipelines[0].name})
// => [{ id: "4fd6fbe8-2456-49b9-6464-4eab8f2a7ce3", workerName: "f9214ff6a574", type: "check"}]


After checking out the repo, run npm install to install dependencies. Then, run npm run test to run the tests.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.