This operator deploys an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) into a specified resource group at the specified location. Users can specify platform image, size, user name and public SSH key, etc. for the VMSS.
Learn more about Azure Virtual Machine here.
Here is a sample YAML to provision a VMSS.
The spec is comprised of the following fields:
- Location
- ResourceGroup
- VMSize
- Capacity
- AdminUserName
- SshPublicKeyData
- PlatformImageURN
- VirtualNetworkName
- SubnetName
- LoadBalancerName
- BackendAddressPoolName
- InboundNatPoolName
A Virtual Machine needs the following fields to deploy, along with a location and resource group.
specify the VM size for the virtual machine scale setCapacity
specify the number of instances in the VMSSAdminUserName
specify the user name for the virtual machine scale setSshPublicKeyData
specify the SSH public key data for loging into the virtual machine scale setPlatformImageURN
specify the platform image's uniform resource name (URN) in the 'publisher:offer:sku:version' format.VirtualNetworkName
specify the virtual networkSubnetName
specify the subnetLoadBalancerName
specify the load balancerBackendAddressPoolName
specify the backend address poolInboundNatPoolName
specify the inbound nat pool
Not available.
You can follow the steps here to deploy, view and delete resources.