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0x05. C - Pointers, arrays and strings


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Learning Objectives


  • What are pointers and how to use them
  • What are arrays and how to use them
  • What are the differences between pointers and arrays
  • How to use strings and how to manipulate them
  • Scope of variables


0. 98 Battery st.

  • Write a function that takes a pointer to an int as parameter and updates the value it points to to 98.


Prototype: void reset_to_98(int *n);

Mode: mandatory

File: 0-reset_to_98.c

1. Don't swap horses in crossing a stream

  • Write a function that swaps the values of two integers.


Prototype: void swap_int(int *a, int *b);

Mode: mandatory

File: 1-swap.c

2. This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read

  • Write a function that returns the length of a string.


Prototype: int _strlen(char *s);

Mode: mandatory

File: 2-strlen.c

3. I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them

  • Write a function that prints a string, followed by a new line, to stdout.


Prototype: void _puts(char *str);

Mode: mandatory

File: 3-puts.c

4. I can only go one way. I've not got a reverse gear

  • Write a function that prints a string, in reverse, followed by a new line.


Prototype: void print_rev(char *s);

Mode: mandatory

File: 4-print_rev.c

5. A good engineer thinks in reverse and asks himself about the stylistic consequences of the components and systems he proposes

  • Write a function that reverses a string.


Prototype: void rev_string(char *s);

Mode: mandatory

File: 5-rev_string.c

6. Half the lies they tell about me aren't true

  • Write a function that prints every other character of a string, starting with the first character, followed by a new line.


Prototype: void puts2(char *str);

Mode: mandatory

File: 6-puts2.c

7. Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half

  • Write a function that prints half of a string, followed by a new line.


Prototype: void puts_half(char *str); The function should print the second half of the string If the number of characters is odd, the function should print the last n characters of the string, where n = (length_of_the_string - 1) / 2

Mode: mandatory

File: 7-puts_half.c

8. Arrays are not pointers

  • Write a function that prints n elements of an array of integers, followed by a new line.


Prototype: void print_array(int *a, int n);
where n is the number of elements of the array to be printed Numbers must be separated by comma, followed by a space The numbers should be displayed in the same order as they are stored in the array You are allowed to use printf

Mode: mandatory

File: 8-print_array.c

9. strcpy

  • Write a function that copies the string pointed to by src, including the terminating null byte (\0), to the buffer pointed to by dest.


Prototype: char *_strcpy(char *dest, char *src);

Mode: mandatory

File: 9-strcpy.c

10. Great leaders are willing to sacrifice the numbers to save the people. Poor leaders sacrifice the people to save the numbers

  • Write a function that convert a string to an integer.


Prototype: int _atoi(char *s); The number in the string can be preceded by an infinite number of characters You need to take into account all the - and + signs before the number If there are no numbers in the string, the function must return 0 You are not allowed to use long You are not allowed to declare new variables of “type” array You are not allowed to hard-code special values We will use the -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow gcc flag to compile your code.

Mode: #advanced

File: 100-atoi.c

11. Don't hate the hacker, hate the code

  • Create a program that generates random valid passwords for the program 101-crackme.


You are allowed to use the standard library You don’t have to pass the betty-style tests (you still need to pass the betty-doc tests) man srand, rand, time gdb and objdump can help

Mode: #advanced

File: 101-keygen.c