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File metadata and controls

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This readme is to document how to create your own data with LabelFusion.

If you're looking to download the example LabelFusion dataset, go here:


Recommended setup is through our Docker.

If instead you'd prefer a native install, go to: "Setup Instructions".

Quick Pipeline Instructions

This is the quick version. If you'd prefer to go step-by-step manually, see Pipeline_Instructions.

Camera intrinsic calibration

For ElasticFusion calibration, create camera.cfg file into your lcm-log folder. camera.cfg is fx fy px py in one line.

For render training image, edit LabelFusion/modules/labelfusion/ "setCameraInstrinsicsAsus" fuction.

def setCameraInstrinsicsAsus(view):
        principalX = 320.0
        principalY = 240.0
        focalLength = 617.0 # fx = fy = focalLength
        setCameraIntrinsics(view, principalX, principalY, focalLength)

Collect raw data from Xtion

First, cdlf && cd data/logs, then make a new directory for your data. In one terminal, run:


In another, run:


Your data will be saved in current directory as lcmlog-*.

Collect raw data from Realsense

First, install librealsense , intel_ros_relasense and rgbd_ros_to_lcm

Second, cdlf && cd data/logs, then make a new directory for your data. In one terminal, run:


In one, run:

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch

modify rgbd_ros_to_lcm topic: modify this file ~/catkin_ws/src/rgbd_ros_to_lcm/launch/lcm_republisher.launch to

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="lcm_republisher" pkg="rgbd_ros_to_lcm" type="lcm_republisher" output="screen" respawn="false" >
    <rosparam subst_value="true">
      # input parameters
      subscribe_point_cloud: false
      rgb_topic: /camera/color/image_raw
      depth_topic: /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw
      cloud_topic: /camera/depth_registered/points

      # output parameters
      output_lcm_channel: "OPENNI_FRAME"
      compress_rgb: true
      compress_depth: true

      debug_print_statements: true

and run

roslaunch rgbd_ros_to_lcm lcm_republisher.launch

In another, run:


Your data will be saved in current directory as lcmlog-*.

Process into labeled training data

First we will launch a log player with a slider, and a viewer. The terminal will prompt for a start and end time to trim the log, then save the outputs:


Next, we prepare for object pose fitting, by running ElasticFusion and formatting the output:


Next, launch the object alignment tool and follow the three steps:

  1. Check available object types:
  • In your data directory, open object_data.yaml and review the available objects, and add the objects / meshes that you need.
    • If you need multiple instances of the same object, you will need to create separate copies of the object with unique names (e.g. drill-1, drill-2, ...). For networks that do object detection, ensure that you remove this distinction from your labels / classes.
  1. Align the reconstructed point cloud:

    • Open measurement panel (View -> Measurement Panel), then check Enabled in measurement panel

    • Use shift + click and click two points: first on the surface of the table, then on a point above the table

    • Open Director terminal with F8 and run:

    • Close the run_alignment_tool application (ctrl + c) and rerun.

  2. Segment the pointcloud above the table

    • Same as above, use shift + click and click two points: first on the

    surface of the table, then on a point above the table - Open Director terminal with F8 and run:

    • Close the run_alignment_tool application (ctrl + c) and rerun.
  3. Align each object and crop point clouds.

    • Assign the current object you're aligning, e.g.:

      objectName = "drill"
    • Launch point cloud alignment:


      This launches a new window. Click the same three points in model and on pointcloud. Using shift + click to do this. After you do this the affordance should appear in main window using the transform that was just computed.

      • If the results are inaccurate, you can rerun the above command, or you can double-click on each affordance and move it with an interactive marker: left-click to translate along an axis, right-click to rotate along an axis.
    • When you are done with an object's registration (or just wish to save intermediate poses), run:


After the alignment outputs have been saved, we can create the labeled data:


By default, only RGB images and labels will be saved. If you'd also like to save depth images, use the -d flag:

run_create_data -d

Train SegNet on labeled data

Navigate to /SegNet/MovingCamera/

Copy all the data you want to use (created by run_create_data from different datasets) into ./train

Use a different subdirectory inside /train/ for each log, i.e.:


Then resize all of the training images to a better size for training:


Finally, create the description of image-label pairs needed as SegNet input:


To train SegNet:

cd /
./SegNet/caffe-segnet/build/tools/caffe train -gpu 0 -solver /SegNet/Models/moving_camera_solver.prototxt