- Nested while loops
- C - Functions
- Learning to Program in C (Part 06)
- What is the purpose of a function prototype?
- C - Header Files
- What are nested loops and how to use them
- What is a function and how do you use functions
- What is the difference between a declaration and a definition of a function
- What is a prototype
- Scope of variables
- What are the gcc flags -Wall -Werror -pedantic -Wextra -std=gnu89
- What are header files and how to to use them with #include
- Write a function that checks for uppercase character.
Prototype: int _isupper(int c);
Returns 1
if c
is uppercase
Returns 0
Mode: mandatory
File: 0-isupper.c
- Write a function that checks for a digit (0 through 9).
Prototype: int _isdigit(int c);
Returns 1
if c
is a digit
Returns 0
Mode: mandatory
File: 1-isdigit.c
- Write a function that multiplies two integers.
Prototype: int mul(int a, int b);
Mode: mandatory
File: 2-mul.c
- Write a function that prints the numbers, from 0 to 9, followed by a new line.
Prototype: void print_numbers(void);
You can only use _putchar
twice in your code
Mode: mandatory
File: 3-print_numbers.c
- Write a function that prints the numbers, from 0 to 9, followed by a new line.
Prototype: void print_most_numbers(void);
Do not print 2
and 4
You can only use _putchar
twice in your code
Mode: mandatory
File: 4-print_most_numbers.c
- Write a function that prints 10 times the numbers, from 0 to 14, followed by a new line.
Prototype: void more_numbers(void);
You can only use _putchar
three times in your code
Mode: mandatory
File: 5-more_numbers.c
- Write a function that draws a straight line in the terminal.
Prototype: void print_line(int n);
You can only use putchar
function to print
Where n
is the number of times the character should
be printed
The line should end with a
If n
is 0
or less, the function should only
print \n
Mode: mandatory
File: 6-print_line.c
- Write a function that draws a diagonal line on the terminal.
Prototype: void print_diagonal(int n);
You can only use _putchar
function to print
Where n
is the number of times the character </code> should
be printed
The diagonal should end with a
If n
is 0
or less, the function should only print
a \n
Mode: mandatory
File: 7-print_diagonal.c
- Write a function that prints a square, followed by a new line.
Prototype: void print_square(int size);
You can only use _putchar
function to print
Where size
is the size of the square
If size
is 0
or less, the function should print only a
new line
Use the character #
to print the square
Mode: mandatory
File: 8-print_square.c
- The “Fizz-Buzz test” is an interview question designed to help filter out the
99.5% of programming job candidates who can’t seem to program their way out of
a wet paper bag.
Each number or word should be separated by a space
You are allowed to use the standard library
Mode: mandatory
File: 9-fizz_buzz.c
- Write a function that prints a triangle, followed by a new line.
Prototype: void print_triangle(int size);
You can only use _putchar
function to print
Where size
is the size of the triangle
If size
is 0
or less, the function should print only a
new line
Use the character #
to print the triangle
Mode: mandatory
File: 10-print_triangle.c
11. The problem of distinguishing prime numbers from composite numbers and of resolving the latter into their prime factors is known to be one of the most important and useful in arithmetic
- The prime factors of 1231952 are 2, 2, 2, 2, 37 and 2081.
You are allowed to use the standard library
Your program will be compiled with this command: gcc -Wall -pedantic
-Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 100-prime_factor.c -o 100-prime_factor -lm
Mode: #advanced
File: 100-prime_factor.c
- Write a function that prints an integer.
Prototype: void print_number(int n);
You can only use _putchar
function to print
You are not allowed to use long
You are not allowed to use arrays or pointers
You are not allowed to hard-code special values
Mode: #advanced
File: 101-print_number.c