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Tryna learn react bcz atoms in my life don't.

Dear Github Repository, today I learnt :

Day 1

  • the difference between ES5 and ES6 versions (constructor/function method)
  • what is babel.js, webpack, ESlint
  • added node-modules, presets and plugins for local development environment (not using official React Environment by Facebook as of now)
  • converted a file main.js from ES5 to ES6 as output.js using babel transpiler
  • couldn't update package.json tho :P

Day 2

  • how to set up my first react component using CDN, react.production.min.js, react-dom.production.min.js and babel standalone on my local host
  • syntax of JSX, refers to JS + XML
  • working of state and render() functions
  • inside state: define properties of the UI, similar to a class object properties in a basic JS class
  • inside render(): using div to wrap whole JS code, JS code used for dynamic input like { i am a dyanamic input }
  • rendered the react DOM component by wrapping it in a div
  • using setState to handle state in DOM events
  • learned the scope of this reference in the class
  • added events to the component using arrow functions and event variable
  • monitored the working of code using React Developer Tools add-on in Firefox 70

Resources for Day:

Day 3

  • introduction to forms in React, defining input types, buttons and responsiveness to the UI
  • preventing default action for a DOM event using preventDefault() function in JS, hence defining our own actions or response to the console
  • defining property/attribute to the whole form instead of the single button i.e. responding for both [ if a user clicks on submit button ] and [ user presses enter key ]

Day 4

  • using create-react-app to get the official React template and development server, up and running
  • it helps keep the code modular (nested components), has ES6 features by default, creates a development server and uses build tools to create optimized code
  • started building my-lovely-react-app-1 as a Single Page App; renders index.html page only, other pages are loaded as components references from the initial page
  • removed App.css, logo.svg, App.test.js and their references from src folder to maintain simplicity
  • created first component Ninjas.js, hard-coded the
    elements like Name
  • added export default to add the import reference to the App.js via RegEx addressing, nested using self closing HTML tag <Ninjas />
  • used props to define cross-component reference, using this.props.<attribute> in
  • used const to define an array of above mentioned properties to be used locally in the specified component as const { <x1>, <x2>, <x3> } = this.props;

Resources for Day:

Day 5

im backkkk after a long time, finally yes

  • used props instead of hard-coding helps to have a reusable set of data; it allows receiving of all the data just using one reference prop in each component; just like App.js defines data to be sent and Ninjas.js(component) receives all instances of that data by using props only once
  • outputted many instances of a same attributes in following ways:
    • either write each attribute set singly ( just like for each object in a class )
    • or make a list ( that will automatically output the data serially )
  • in App, used state method to make an array of prop-attributes to store the data instances serially; referred to these attributes by their collective name (ninjas) in render method to display on the DOM
  • in Ninjas, destructured props using const keyword to reference props-attributes sequentially in the component
  • used map method to output the prop-list in a sequential manner
    • divided data into small html chunks of prop-attributes for each instance
    • mapped them like objects using arrow function
    • added a sequence identifier key using id attribute(any unique attribute)

Resources for Day:

Day 6

  • container component : contains state, contains lifecycle hooks, not concerned with UI, use classes to create, methods like render are available; ui component : doesn't contain state, receive data from props, only concerned with UI, use functions to create
  • for eg: for a form, use container to store data, for nav-bar, use UI to show styles and represent data for user
  • make a functional/ UI component (Ninjas.js) using const keyword and arrow function, passing props in that function and removing any state/render methods, this keyword (because no class is there) used previously
  • use conditional outputting to filter the props instances : if / ternary
  • improve the code formatting by wrapping dynamic data under return method only

Day 7

  • designed a React form to catch data entered by user and send it to the main App Component
  • added form labels like name, age, belt in html using htmlFor property and associated every target.value to their respective state labels i.e. input to name label gets stored in 'name' state
  • this makes using id property as a key helpful, to uniquely identify attribute to which the target.value must be saved/assigned
  • onSubmit function associated with form label(and not button label) helps to catch all the prompts i.e. button click AND enter key as a marker for completion of form/submission of data
  • in handleChange function, the set.State method sets the [ ] to the label value entered by the user, much like traversing the state array to find the matching id property i.e. [ 'name ] = name
  • on submitting, the handleSubmit function prevents the default action of refreshing the page and outputs the state just entered by the user to the console
  • for the incoming data from user, set id using random function from Math library for quick entry(or you can enter id manually/ or the id may be provided by the user itself)
  • do not set the state of incoming data outside set.State function by using : this.ninjas.push(ninja) statement(considered a bad practice, it overwrites the existing data)
  • set state of incoming data inside the set.State function using local variable let which helps to create a new array based on attributes of the output
  • ... (spread operator) spreads the state array out into individual attributes and puts them into new array called ninjas( made using let) attribute by attribute, which makes a carbon copy of the ninjas array from state and then adds an instance of the new ninja entered by the user
  • copy the new ninjas into ninjas of state (replacing it)
  • pass deleteninja function as a prop to the ninjas.js and use it to set onClick property for the delete button for separate ninjas
  • cannot pass function with argument in the property because it resembles the normal function call, must turn it into object by using anonymous arrow function; otherwise function will be automatically called and we only what it to be called on prompt i.e. by clicking the button
  • in deleteninja function, pass id as a prop in render method; use filter method (as it is non-destructive) to filter the array directly and only output the prop-instances which return true for the given condition (here: id of ninja must be equal to the id of the clicked button)
  • the virtual DOM compares the current and new changes received in the ninjas.js jsx template as props and wherever it finds the difference, it updates to the DOM/browser
  • use CSS in React: either define each css file (with same name as each file) or use index.css for all files

Resources for Day:

Day 8

  • Components in React have lifecycles; lifecycle methods: to have data at any level of app; Phases of React App: mounting, updating, unmounting
  • Methods:
    • constructor(): not necessary to call, sets state directly inside constructor
    • getDerivedStateFromProps(): enables component to update internal state for changes in state, triggers on first render; when we receive updates props, compares props to current state
    • shouldComponentUpdate: receives next props and next state, compare next with prev, return false if don't want to change; alternative: use pure components
    • render(): takes jsx code and renders it to the DOM, only required method
    • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(): read access to the DOM before change is committed, get current values and return that value in final update hook
    • componentDidMount(): fires on first render i.e. when component mounts, good place to get data from external database like Firebase
    • componentDidUpdate(): get external data, don't update data inside this or you get a infinite loop
    • componentDidUnmount(): fires when component is unmounted
  • creating new todo app :DDD -- added components, addition and deletion of todo's, added click events

Resources for Day:

[ ] [ ]

Day 9

  • Todo app completed! UwU [ will add a whole app description in app's readme that will include features and all]
  • how webpages load? : Browser makes an initial request to the server to load /home, server responds with index.html
  • React is built to load single page applications : they help to decrease load time(no refreshing)
  • how do we load multiple page applications then?! - the app.js components sits as a base and all the components like home.js, about.js load over it - when request and the req doesnt go to server but is intercepted in between by the react router and - stops request to going to server and injects the component we need over it(app.js) i.e. /about
  • starting new web-app MyPokeTimes! eee [ will add a whole app description in app's readme that will include features and all]
  • BrowserRouter uses react-router-dom module
  • it helps to load several components using Route ( found in react-router) path in the app.js component

Resources for Day:

[ - CDN link for materializecss at: ]

Day 10

  • use NavLink and Link from react-router-dom to stop sending requests to server; each page is not loaded again and again, but only the component is loaded
  • different from anchor tag [ ] in that way(doesn't reload)
  • using NavLink helps to show current/active state of the loaded page other than basic a=href (as is shown using Link)in console --> this helps to add custom design using the available parameters to the current/active page

Day 11

  • Router attaches props info automatically to the components like "/contact"(which use NavLink); if we pass the props in Contact.js class component , the Router will automatically load the information to the console, eg:history (and other parameters)
  • BrowserRouter attaches property to the Route components only and not any other component like Navbar
  • redirect pages using setTimeout(path, state) function that takes two argument, 1: change of props via anonymous function, 2: time(in ms)

Day 12

  • higher order components help to wrap the components with superpowers
  • withRouter--> (a higher order component which gives access to various properties)
  • return withRouter(navbar) to wrap the component and apply the properties to that component --> supercharged component

Day 13

  • Rainbow.js helps to randomize color selection from array and assign a random colour to the About.js component
  • Rainbow.js is a manually written HOC
  • it returns props and changed color of the class wrapped (in the original about.js, it gives about.js a new superpower)
  • in about.js, export is wrapped in Rainbow
  • using routing components --> programmable redirects

Resources for Day:

[ - ]

Day 14

  • rest api --> show dyanamic database to our users
  • --> gives api endpoints to use in our apps
  • http request library : axios [ install as npm install axios ]
  • helps to go out and fetch data from an exernal Resources (could use fetch instead of axios )
  • use lifecycle hook componnetdidmount (refer axios parameters inside it) --> make Home.js a fucntional component to use lifecycle hook
  • axios.get is asynchronous--> takes some time to get database
  • return a promise which waits for a signal(of above request completion) and then loads the relevant stuff
  • .then method operates when you get a promise i.e. the job is complete --> is used inside axios.get
  • response from the axios is then sliced using slice --> show only relevant stuff
  • data property inside response object helps to add posts
  • postlist cycles through the list of posts (if they are present--> checks length) from state and puts them in cards seperately
  • part of URL that can change --> route parameters
  • usually see them on URL for indivisual records eg:
  • in app.js we are expecting a route path with dyanamic id like : /:path_id which will connect to the component Post.js
  • in post.js, we identify the route param (here:id) so that we can output the associated post to that id(route param)
  • use props.match.params.<name of param> to match that post_id in componentDidMount lifecycle hook
  • to output the certain post page for each post dyanamically, get the post_id dyanamically and associate the post with it
  • the link tag from react-router-dom helps to link the span title in home.js to the individual post page dyanamically
  • use + in get method of axios to fetch the exact id match from the posts
  • use the same logic as used in home.js to build the post page i.e. length and all

Resources for Day:

[ - ]