EUI-3638 ExUI - Activity Tracker not shown on UI as expected by business EUI-2925 Review implementation of Activity tracker in MC Demo Int env
EUI-3770 Hotfix for previous pages not populating default field values.
EUI-3797 Hotfix for missing content in the Payment History tab.
EUI-3708 Fix for case submission regression. EUI-3728 Fix for labels showing on tabs that should be hidden.
EUI-3674 Add organisation policy MANDATORY validator check
EUI-3587 Fix "Print URL" pipe for rewriting remote Print Service URLs to a "local" version for the front-end
EUI-3452 Fix to some issues on the Check your answers page.
EUI-3548 WA integration
EUI-3577 Fixing DynamicList regression bugs
EUI-3267 Reintroducing the grey bars for fields shown by other fields
EUI-2667 Fix to date field rendering within collections
EUI-3594 Incorporating Version 2.73.0-hotfix-error-message-display from hotfix branch
EUI-3506 Non-Descriptive Headings (AA) - issue 04
EUI-3410 ngModel deprecation
EUI-2667 Fix to date field rendering within collections
EUI-3594 Fix issue with error message specifics not being displayed
EUI-3222 Loading spinner
EUI-3494 Fixed the missing case ID on case creation. EUI-3495 Fixed an issue where the user was return to Case list following case creation.
EUI-3490 Fixed an issue with the Case list filter where "Any" state is selected.
EUI-3464 Fix Document field uploads by removing setting of null HTTP "Accept" and "Content-Type" headers
Fix EUI-3452 - fix for show/hide conditions on Check Your Answers page.
EUI-3045 Handle null values appropriately.
EUI-3045 performance enhancements and 3045 work
Fix EUI-3403 - fixed a subsequent issue with empty documents being sent.
EUI-3229 Task event completion - part 2
Fix EUI-3403 - fix for optional top-level documents incorrectly showing.
Fix EUI-3398 - don't submit labels with empty string values
Fix EUI-3381 - fix for missing alert banner.
Fix EUI-3375 - more tweaks to collections on data submission
Release candidate for conditional show performance.
Fixes for case filtering.
Fix breaking changes of Alert Service
EUI-2243 Fix upload replacement document issue
EUI-2030 Change selected table row background colour to improve accessibility (AA)
EUI-3366 - CYA hide hidden fields EUI-3284 - Form submission must include data in complex field values EUI-3359 - Full stop in field names broke show hide
Don't submit labels if they are blank
EUI-2830 Dynamic list fixes
We do need to submit labels
EUI-3331 Problem with event_data submission
EUI-3270 Improve performance of event forms. Work around for case when profile data is not available. Merge master to simplify final branch merge
EUI-3168 fix regression issues and further improve performance
EUI-3151 dynamic lists and nested complex in collection fixes
EUI-3151 form validation and label fixes
EUI-3151 Changes to make validation work properly and fix all the tests
EUI-3151 Fix more problems caused by components not being registered. Fix problem with [hidden] not working inside inline template
EUI-3151 Fix problems caused by components not being registered
EUI-3151 Additional changes to fix probate regression during case creation
EUI-3151 Fix probate regression during case creation
EUI-3055 Fix regression in address field and tests
EUI-3055 Better performance in edit forms through new show hide implementation
Feature Toggle Work Allocation Hot Fix
EUI-2986 Task Event completion
EUI-2333 IE textbox expand issue
EUI-2350 Dynamic Lists in Complex Types
EUI-2989 GDS styles Checkbox: keyboard tab and spacebar not effective on Safari and Firefox EUI-2987 reset button not working on x-ui
EUI-3041 Use Tab names but use replaceAll
EUI-3041 Use Tab name instead of Index
EUI-2020 Accessibility amends for tabs and page load
EUI-2955 Improve performance time when loading by lazy loading
EUI-2741 Improve performance time when loading a case with large hearing and judgement collections
EUI-2981 bug/EUI-2981-cannot-open-media-viewer-2
EUI bumping up
EUI bumping up
Version 2.65.2-hidden-fields-revert
EUI Undoing retain hidden fields functionality
EUI Undoing retain hidden fields revert
EUI Catching up with releases
EUI-1370 UI When using case role collection of complex types doesn't seem to work
- correct and cherry-pick the right commits
Version 2.64.49-retain-hidden-value-complex-and-collection-types-fix
EUI-2739 Fix "retain hidden fields" functionality for all field types, including Complex and Collection types
- determine whether a case sharable by supplementary_data
- variant base on 2.64.41-reinstate-EUI-2575
- add hot fix for case share for retaining case role
EUI-2740 Fix bug for the caselist check
EUI-2681 Fix bug for the caselist check
Version 2.64.44-retain-hidden-value-fix-for-complex-types
EUI-2681 Fix bug with check for complex field types
Version 2.64.43-retain-hidden-value-fix-for-complex-types
EUI-2681 Fix: Do not set a field control's value to null
if it corresponds to a complex CaseField
Version 2.64.42-retain-hidden-value-support
EUI-1783 Delete hidden field value except if retain_hidden_value
flag is true
EUI-2657 - Reinstate EUI-2575 (use_case
query param), in line with the reversion in CCD Demo environment being undone
EUI-2590 - unassinged-cases list date format
EUI-2649 - EUI-2649-case-detail-is-broken
EUI-2649 - Revert EUI-2575 (which changed usecase
query param to use_case
), due to reversion in CCD Demo environment
EUI-2087 - Search organisation support full UK address fields
EUI-2344 - Hide generic callback error message when there is a custom configured message provided by a Service
EUI-2086 - Search organisation EUI-2087 - Select organisation EUI-2089 - Save organisation
EUI-1844 - Changed UTC to Local date view in event log
EUI-2575 - Update query param in Internal Search API URL from usecase
to use_case
(see RDM-8932)
EUI-2086 - unhappy path
EUI-2370 - added case jurisdiction to media viewer controller
EUI-2229 - cacheable organisation Service
EUI-2103 - case selection
EUI-2168 - reset selected cases on model change
EUI-2370 - fixing previous release
EUI-2370 - passed case id into media viewer
EUI-2532 - removed org-policy dependency when sharing a case
EUI-2500 - type.type instead of
EUI-1731 - Fix for sort behaviour - passing type
EUI-2186 - Disabled case share selection if no organisation policy
EUI-1731 - Sort Behaviour in Manage Cases - Task 3
EUI-2115 - CaseListComponent - Dependency updates to fix security vulnerabilities
EUI-2115 - CaseListComponent
EUI-2115 - CaseListComponent
EUI-2115 - CaseListComponent
EUI-1753 - Elastic Search Endpoint
EUI-2185 - Reset case selection link shows for other jurisdictions eg: Probate. Fixed.
EUI-1938 - Only available to professional users - Case list selection - MC EUI-2101 - Share case styling issue
EUI-1940 - Case list selection for sharing a case
EUI-1610 - Importing rx-polling from npmjs rather than github
EUI-1610 - Changed import strategy for rx-polling EUI-1476 - Continued activity logging when browser inactive
*RDM-6719 Add Banner Feature to CCD UI 2.64.0-prerelease
release from master branch
RDM-6635 - Bulk scanning transaction page integration into CCD web component
*RDM-6887 Remove duplicate display context from data store endpoint
RDM-6061 - JS error when a non-available case field is used in showCondition
RDM-6716 default '--select a value--' bug fix for fixed list
*RDM-6555 Address Current known security vulnerabilities in rpx-xui-test
RDM-5007 CaseField must be READONLY if user has no UPDATE rights
RDM-5303 Document file name disappears when you come back to the page from a previous page RDM-6135 Collection item is hidden when navigating back from Previous page
RDM-4324 DisplayOrder required for ComplexType elements
RDM-4837 - Field interpolation syntax is displayed if the source field is NULL
RDM-4335 - Implement and consume external POST Create Case endpoint in API v2
RDM-5883 - Implement and consume external GET Printable Documents endpoint in API v2
RDM-6084 - Unable to open case in new tab from filter/search results pages
RDM-5296 Table Collection View - Case Link is not displayed as a link RDM-5293 Table Collection View - Data from the first complex type is repeated for all collection items
RDM-6350 - Fix for AboutToStart callback not showing errors correctly in UI
RDM-6055 [Immigration and Asylum]- PDF file format is not supported by MV
RDM-5928 [RC15.01] Show/Hide field within a Complextype field having value is not displayed
RDM-5196 change the way search result component handles routing to case details(#406) RDM-4617 emitter for case view and draft store **RDM-5310 ** ComplexElementsOnEvent: Proceed button does not render correctly when a Collection in a Complex is referenced **RDM-4073 ** UI refactoring: introduce utility methods on CaseField isCollection and isCollectionOfComplex RDM-4135 Integrate Media Viewer RDM-5582 Upgrade MV to new version (Annotations support)
Revert 5398 - Document in collections
REVERT | RDM-5310 Fix for ComplexElementsOnEvent when used with CRUD on Complex Type
RDM-5072 remove some bad code introduced in WriteAddressFieldComponent
RDM-5398 Allow file upload document type whitelist
RDM-4544 Allow file upload document type whitelist
RDM-5310 Fix for ComplexElementsOnEvent when used with CRUD on Complex Type
CLEAN RELEASE OF v2.58.13 Pay Component Upgrade
RDM-4068 CRUD permissions on elements within complex types
RDM-5604 Object instantiation with curly braces breaks read-label-field component
RDM-4073 Ui refactoring: Introduce utility methods on CaseField isCollection and isCollectionOfComplex
RDM-5318 Changes to make Workbasket tolerant of missing defaults
RDM-5313 Inline mandatory validation error to be displayed for document upload field
RDM-4692 ccd-write-address-field id fix
RDM-5053 Dynamic list: Page Show condition fix
RDM-5031 redirect to case-list when user do not have access to the case after an event
RDM-4673 Show/Hide condition handling on New Collection View UI change
RDM-4121 Console error when trying to Remove a collection item that has complex field with a collection item RDM-3480 Document links getting lost in Mandatory field on Complex Type
RDM-5044 Fix for Field interpolation is broken on workbasket results
RDM-4279 Fix for DAC Focus Order
RDM-5168 Sumbitted Callback fix
RDM-4266 DAC - List mark-up RDM-4274 DAC - Non-Descriptive form fields RDM-4282 DAC - no postcode link P1 - Colour contrast
RDM-4525 Remove unused id on write fixed list field template as breaking external tests.
RDM-4890 Integrate New Postcode Lookup into CCD RDM-3782 Previous Case Reference data is displayed until new data is loaded RDM-4906 Payment web-component v1.8.6 integration in CCD
RDM-4525 Ordering of fixed lists
RDM-2987 Markdown supporting Iterating collection items when accessing Complex elements
RDM-4512 Remove console warning message
RDM-4264 DAC - Duplicate postcode input IDs
RDM-4781 RDM-4781-Data not being shown on multi-select list
RDM-4336 RDM-4336 New external V2 Create Event endpoint
RDM-4537 Case List Filters extraction and new contract
RDM-2804 OR and Not Equals support for Show and Hide
**RDM-4927** | Fixed list not populating values for collection fields, Unit test fixes
**RDM-3201** Dynamic Fixed Lists (Using service callbacks)
RDM-4687 Continue button is not enabled for a mandatory collection field that includes show/hide conditions inside complex fields
RDM-4622 Page Show Conditions not working as expected in CaseEventToFields
RDM-4537 Case List Filters extraction and new contract
RDM-876 Hide print button when not configured
RDM-4537 Case List Filters extraction and new contract
RDM-4575 search filters definition service
RDM-4574 Create Case Filters componant retrieve jurisdiction internally
RDM-3496 Case View of Nested Complex Types - Collection of complex types within complex types
RDM-3460 Complex element only as list screen input
RDM-4386 Make print, event selector and history tab optional but present by default RDM-4130 Extract Results List Component to toolkit
RDM-3940 Add Hide and Show support to new ComplexTypeToEvent mapping
RDM-3325/4591 - Text field whitespaces fix
RDM-3897 - Add optional property casereference to the CaseEventData object
RDM-4184 - Remove Fixed History Tab
RDM-3525-Bug-Fix - Disable previous button and cancel link on click on submit
RDM-3325-Firefox-Bug-Fix - Mandatory Text field breaks the UI on Firefox RDM-4521 - Confirmation green bar not displayed
RDM-3325 - CCD does not apply validation rules to text fields containing only whitespace characters
RDM-4190 - Case Timeline integrated with Demo app
RDM-2348 - Grey bar for on same page hide and show of fields
RDM-4177 - Event Selector fix
RDM-4177 - New Event Selector contract
RDM-4187 - Add new Case Timeline Component
RDM-3699 - Font size inconsistencies throughout CCD
RDM-4233 - demo case progression fix RDM-4109 - flexible case history tab component
RDM-3471 - As a user I am able to view collections in table (columns) without accordions RDM-3472 - As a user I can expand/collapse collection table rows - case details RDM-3473 - As a user viewing collection table on case details I can sort
RDM-3972 - Case list and seach in CCD does not show the case reference number with hyphen RDM-3936 - Update Court staff footer to provide seperate info for each service
RDM-RDM-4009 - New Search API V2 endpoint
RDM-3916 - Move create case filters to toolkit and implement new contract
RDM-3430 - Run polling outside angular zone
RDM-4109 - Management web consuming the new case history base type
RDM-2986 - New ComplexType to Events mapping
RDM-3915 - Extract Case Create filters component as is
RDM-3820 - New contract - extract Case Search Form component
RDM-2963 changed initialisation values to null
RDM-3821 - Extract Case Search Form to ui-toolkit as is
Test Fixes - Upgrade to Chrome Headless
RDM-3675 - fix to image sourcing
RDM-3695/RDM-3752 - CRUD contract on Collection Items FE Changes Beta-v3
RDM-3695/RDM-3752 - CRUD contract on Collection Items FE Changes Beta-v2
RDM-3695/RDM-3752 - CRUD contract on Collection Items FE Changes Beta
RDM-3799 - New case view contract. RDM-3545 - Case Linking - Error text missing when value input into field of type CaseLink fails validation on event
RDM-3849 - Fixed hide show not enabled
RDM-3675 - Extraction of Case View into toolkit
RDM-3584 - Previous page data to be sent on Midevent callback
RDM-2806 - Markdown in CYA displays the actual Markdown (used for Section headings) RDM-3401, RDM-3403, RDM-3404, RDM-3409, RDM-3410 - Accessibility fixes
RDM-3628 - revert for CRUD contract on Collection Items - Standard API
RDM-3628 - Add null check for CaseLinks
RDM-2455 - CRUD contract on Collection Items - Standard API
RDM-3594 - Fix failed regex (callback) validation not being displayed in the Error Box
RDM-3651 - Update Check Your Answer wording
RDM-3574 - UI Toolkit: Use Post/Put/Get/Delete Draft endpoint in API v2
RDM-3501 - UI Toolkit: Use Get Profile API v2
RDM-2323 - Support field concatenation in List / results views
RDM-3502 - UI Toolkit: Use Validate API v2
RDM-3512 - Implement internal Get Trigger for Draft endpoint in API v2
RDM-3418 - BUG FIX - Validation errors prevents navigation
RDM-3256 - Save and Resume content changes
Revert-RDM-3284 - Revert RDM-3284 until Backend changes are completely implemented
RDM-2974 - Implement the <BR>
style for Markdown linebreaks
RDM-3284 - CRUD contract on Collection for Add new item
RDM-3484 - Start consuming new start event internal API endpoint (mgmt web and demo app).
RDM-2009 - ComplexType element (non-collection) in Labels (with markdown) & show/hide RDM-3391 - Radio option should be selected when clicked on the label text
RDM-3463 - Update dependency on compodoc to Version 1.1.7, to eliminate vulnerability introduced by compromised version (> 3.3.4) of event-stream package.
RDM-3427 - Start consuming new start case internal API endpoint (mgmt web and demo).
RDM-2803 - Hide & Show to support multiple ANDs and CONTAINS. RDM-1893 - As a user I am able to see fixed list as a radio buttoned list - New Type 'RadioButtonList'
RDM-3238 - Support for case linking.
RDM-3230 - Small patch to export profile service.
RDM-3000 - Support for Midevent Callback (Display of Errors and Warning messages)
RDM-3230 - Up version of angular to fix Router bug angular/angular#26496
RDM-3230 - Relax versions for yarn and npm in engine section.
RDM-3230 - Heroku publish script and simplifying deployment process. Fixing builds steps and removing postinstall which now is heroku-postbuild and does not affect pipeline or other teams now.
RDM-3230 - Demo app published to Heroku. New library directory structure. Reorganising the code. Refactor old rxjs 5 syntax to 6. Fixes to the lib around how event trigger is being loaded and how router handles loading non existent pages.
RDM-3064 - Case progression: Better component contract
RDM-3230 - Fix to emit event id when submitting in case create or progress components. Updated stub. Updated styling of demo app.
RDM-3230 - Fix alert error when going to first page if no page param or no fields or pages in data specified.
RDM-3230 - Fix issue with routing to start page broken when non existent page is requested.
RDM-3230 - Add missing providers in CaseEditorModule and write up README of demo app.
RDM-3230 - Vanilla app to POC the case progression facade components
RDM-1202 - Custom case event field labels and hint texts
RDM-3064 Add CaseCreateComponent and CaseProgressComponent to NgModule.
RDM-3064 Case progression: Merge master
RDM-3064 Case progression: Better component contract + Facilitate configuration of case progression component
RDM-3144 - Merged changes from 1.2.18 & 1.2.20
RDM-3144 - Updates on tags
RDM-3144 - Added missing exports
RDM-3178 + RDM-3179 + bug fix to cancel on CYA page of create case event with S&R
RDM-3144 - CaseTypeLite class introduced. Jurisdiction now refers to CaseTypeLite instead of CaseType to prevent cyclic dependency.
RDM-3063 - Case Progression: Extract case progression with existing contract part 2
RDM-3063 - Case Progression: Extract case progression with existing contract
RDM-3061 - Case progression: Extract services from Case Management Web.
RDM-3023 - Migration of save or discard modal from mgmt web.
RDM-3023 - Fixing release issues.
RDM-3023 - Move palette from mgmt web part 4.
RDM-3023 - Move palette from mgmt web part 3.
RDM-3023 - Move palette from mgmt web part 3.
RDM-3023 - Move palette from mgmt web part 2.
RDM-3023 - Move palette from mgmt web.
RDM-2569 - Upgraded to Angular version 6.1.8
RDM-2468 Bug:
- Date field error correction
- New publishing key
RDM-2542 Enhancement:
- GDPR - Solicitors footer links
- New publishing key
- Upgraded to Angular version 5.2.0
- Bumped the version to 1.1.8
RDM-1886 Enhancement:
- Sign Out link redesign
RDM-1149 Fixes added:
- Mandatory field skipping issue found in tests fixed
- Several PR comments addressed
RDM-1149 Fixes added:
- Issue 'error on single digit hour'
- Incorrect Hour/Minute/Second initialization when field is mandatory
- Changed to a simpler Regex validation
- Bumped the version to 1.1.5
Bumped up the version
RDM-1149 Added DateTime support to the existing Date component
RDM-1851 Added support for few elements not rendering properly in IE Browsers RDM-1851 Added Feedback link
RDM-1851 Header and footer needs to match Gov.Uk styling - Attempt to put back README to overcome a problem in npmjs
RDM-1851 Header and footer needs to match Gov.Uk styling