- When and why using linked lists vs arrays
- How to build and use linked lists
- Write a function that prints all the elements of a list_t list.
Prototype: size_t print_list(const list_t *h);
Return: the number of nodes
Format: see example
If str
, print [0] (nil)
You are allowed to use printf
Mode: mandatory
File: 0-print_list.c
- Write a function that returns the number of elements in a linked list_t list.
Prototype: size_t list_len(const list_t *h);
Mode: mandatory
File: 1-list_len.c
- Write a function that adds a new node at the beginning of a list_t list.
Prototype: list_t *add_node(list_t **head, const char *str);
Return: the address of the new element, or NULL
if it failed
needs to be duplicated
You are allowed to use strdup
Mode: mandatory
File: 2-add_node.c
- Write a function that adds a new node at the end of a list_t list.
Prototype: list_t *add_node_end(list_t **head, const char *str);
Return: the address of the new element, or NULL
if it failed
needs to be duplicated
You are allowed to use strdup
Mode: mandatory
File: 3-add_node_end.c
- Write a function that frees a list_t list.
Prototype: void free_list(list_t *head);
Mode: mandatory
File: 4-free_list.c
You are allowed to use the printf
Mode: #advanced
File: 100-first.c
- Write a 64-bit program in assembly that prints Hello, Holberton, followed by a new line.
You are only allowed to use the printf
You are not allowed to use interrupts
Your program will be compiled using nasm
and gcc
Mode: #advanced
File: 101-hello_holberton.asm