Simple project that shows phoenix and Elm playing quite nicely together. Not a lot of work!
- phoenix 1.1.4
- Elm 0.17
![Screenhot] (
I thought a github project and a diff would be a simplest way to see what should be done. If you want more of a walk through, check out the helpful blog posts.
This repo is a condensed version of what's here:
mix phoenix_elm_hello
cd phoenix_elm_hello/
mix ecto.create
mkdir web/elm
npm install
cd web/elm
elm package install elm-lang/html
cd ../..
mix phoenix.server
[http://localhost:4000] (http://localhost:4000)
![Screenhot] (
- Changes to your elm file will autocompile (cool!)
- If you add more elm modules, you need to add them to your brunch-config.json (I think)