Create AI for Tetris game by applying machine learning algorithm
Function of each file:
- just a copy of (with added some functions) to help for moving piece in look-ahead since we can not modify
- contains helper functions for finding best move.
- contains helper functions for finding best move with applying look-ahead.
- contains functions for learning (finding best vectors).
To visualize:
- java PlayerSkeleton
To learn:
- java Search
Weight parameters:
- 1st: Landing Height: The height where the piece is put (= the height of the column + (the height of the piece / 2))
- 2nd: Rows eliminated: The number of rows eliminated
- 3rd: Row Transitions: The total number of row transitions. A row transition occurs when an empty cell is adjacent to a filled cell on the same row and vice versa.
- 4th: Column Transitions: The total number of column transitions. A column transition occurs when an empty cell is adjacent to a filled cell on the same column and vice versa.
- 5th: Number of Holes: A hole is an empty cell that has at least one filled cell above it in the same column
- 6th: Well Sums: A well is a succession of empty cells such that their left cells and right cells are both filled