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Provision Humio on Amazon Webservices EC2


Getting started

Make sure you have your AWS access keys, default region and the name of your key pair configured, i.e.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AK123"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="abc123"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="<aws region>"
export TF_VAR_aws_key_name="<aws key pair name>"

Initialise the workspace

terraform init

With that, Terraform is ready to spin up a new environment

terraform apply

In this demo we will configure the following parts

  • VPC with an Internet Gateway
  • A primary and secondary subnets
  • Security groups
    • main, for providing SSH access everywhere
    • zookeepers, kafkas, humios, for internal communications and Ansible grouping
    • ui-public, ingest-public for UI and Ingest load balancers
  • Application Load Balancers
    • ui, exposes port 80 round-robin load balancing with stickyness
    • ingest, exposes port 80 and 9200 round-robin load balancing
  • Target groups
  • Instances
    • 3 primary nodes with Zookeeper, Kafka and Humio
    • (optional) 5 secondary nodes with Kafka and Humio

Provisioning Humio

First, make sure you have the required Ansible Galaxy roles installed and Boto3.

ansible-galaxy install --role-file=requirements.yml
pip install boto3 --user

Finally, the cluster can be provisioned with the site.yml playbook

ansible-playbook site.yml

Once the cluster is up and running, the Humio web interface should be on the ui load balancer. Bear in mind it can take up to 2 minutes before the nodes are deemed healthy by the Target Group

open $(terraform output "humio_ui")

Selecting Operating System

The operating system can be controlled with the aws_ami_filter Terraform variable, which will select an image on the AWS AMI name.

RedHat Enterprise Linux

export TF_VAR_aws_ami_filter="RHEL-7.5_HVM_GA-*-x86_64-1-Hourly2-GP2"
terraform apply
ansible-playbook -u ec2-user site.yml

CentOS Linux

Bear in mind that for this particular AMI, you'll need to Accept Terms and Conditions

export TF_VAR_aws_ami_filter="CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS ENA 1805_01*"
terraform apply
# open the url printed in output and accept the T&Cs if you haven't already
terraform apply
ansible-playbook -u centos site.yml