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Releases: has2k1/plotnine


26 Nov 15:00
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  • Got rid of a logging information about the fontsize that is recorded for all plots that have a legend. (#889)
  • When using geom_text with adjust_text, some sensible default arrow properties will be applied.
  • Changed the threshold number of keys for when the legend is split into multiple columns from 20 to 15. This only applies in the default case when the user does not set the number of rows or columns i.e. guide_legend(nrow=None, ncol=None). (#757)


21 Nov 14:59
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs that affected geom_dotplot and geom_sina where data with an index that did not include 0 led to a crash. (#888)
  • Fixed v0.14.0 regression that made scale_color_cmap_d unusable. (#890)


05 Nov 15:43
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix expansion of datetime and timedelta scales when using both the lower and upper addition constants.
  • In quarto documents make the output retina even if the fig-format is png.
  • Fixed bug where you could not save as pdf if also specifying the aspect_ratio. (#885)


29 Oct 11:00
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API Changes

  • You cannot call print on a ggplot object to show it. This was deprecated in v0.13.0 and it has now been removed. Use

  • The color_space parameter of scale_color_hue now accepts the value "hlsuv" instead of "husl". The meaning of has not changed, and "husl" is silently accepted.

  • Themeables axis_ticks_direction, axis_ticks_direction_x and axis_ticks_direction_y have be deprecated. In their place, the direction of the ticks can be controlled by using +ve, -ve or complex values for the axis_ticks_length, axis_ticks_length_major, axis_ticks_length_major_x, axis_ticks_length_major_y, axis_ticks_length_minor, axis_ticks_length_minor_x, or axis_ticks_length_minor_y.


  • The family, fontstyle and fontweight parameters of geom_text are now aesthetics (#790).

  • plotnine now responds to the fig-width, fig-height and fig-format settings in the meta section of a quarto document.

  • ggtitle now accepts title and subtitle as keyword arguments. (#804)

  • Gained the option limitsize that makes it possible to display plots of any size.

    from plotnine.options import set_option
    set_option("figure_format", False)
  • For geom_boxplot when the outliers are made invisible by giving them no shape, now they do not affect the limits of the plot. (#814)

  • Made it possile to map an aesthetic value to None. (#791)

  • The signatures for the scale classes now list all the allowed parameters.

New Features

  • geom_text has gained new aesthetics fontvariant and fontstretch.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix layers 3 and above not to overlap the axis lines if there are any (#798).

  • Fixed bug in geom_segment where the lineend parameter was ignored. (#727)

  • Fixed stat_summary_bin to work with continuous x aesthetic when specifying the binwidth or breaks. (#824)

  • Fixed PlotnineAnimation not to draw a second legend at the bottom-left corner. (#816)

  • Fixed bug where setting theme(text=element_blank()) would raise and exception.

  • Fixed datetime and timedelta scales so they can be expanded by
    adding constant timedelta values.


10 May 08:15
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed geom_label to work with a boxstyle of any following square, circle, darrow, larrow, rarrow, roundtooth or sawtooth.(#779)


  • Stopped spurious warnings of the form PlotnineWarning: Failed to apply after_scale modifications to the legend. when the after_scale mapping is for another aestetic.
  • Added width and height as default aesthetics of geom_tile.


26 Apr 19:26
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in stat_smooth where you could not set the family when using a glm. (#769)
  • Fixed bug in position_dodge2 the widths of the dodged objects were mixed up. (#772)
  • Fixed geom_text to work better with adjustText v1.0.0 and above.
  • Fixed images generated in quarto so that they have the dimensions (taking the dpi into account) that are specified in theme. (#773)


  • Added themeable svg_usefonts. (#756)
  • Enhancements
  • Added palmerpenguins dataset.


03 Apr 14:18
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Bug Fixes
Fixed regression in v0.13.3 where setting some text elements element_blank led to an error. #764


27 Mar 14:40
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This is a small bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed layout manager to make space for the strip_text when there is no strip_background. (#760)
  • Made the default position of guide_legend text to be right. (#761)
  • Fixed aligning (ha & va) of plot_title, plot_subtitle, plot_caption, axis_title_x, axis_title_y to work with float values in the range [0, 1].


15 Mar 09:00
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This release has a single enhancement. When drawing a plot, pandas copy-on-write is turned off. This prevents errors for users
who have turned it on. A later release will make plotnine capable of working with copy-on-write on.


06 Mar 19:17
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where a legend with blank title or text could result in a wrong justification.

  • Fixed a bug where setting legend justification to a string i.e one of left, right, top, bottom, center had no effect.