diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/StreamKM.scala b/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/StreamKM.scala
index 59e475e9..7ac0f5dc 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/StreamKM.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/StreamKM.scala
@@ -25,96 +25,96 @@ import com.github.javacliparser._
import org.apache.spark.streamdm.core.specification.ExampleSpecification
- * Implements the StreamKM++ algorithm for data streams. StreamKM++ computes a
- * small (weighted) sample of the stream by using coresets, and then uses
- * it as an input to a k-means++ algorithm. It uses a data structure called
- * BucketManager to handle the coresets.
- *
- *
It uses the following options:
- *
- * - Number of microclusters (-m)
- *
- Initial buffer size (-b)
- *
- Size of coresets (-s)
- *
- Learning window (-w) *
- */
+ * Implements the StreamKM++ algorithm for data streams. StreamKM++ computes a
+ * small (weighted) sample of the stream by using coresets, and then uses
+ * it as an input to a k-means++ algorithm. It uses a data structure called
+ * BucketManager to handle the coresets.
+ *
+ * It uses the following options:
+ *
+ * - Number of microclusters (-m)
+ *
- Initial buffer size (-b)
+ *
- Size of coresets (-s)
+ *
- Learning window (-w) *
+ */
class StreamKM extends Clusterer {
- type T = BucketManager
+ type T = BucketManager
var bucketmanager: BucketManager = null
var numInstances: Long = 0
- var initialBuffer: Array[Example] = Array[Example]()
+ var clusters: Array[Example] = null
val kOption: IntOption = new IntOption("numClusters", 'k',
"Number of clusters for output", 10, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
val repOption: IntOption = new IntOption("kMeansIters", 'i',
"Number of k-means iterations", 1000, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
val sizeCoresetOption: IntOption = new IntOption("sizeCoreset", 's',
"Size of coreset", 10000, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
val widthOption: IntOption = new IntOption("width",
- 'w', "Size of window for training learner.", 100000, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ 'w', "Size of window for training learner.", 100000, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
var exampleLearnerSpecification: ExampleSpecification = null
- /**
- * Init the StreamKM++ algorithm.
- */
+ /**
+ * Init the StreamKM++ algorithm.
+ */
def init(exampleSpecification: ExampleSpecification) : Unit = {
exampleLearnerSpecification = exampleSpecification
bucketmanager = new BucketManager(widthOption.getValue, sizeCoresetOption.getValue)
- /**
- * Maintain the BucketManager for coreset extraction, given an input DStream of Example.
- * @param input a stream of instances
- */
- def train(input: DStream[Example]): Unit = {
- input.foreachRDD(rdd => {
- rdd.foreach(ex => {
- bucketmanager = bucketmanager.update(ex)
- numInstances += 1
- })
- })
- }
+ def train(input: DStream[Example]): Unit = {}
- * Gets the current Model used for the Learner.
- * @return the Model object used for training
- */
+ * Gets the current Model used for the Learner.
+ * @return the Model object used for training
+ */
def getModel: BucketManager = bucketmanager
- /**
- * Get the currently computed clusters
- * @return an Array of Examples representing the clusters
- */
+ /**
+ * Get the currently computed clusters
+ * @return an Array of Examples representing the clusters
+ */
def getClusters: Array[Example] = {
if(numInstances <= sizeCoresetOption.getValue) {
- }
+ }
else {
- val streamingCoreset = bucketmanager.getCoreset
- KMeans.cluster(streamingCoreset, kOption.getValue, repOption.getValue)
+ val streamingCoreset = bucketmanager.getCoreset
+ KMeans.cluster(streamingCoreset, kOption.getValue, repOption.getValue)
- * Assigns examples to clusters, given the current Clusters data structure.
- * @param input the DStream of Examples to be assigned a cluster
- * @return a DStream of tuples containing the original Example and the
- * assigned cluster.
- */
+ * Maintain the BucketManager for coreset extraction, given an input DStream of Example.
+ * @param input a stream of instances
+ * @return a DStream of tuples containing the original Example and the
+ * assigned cluster.
+ */
def assign(input: DStream[Example]): DStream[(Example,Double)] = {
- input.map(x => {
- val assignedCl = getClusters.foldLeft((0,Double.MaxValue,0))(
- (cl,centr) => {
- val dist = centr.in.distanceTo(x.in)
- if(dist {
+ numInstances += 1
+ bucketmanager = bucketmanager.update(ex)
+ if(numInstances <= sizeCoresetOption.getValue){
+ clusters = KMeans.cluster(bucketmanager.buckets(0).points.toArray,kOption.getValue,repOption.getValue)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val streamingCoreset = bucketmanager.getCoreset
+ clusters = KMeans.cluster(streamingCoreset,kOption.getValue,repOption.getValue)
+ }
+ val assignedCl = clusters.foldLeft((0, Double.MaxValue, 0))(
+ (cl, centr) => {
+ val dist = centr.in.distanceTo(ex.in)
+ if (dist < cl._2) ((cl._3, dist, cl._3 + 1))
+ else ((cl._1, cl._2, cl._3 + 1))
- (x,assignedCl)
+ (ex,assignedCl)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/BucketManager.scala b/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/BucketManager.scala
index e9f4f5a9..d3140664 100755
--- a/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/BucketManager.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/BucketManager.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package org.apache.spark.streamdm.clusterers.clusters
import org.apache.spark.streamdm.core._
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
-import scala.util.control.Breaks._
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ import scala.util.control.Breaks._
class BucketManager(val n : Int, val maxsize : Int) extends Clusters {
type T = BucketManager
* Inner class Bucket for new instance management, this class has two buffers for
* recursively computing the coresets.
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ class BucketManager(val n : Int, val maxsize : Int) extends Clusters {
// Check if there is enough space in the first bucket
var curbucket : Int = 0
- var nextbucket : Int =1
+ var nextbucket : Int = 1
// Check if the next bucket is empty
if(!buckets(nextbucket).isFull) {
// Copy curbucket points to nextbucket points
@@ -122,25 +120,29 @@ class BucketManager(val n : Int, val maxsize : Int) extends Clusters {
* @return the coreset for the examples entered into the buckets.
def getCoreset: Array[Example] = {
- if(buckets(L-1).isFull) {
- buckets(L-1).points.toArray
- }else {
+ var isFound: Boolean = false
+ if (buckets(L - 1).isFull) {
+ buckets(L - 1).points.toArray
+ } else {
var i = 0
var coreset = Array[Example]()
- for(i <- 0 until L) {
- if(buckets(i).isFull) {
+ for (i <- 0 until L) {
+ if (buckets(i).isFull && isFound == false) {
coreset = buckets(i).points.toArray
- break
+ isFound=true
- val start = i+1
- for(j <- start until L) {
+ val start = i + 1
+ for (j <- start until L) {
val examples = buckets(j).points.toArray ++ coreset
val tree = new TreeCoreset
coreset = tree.retrieveCoreset(tree.buildCoresetTree(examples, maxsize),
- new Array[Example](0))
+ new Array[Example](0))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/TreeCoreset.scala b/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/TreeCoreset.scala
index c0a3208c..426cf709 100755
--- a/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/TreeCoreset.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streamdm/clusterers/clusters/TreeCoreset.scala
@@ -82,17 +82,16 @@ class TreeCoreset {
* Select a new centre from the leaf node for splitting.
* @return the new centre
- def chooseCentre() : Example = {
+ def chooseCentre() : Example = {
val funcost = this.weightedLeaf().cost
val points = elem.points
var sum = 0.0
- for(point <- points) {
- sum += costOfPoint(point)/funcost
- if(sum >= Random.nextDouble)
- return point
- }
- elem.centre
+ for (point <- points) {
+ sum += costOfPoint(point) / funcost
+ if (sum >= Random.nextDouble)
+ return point
+ }
+ elem.centre
@@ -119,34 +118,49 @@ class TreeCoreset {
* @param leaf coreset tree leaf for spliting
* @return a coreset tree node with two leaves
- private def splitCoresetTreeLeaf(leaf : CoresetTreeLeaf) : CoresetTreeNode = {
- // Select a example from the points associated with the leaf as a new centre
- // for one of the new leaf
+ private def splitCoresetTreeLeaf(leaf : CoresetTreeLeaf) : CoresetTreeNode = {
+ // Select a example from the points associated with the leaf as a new centre
+ // for one of the new leaf
val newcentre = leaf.chooseCentre
// The original centre as the other leaf centre
val oldcentre = leaf.elem.centre
// The points associated with the orignial leaf, the points will be assigned the new leaves
val points = leaf.elem.points
// Assign points to leftpoints and rightpoints
var leftpoints = new Array[Example](0)
var rightpoints = new Array[Example](0)
- for(point <- points) {
- if(squaredDistance(point, newcentre) < squaredDistance(point, oldcentre))
+ for (point <- points) {
+ if (squaredDistance(point, newcentre) < squaredDistance(point, oldcentre))
leftpoints = leftpoints :+ point
rightpoints = rightpoints :+ point
- // Create new leaves
+ //prevent assigning all points to one child
+ //resplit points to leftpoints and rightpoints
+ if((leftpoints.length == 0 || rightpoints.length==0 ) && points.length>1){
+ val newcentre = leaf.chooseCentre
+ var leftpoints = new Array[Example](0)
+ var rightpoints = new Array[Example](0)
+ for (point <- points) {
+ if (squaredDistance(point, newcentre) < squaredDistance(point, oldcentre))
+ leftpoints = leftpoints :+ point
+ else
+ rightpoints = rightpoints :+ point
+ }
+ }
+ // Create new leaves
val leftElem = new CoresetTreeElem(leftpoints.length, leftpoints, newcentre)
val leftleaf = CoresetTreeLeaf(leftElem, 0.0).weightedLeaf
val rightElem = new CoresetTreeElem(rightpoints.length, rightpoints, oldcentre)
val rightleaf = CoresetTreeLeaf(rightElem, 0.0).weightedLeaf
// Return a coreset tree node with two leaves
- new CoresetTreeNode(leaf.elem, leftleaf, rightleaf, leftleaf.cost+rightleaf.cost)
+ new CoresetTreeNode(leaf.elem, leftleaf, rightleaf, leftleaf.cost + rightleaf.cost)
@@ -159,15 +173,39 @@ class TreeCoreset {
splitCoresetTreeLeaf(CoresetTreeLeaf(e, c))
case CoresetTreeNode(e, l, r, c) => {
- if (Random.nextDouble > 0.5) {
- val lchild = splitCoresetTree(l)
- val newcost = lchild.cost + r.cost
- CoresetTreeNode(e, lchild, r, newcost)
+ if(l.cost == 0 && r.cost == 0) {
+ if (l.elem.n == 0) {
+ val rchild = splitCoresetTree(r)
+ val newcost = l.cost + rchild.cost
+ CoresetTreeNode(e, l, rchild, newcost)
+ }
+ if (r.elem.n == 0) {
+ val lchild = splitCoresetTree(l)
+ val newcost = lchild.cost + r.cost
+ CoresetTreeNode(e, lchild, r, newcost)
+ }
+ else if (Random.nextDouble > 0.5) {
+ val lchild = splitCoresetTree(l)
+ val newcost = lchild.cost + r.cost
+ CoresetTreeNode(e, lchild, r, newcost)
+ }
+ else {
+ val rchild = splitCoresetTree(r)
+ val newcost = l.cost + rchild.cost
+ CoresetTreeNode(e, l, rchild, newcost)
+ }
- else {
- val rchild = splitCoresetTree(r)
- val newcost = l.cost + rchild.cost
- CoresetTreeNode(e, l, rchild, newcost)
+ else
+ {
+ if(Random.nextDouble < l.cost/root.cost){
+ val lchild = splitCoresetTree(l)
+ val newcost = lchild.cost + r.cost
+ CoresetTreeNode(e, lchild, r, newcost)
+ } else {
+ val rchild = splitCoresetTree(r)
+ val newcost = l.cost + rchild.cost
+ CoresetTreeNode(e, l, rchild, newcost)
+ }