hx_check_cve makes use of debsecan and checks all installed packages against CVE entries. Please note: It only supports Debian it will not work on ubuntu or other distributions that are not tracked on https://security-tracker.debian.org.
Simply copy hx_check_cve into /var/lib/nagios/plugins and give it the execution file mode bit (chmod +x /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/hx_check_cve
). Call it by
and it shuld output of how many CVEs your system is affected.
Running with
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/hx_check_cve -f
and you will also get how many CVEs are already fixed.
By adding --no-obsolete
or -o
to the call, debsecan will run with "--no-obsolete" param and ignoring obsolete CVEs. Please refer to man debsecan
for that parameter.
Example call:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/hx_check_cve -f -o
hx_check_cve requires lsb-release and debsecan. You can install those by running
apt install lsb-release debsecan
A package for Debian ist available at https://files.hexathos.de/projects/hx-monitoring-plugin-checkcve/