This repo is multi-tenanted To enable teams to be self service they are allowed to merge changes related to their own applications
The rules are simple:
- only staging and prod are protected
- Prod requires a review from the @hmcts/production-apps-approvals team
- Staging requires a review from @hmcts/platform-operations
- only file name entries may be added to CODEOWNERS, no directories as that bypasses the review for new applications
- be sensible, every change is tracked through git, don't repurpose files, create a new one for new applications
To add a new application, create an application namespace under apps and create application specific folders or create application specific folders in an existing namespace.
Ensure apps/<namespace>
is added to CODEOWNERS
Raise a pull request adding the application to the kustomization for the cluster by appending to the kustomization file e.g. clusters/dev/base/kustomization.yaml
- ../../../apps/mailrelay2/base/kustomize.yaml
If you're adding the application to staging or prod then then add a line referring to it in CODEOWNERS, i.e.
apps/mi/ @hmcts/mi