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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started

First, let's install Deployer. Run the following commands in the terminal:

curl -LO
mv deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep

Now you can use Deployer via the dep command. Open up a terminal in your project directory and run:

dep init

This command will create the deploy.php file in the current directory. It is called a recipe and contains configuration and tasks for deployment. By default all recipes extend the common recipe. Place your deploy.php file in root of your project and type dep or dep list command. You will see a list of all available tasks.

You can call dep command in any subdirectory of your project.

Defining your task is really simple:

task('test', function () {
    writeln('Hello world');

To run that task, run:

dep test

The output will be:

➤ Executing task test
Hello world
✔ Ok

Now let's create a task which will run commands on a remote host. For that we must configure deployer. Your newly created deploy.php file should contain a host declaration like this:

    ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/');

Also it's possible to declare hosts in a separate yaml file. Find out more about the inventory.

You can find out more about host configurations here. Now let's define a task which will output a pwd command from the remote host:

task('pwd', function () {
    $result = run('pwd');
    writeln("Current dir: $result");

Run dep pwd, and you will get this:

➤ Executing task pwd
Current dir: /var/www/
✔ Ok

Now let's prepare for our first deploy. You need to configure parameters such as repository, shared_files, and others:

set('repository', '[email protected]:username/repository.git');
set('shared_files', [...]);

You can return the parameter values in each task using the get function. Also you can override each configuration for each host:

    ->set('shared_files', [...]);

Read more about configuring deploy.

Now let's deploy our application:

dep deploy

To include extra details in the output, you can increase verbosity with the --verbose option:

  • -v for normal output,
  • -vv for more verbose output,
  • -vvv for debug.

Deployer will create the following directories on the host:

  • releases contains releases dirs,
  • shared contains shared files and dirs,
  • current symlink to current release.

Configure your hosts to serve your public directory from current.

Note that deployer uses ACL by default for setting up permissions. You can change this behavior with writable_mode config.

By default deployer keeps the last 5 releases, but you can increase this number by modifying the associated parameter:

set('keep_releases', 10);

If there is an error in the deployment process, or something is wrong with your new release, simply run the following command to rollback to the previous working release:

dep rollback

You may want to run some task before/after other tasks. Configuring that is really simple!

Let's reload php-fpm after deploy finishes:

task('reload:php-fpm', function () {
    run('sudo /usr/sbin/service php7-fpm reload');

after('deploy', 'reload:php-fpm');

If you need to connect to the host, Deployer has a shortcut for faster access:

dep ssh

This command will connect to selected hosts and cd to current_path.

Read more about configuring deploy.