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Releases: hubmapconsortium/ccf-ui


15 Jul 18:24
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2.0.0 - 2021-07-16

Added in EUI / RUI 2.0.0

  • RUI and EUI are now basic web-components
  • Added advanced google analytics tracking/telemetry
  • Linked donor card and tissue block hovering
  • Updated dependencies, including upgrading to Angular 12
  • Minor UI and Bug fixes
  • Updated demo video links
  • Organ carousel will respond to container width and show only full icons
  • EUI: clicking refresh and selecting body on partonomy resets the body view

Breaking changes in EUI / RUI 2.0.0

  • Embedding the EUI and RUI must now be done via web-components. The most significant change is the element is no longer called ccf-root but is instead called ccf-eui or ccf-rui depending on the UI being embedded.


24 May 20:26
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  • Fixes Ingest Portal integration


21 May 19:08
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1.7.0 - 2021-05-21

Added in EUI / RUI 1.7.0

  • Added a startup modal to the RUI which simplifies the initial setup for a new registration
  • Added 8 new reference organs, bringing us to 13 Reference Organs!
  • Added SPARC Registrations to the EUI
  • Added a tissue section visualization to the results list in the EUI


08 May 01:40
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Bug fixes and minor UI improvements


23 Apr 18:10
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Bug fixes and minor UI improvements


09 Apr 20:18
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1.6.0 - 2021-04-09

Added in RUI 1.6.0

  • Added SOP information to the About section

Added in EUI 1.6.0

  • Added color assignment/selection to both 3d scene and list results
  • Bug fixes, code cleanup, and optimization

Known issues in 1.6.0

  • The 3d scene is a little slow. To be able to interact, unselect reference organs to reduce scene complexity.
  • Tissue samples may be a little off in the 3D scene. This will be fixed in a future release. Data is still accurate.


26 Mar 20:56
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Trimmed files for CDN


26 Mar 20:52
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1.5.0 - 2021-03-26

Added in RUI 1.5.0

  • Minor styling updates

Added in EUI 1.5.0

NOTE: EUI will not be pushed to production during this cycle as there are some features not fully integrated. This should be resolved in the next release scheduled for April 9th. You can view the results of this sprint on staging.

  • Updated styling to better fit the user interface spec
  • Added a new results pane which structures data into Donor->Tissue Blocks (+Datasets)->Tissue Samples (+Datasets)
  • Added a link viewer that allows us to display donors, samples, and datasets in a frame within the application
  • Added UFL thumbnails
  • Updated and optimized the ccf-database for the new results structure and future integrations
  • Tied organ carousel to the 3D scene. Turning off an organ removes the organ and related tissues from the 3D scene.
  • Turned off anatomical structure opacity adjustment until it can be fully integrated


12 Mar 20:28
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1.4.0 - 2021-03-12

Added in RUI 1.4.0

  • Updated library dependencies, including to Angular 11
  • Updated styling to better fit the user interface spec

Added in EUI 1.4.0

NOTE: EUI will not be pushed to production during this cycle as there are some features partly integrated. This will be resolved in the next release scheduled for March 26th. You can view the results of this sprint on staging.

  • Updated library dependencies, including to Angular 11
  • Updated styling to better fit the user interface spec and match RUI styling
  • Updated the Info Dialog to match the RUI look and feel
  • Updated the data processing to improve efficiency and generate data in the form needed for the v1.5.0 spec
  • Added a reference organ selector, also used in the RUI, to turn off/on reference organs on the stage. UI is implemented, but still needs hooked up to the 3d Stage.
  • Added a technology filter
  • Added a control to set Opacities of individual organs/anatomical structures on the stage. UI is implemented, but still needs hooked up to the 3d Stage.


26 Feb 21:25
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1.3.5 - 2021-02-26

Added in RUI 1.3.5

  • Updated with a new round of User Interface improvements
  • Added the ability to upload previous registrations created using the standalone version of the RUI tool
  • Organs now have transparency applied automatically
  • Solved a major memory leak and performance issue with the 3D reference organ interface. You should notice a sizable speed and reliability increase.
  • RUI location numeric data is now rounded to 3 digits
  • Switched to using GitHub Actions over TravisCI for our CI/CD workflows

Added in EUI 1.3.5

  • Removed CCF's internal image-viewer in favor of the image-viewer on the HuBMAP Data Portal