diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 47ed590..dbe5e80 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,22 +1,26 @@ https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44880102/122046313-c0f0af00-cdac-11eb-92a3-1def8517ed62.mp4 Download the latest source code => ZIPFILE + See Tags. https://github.com/grotius-cnc/Skynet_Robot_Control_Rtos_Ethercat/releases/tag/1.0.23 Open in Qt-creator : Skynet_Project.pro (edit the include path's to your needs). + +1 : When compiling the program, all files are copied to the build directory. The machine control interface is quite complete. It can move in xyz, joints, euler, tooldirection etc. + The opencascade cad primitive function's are all inplemented 3d : points, lines, arc's, circle, wire, spline, etc. Libraries: -- Qt + External : - Opencascade cad (machine visualisation) - Kdl orocos kinematics (machine kinematic model) - Linuxcnc, Hal (hardware abstract layer) - Ethercat-hg master (ethercat bus) - Linuxcnc-ethercat (beckhoff ethercat driver family Ek-El) + Internal : - 3d Spline (3d spline algoritme) - Dxfrw (read and write dxf files)