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Finding the Impossible MIT License


This repository contains the implementation of our method first introduced at EUROCRYPT 2023 for finding the impossible-differential, zero-correlation, and integral attacks on block ciphers:

An enhanced version of our method has been accepted to ToSC 2024/1 (FSE 2024) under the title of Improved Search for Integral, Impossible Differential and Zero-Correlation Attacks. To see the source code of our new tool, please refer zeroplus.

Tool Overview

Zero is a tool for finding the full impossible differential, full zero-correlation and full integral attacks on block ciphers. In this tool we convert the problem of finding these attacks to a constraint optimization problem (COP) as described in our paper. Next we use the state-of-the-art constraint programming (CP) solvers to solve it. We employ MiniZinc to describe the COP problem and use Or-Tools and Gurobi as the CP solvers.

Structure of Our Tool

The main components of our tool are the constraint programming (CP) models in the .mzn format, created according to the methods described in our paper. These .mzn files serve as templates for the CP models and can be solved independently.

To simplify the tool's usage for each application discussed in our paper, we provide a Python interface. This interface allows users to instantiate, solve, and interpret the solutions of the CP models based on the .mzn templates using Python.

We have organized our tool into separate folders based on each attack type within the root directory. Within each attack type folder, you will find individual folders for different ciphers. These cipher folders contain .mzn files along with a Python tool.

To locate the specific attack or application you are interested in, navigate to the corresponding folder and execute the Python tool:

The root directory also contains the following folders:

  • tikzstyles: Includes the TiKz styles, that are necessary to generate the shape of the attacks
  • miscellaneous: Contains some auxiliary files, e.g., logo (not necessary for running the tool)


Our tool requires the following software:

  • Python3 to run our Python tools
  • MiniZinc to compile and solve our CP models
  • latexmk to generate the shape of the attacks

We also use two solvers to solve our CP models:


Many CP solvers are integrated into MiniZinc, but we use Or-Tools and Gurobi in our tool, which are not integrated into MiniZinc. However, MiniZinc supports these solvers, and one should link these solvers to MiniZinc by following the instructions in MiniZinc's documentation.

For simplicity, we have provided a script using which one can install MiniZinc, Or-Tools, and then link Or-Tools to MiniZinc. To install Gurobi, please follow the installation recipe provided by Gurobi.

To install the required Python modules run the following command:

python3 -m pip install -r pyrequirements.txt


The usage of our tool is simple. The user needs to specify the number of attacked rounds and choose the solver. Our tool then finds the attack, generates its shape, and provides a rough estimation of the attack's complexity. We have provided a short guide for each application, and you can access it by running the following command:

python3 <application_name>.py --help

The following examples clarify the usage of our tool.

Impossible-Differential Attacks

Our tools for ID attacks are located in this folder: impossible. Here, we show the usage of our tool for finding full impossible-differential attacks on SKINNY cipher.

You can find our tool for single-tweakey ID attack on SKINNY here:impossible/single-tweakey. Below, you'll see an example command for discovering a full ID attack on 21 rounds of SKINNY-TK3 in the single-tweakey setting:

python3 -RB 5 -RU 6 -RL 5 -RF 5 -v 3 -sl ortools -p 8 -o output.tex

In the above command, RU and RL denote the length of the upper and lower parts of the distinguisher, respectively. Similarly, RB and RF represent the number of rounds before and after the distinguisher in the key-recovery process. The parameter v identifies the SKINNY variant, which in this case is TK3, and sl sets the solver, which we've chosen to be ortools here. The parameter -p specifies the number of threads used by the solver, and -o sets the output file name. You can also use Gurobi as the solver, but the running time may be much longer. So we recommend using ortools in multi-thread mode.

Executing the above command typically takes less than 5 seconds on a laptop equipped with an Intel Corei7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz. The output will be a summary of attack parameters, a rough estimate of time, memory and data coplexities, along with attack's shape in TiKz format. By running latexmk output.tex you can compile it into a pdf file as shown below:

Your SVG

We have provided tools for related-tweakey ID attack on SKINNY, SKINNYee, and CRAFT in the impossible/related-tweakey as well.

As another example of ID attack, you can navigate into impossible/related-tweakey/SKINNYee, and run the following command to find a 27-round ID attack on SKINNYee in the related-tweakey setting:

python3 -RB 5 -RU 12 -RL 6 -RF 4

Running the above command typically takes less than 5 seconds on a regular laptop. The generated shape is stored in output.tex file by default. The following figure illustrates the shape of the attack:

Your SVG

Zero-Correlation Attacks

Here we show an example of finding the zero-correlation attack on CRAFT using our tool. First, navigate into zerocorrelation/CRAFT, and then run the following command:

python3 -RB 3 -RU 7 -RL 6 -RF 4 -sl ortools

By compiling the output file output.tex using latexmk -pdf output.tex, you will get the following shape of the attack:

Your SVG

Integral Attacks

For integral attack, we have provided two tools. One is a CP-based tool that finds the full integral attack optimized for key-recovery taking the meet-in-the-middle technique into account. The other tool, autopsy, applies a post-processing step to the output of the first tool leveraging the partial-sum technique in key-recovery. Here we show the tool's usage for finding a full integral attack on SKINNY-n-3n.

First, navigate into integral/SKINNY. Then, run the following command to find the full integral attack optimized for key-recovery:

python3 -v 3 -RB 1 -RU 6 -RL 10 -RF 9 -sl ortools

Running the above command typically takes less than 5 seconds on a regular laptop. If you successfully run the above command, the tool generates the output.tex file, which contains the shape of the attack in Tikz format. You can compile it using latexmk -pdf output.tex command to obtain a shape similar to the following:

Your SVG

Next, to apply the key-recovery taking the partial-sum technique into account, navigate into our autopsy tool's folder and feed this tool with the parameter of the discovered integral attack.

For example, if you want to reproduce our 26-round integral key-recovery attack on SKINNY-n-3n, modify the end of autopsy/ file as follows:

tex_autopsy(cipher="skinny", tksetting=3, final_round=26, start_round=18 tk_cell=14, balanced_cell=1, label="blue", input_active=4)
tex_autopsy(cipher="skinny", tksetting=3, final_round=26, start_round=18 tk_cell=14, balanced_cell=13, label="green", input_active=4)

Next, run python command to generate the key-recovery similar to the following:

Your SVG
Your SVG

To understand how we interpret the table above, please refer to our paper.

Integral Distinguishers with Minimum Data Complexity

Here, we show how to find integral distinguishers with minimum data complexity on SKINNY. The objective function of this problem is minimizing the data complexity of integral distinguishers. For example, if you want to reproduce our practical integral distinguisher for 12 rounds of SKINNY-n-3n, navigate into integral/SKINNY, and run the following command:

python3 -RU 4 -RL 8 -v 3 -sl ortools

We have also provided a C implementation to experimentally verify the distinguisher, which can be found here: integral/SKINNY/EmpericalVerification

Paper and Presentation

To see the details about our method, please refer to our paper. We presented this work in EUROCRYPT 2023:

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to open an issue in this repository or reach out to Hosein Hadipour directly.


The solvers used in this tool are not entirely deterministic and may generate different outputs based on the configuration of the host machine. In addition, the same problem can have multiple optimal solutions.

Please note that we have only verified the attacks documented in our paper. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly review and validate any output of the tool before making claims related to our paper. We hope this tool is useful for the community.


If you use our tool in your work, please acknowledge it by citing our paper:

  author       = {Hosein Hadipour and
                  Sadegh Sadeghi and
                  Maria Eichlseder},
  title        = {Finding the Impossible: Automated Search for Full Impossible-Differential,
                  Zero-Correlation, and Integral Attacks},
  booktitle    = {{EUROCRYPT} 2023},
  series       = {LNCS},
  volume       = {14007},
  pages        = {128--157},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2023},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-30634-1_5}

License MIT License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.