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HNB Exchange Rate CLI

Displays exchange rates for Croatian Kuna (HRK) from the Croatian National Bank (HNB). Data is fetched from the [HNB API](


Requires Python 3.7 or greater.

Drawing charts requires gnuplot.

Install from the Python Package Index:

pip install hnbex-cli



  • daily - Show daily exchange rates for all currencies
  • range - Show exchange rates for a single currency in the given date range
  • chart - Draw exchange rate chart for a single currency
  • convert - Convert between currencies


Show rates for all currencies on a given date (if not given, date defaults to today):

$ hnbex daily 2017-07-03
HNB exchange rates on 2017-07-03

Currency  Unit    Buying    Median   Selling
--------  ----  --------  --------  --------
AUD          1  4.974959  4.989929  5.004899
CAD          1  4.984697  4.999696  5.014695
CZK          1  0.281550  0.282397  0.283244
DKK          1  0.993132  0.996120  0.999108
HUF        100  2.390306  2.397498  2.404690
JPY        100  5.783341  5.800743  5.818145
NOK          1  0.772153  0.774476  0.776799
SEK          1  0.764812  0.767113  0.769414
CHF          1  6.756313  6.776643  6.796973
GBP          1  8.410575  8.435883  8.461191
USD          1  6.474949  6.494432  6.513915
EUR          1  7.385326  7.407549  7.429772
PLN          1  1.748834  1.754096  1.759358


Show rates for a single currency, for range of days.

The range defaults to the last 30 days, and can be changed by giving one or more of:

  • --start or -s - the first day of the range (default calculated as end - days)
  • --end or -e - the last day of the range (defaults to tomorrow)
  • --days or -d - number of days in the range (defaults to 30)
$ hnbex range usd -d 10
HNB exchange rates for USD from 2021-08-26 to 2021-09-04

      Date  Unit    Buying    Median   Selling    Diff
----------  ----  --------  --------  --------  ------
2021-08-26     1  6.353770  6.372889  6.392008
2021-08-27     1  6.341215  6.360296  6.379377  -0.20%
2021-08-28     1  6.346328  6.365424  6.384520  +0.08%
2021-08-29     1  6.346328  6.365424  6.384520   0.00%
2021-08-30     1  6.346328  6.365424  6.384520   0.00%
2021-08-31     1  6.323093  6.342119  6.361145  -0.37%
2021-09-01     1  6.314960  6.333962  6.352964  -0.13%
2021-09-02     1  6.315040  6.334042  6.353044  +0.00%
2021-09-03     1  6.294947  6.313889  6.332831  -0.32%
2021-09-04     1  6.291559  6.310490  6.329421  -0.05%


This command requires gnuplot to be installed.

Draw a chart of exchange rate movement for range of days. Options are identical as hnbex range.

$ hnbex chart usd
                              USD Exchange Rates

6.42 +-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+
     |             +              +               +    x*x*x**    +      |
 6.4 +-+                                              *                +-+
6.38 +-+                                      x*x*    *       x        +-+
     |                            x**x       *    x**x         *         |
6.36 +-+                          *   *      *                 *       +-+
     |                           *     x*x**x                   x*x    x*x
6.34 +-+                         *                                 * **+-+
     |                          x                                   x    |
6.32 +-+                       *                                       +-+
 6.3 +-+                       *                                       +-+
     |                        x                                          |
6.28 +-+             x        *                                        +-+
     x*x**x*x*       **      *                                           |
6.26 +-+      x*    * *      *                                         +-+
6.24 +-+        x** *  *    *                                          +-+
     |             *   x*x**x     +               +               +      |
6.22 +-+--+-+-+-+--x-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+
                 09/21          09/28           10/05           10/12

Also supports graphical charts:

$ hnbex chart usd --template qt

Which displays the chart:



Convert between HRK and anouther currency:

$ hnbex convert 150 hrk usd
150.0 HRK = 23.82 USD

Using the median rate 1 USD = 6.296589 HRK defined on 2017-08-21

When converting to HRK, the target currency can be ommited:

$ hnbex convert 500 jpy
500.0 JPY = 28.85 HRK

Using the median rate 100 JPY = 5.769743 HRK defined on 2017-08-21

If --value-only or -v option is used, only the resulting value will be output.

$ hnbex convert 500 jpy

The resulting value is rounded to 2 decimal places by default but can be changed by using the -p or --precision option:

$ hnbex convert 500 jpy -p 10


Copyright © 2017-2021 Ivan Habunek <[email protected]>

Licensed under the GPLv3: