From 56aed486ab77a882e96387abb9e2f2e02b977757 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: github-actions Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 20:35:22 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Spec cleanup and expose GPS setting --- docs/ble/_static/css/badge_only.css | 2 +- .../ble/_static/css/rtd_sphinx_search.min.css | 4 - docs/ble/_static/documentation_options.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/jquery.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/js/badge_only.js | 2 +- .../ble/_static/js/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/js/html5shiv.min.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/js/rtd_search_config.js | 5 - docs/ble/_static/js/rtd_sphinx_search.min.js | 4 - docs/ble/_static/js/theme.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/language_data.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/pygments.css | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/sphinx_highlight.js | 2 +- docs/ble/_static/style.css | 2 +- docs/ble/features/access_points.html | 123 +- docs/ble/features/cohn.html | 128 +- docs/ble/features/control.html | 126 +- docs/ble/features/hilights.html | 84 +- docs/ble/features/live_streaming.html | 105 +- docs/ble/features/presets.html | 133 +- docs/ble/features/query.html | 140 +- docs/ble/features/raw_settings.html | 323 - docs/ble/features/setting_ids.html | 2221 ---- docs/ble/features/settings.html | 477 +- docs/ble/features/status_ids.html | 1923 --- docs/ble/features/statuses.html | 388 +- docs/ble/genindex.html | 80 +- docs/ble/index.html | 82 +- docs/ble/operation-operation_index.html | 1971 ++- docs/ble/protocol.html | 80 +- docs/ble/protocol/ble_setup.html | 80 +- docs/ble/protocol/data_protocol.html | 80 +- docs/ble/protocol/id_tables.html | 219 +- docs/ble/protocol/protobuf.html | 88 +- docs/ble/protocol/state_management.html | 80 +- docs/ble/search.html | 80 +- docs/ble/searchindex.js | 4 +- docs/http.html | 10014 +++++++--------- protobuf/cohn.proto | 5 +- protobuf/live_streaming.proto | 2 +- protobuf/media.proto | 2 +- protobuf/network_management.proto | 2 +- protobuf/preset_status.proto | 5 +- protobuf/request_get_preset_status.proto | 10 +- protobuf/response_generic.proto | 2 +- protobuf/set_camera_control_status.proto | 2 +- protobuf/turbo_transfer.proto | 2 +- 47 files changed, 7317 insertions(+), 11779 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 docs/ble/_static/css/rtd_sphinx_search.min.css delete mode 100644 docs/ble/_static/js/rtd_search_config.js delete mode 100644 docs/ble/_static/js/rtd_sphinx_search.min.js delete mode 100644 docs/ble/features/raw_settings.html delete mode 100644 docs/ble/features/setting_ids.html delete mode 100644 docs/ble/features/status_ids.html diff --git a/docs/ble/_static/css/badge_only.css b/docs/ble/_static/css/badge_only.css index 7c789fcd..01515ab8 100644 --- a/docs/ble/_static/css/badge_only.css +++ b/docs/ble/_static/css/badge_only.css @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ /* badge_only.css/Open GoPro, Version 2.0 (C) Copyright 2021 GoPro, Inc. 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  • Control
  • Operations
  • Setting IDs
      @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
    • Frames Per Second (3)
    • FOV (43)
    • Auto Off (59)
    • +
    • GPS (83)
    • Aspect Ratio (108)
    • Lens (121)
    • Lens (122)
    • @@ -408,8 +410,8 @@

      Access Point


      -Scan for Access Points
      +Scan for Access Points Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -442,7 +444,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      RequestStartScan (docs) (source)


      RequestStartScan (docs) (source)

      @@ -461,7 +463,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      ResponseStartScanning (docs) (source)


      ResponseStartScanning (docs) (source)

      @@ -480,14 +482,14 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      NotifStartScanning (docs) (source)


      NotifStartScanning (docs) (source)

      -Get AP Scan Results
      +Get AP Scan Results Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -514,7 +516,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      RequestGetApEntries (docs) (source)


      RequestGetApEntries (docs) (source)

      @@ -533,14 +535,14 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      ResponseGetApEntries (docs) (source)


      ResponseGetApEntries (docs) (source)

      -Connect to Provisioned Access Point
      +Connect to Provisioned Access Point Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -570,7 +572,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      RequestConnect (docs) (source)


      RequestConnect (docs) (source)

      @@ -589,7 +591,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      ResponseConnect (docs) (source)


      ResponseConnect (docs) (source)

      @@ -608,14 +610,14 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      NotifProvisioningState (docs) (source)


      NotifProvisioningState (docs) (source)

      -Connect to a New Access Point
      +Connect to a New Access Point Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -649,7 +651,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      RequestConnectNew (docs) (source)


      RequestConnectNew (docs) (source)

      @@ -668,7 +670,7 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      ResponseConnectNew (docs) (source)


      ResponseConnectNew (docs) (source)

      @@ -687,16 +689,15 @@

      OperationsAction ID:

      NotifProvisioningState (docs) (source)


      NotifProvisioningState (docs) (source)

      Disconnect from Access Point


      To disconnect from a connected Access Point and return the camera to AP mode, use -Set AP Control -to set AP Control: ON, which disables Station Mode.


      To disconnect from a connected Access Point and return the camera to AP mode, use Set AP Control +to set AP Control On, which disables Station Mode.

      diff --git a/docs/ble/features/cohn.html b/docs/ble/features/cohn.html index 949c3445..0395594b 100644 --- a/docs/ble/features/cohn.html +++ b/docs/ble/features/cohn.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
      • Control
      • Operations
      • Setting IDs
          @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
        • Frames Per Second (3)
        • FOV (43)
        • Auto Off (59)
        • +
        • GPS (83)
        • Aspect Ratio (108)
        • Lens (121)
        • Lens (122)
        • @@ -467,9 +469,9 @@

          Provisioning ProcedureIn order to use the COHN capability, the camera must first be provisioned for COHN. At a high level, the provisioning process is as follows:

          1. Instruct the GoPro to create the COHN certificate

          2. -
          3. Get the created COHN certificate

          4. -
          5. Get the Basic auth credentials

          6. +
          7. Instruct the GoPro to Create COHN Certificate

          8. +
          9. Use Get COHN Certificate to get the created COHN certificate

          10. +
          11. Use Get COHN Status to get the Basic auth credentials

          12. Connect the camera to an access point

          @@ -484,8 +486,8 @@

          Provisioning Procedure


          -Clear COHN Certificate
          +Clear COHN Certificate
          @@ -508,7 +510,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          RequestClearCOHNCert (docs) (source)


          RequestClearCOHNCert (docs) (source)

          @@ -526,14 +528,14 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)


          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)

          -Create COHN Certificate
          +Create COHN Certificate
          @@ -556,7 +558,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          RequestCreateCOHNCert (docs) (source)


          RequestCreateCOHNCert (docs) (source)

          @@ -574,14 +576,14 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)


          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)

          -Get COHN Certificate
          +Get COHN Certificate
          @@ -604,7 +606,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          RequestCOHNCert (docs) (source)


          RequestCOHNCert (docs) (source)

          @@ -622,14 +624,14 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          ResponseCOHNCert (docs) (source)


          ResponseCOHNCert (docs) (source)

          -Get COHN Status
          +Get COHN Status
          @@ -654,7 +656,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          RequestGetCOHNStatus (docs) (source)


          RequestGetCOHNStatus (docs) (source)

          @@ -672,7 +674,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          NotifyCOHNStatus (docs) (source)


          NotifyCOHNStatus (docs) (source)

          @@ -690,14 +692,14 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          NotifyCOHNStatus (docs) (source)


          NotifyCOHNStatus (docs) (source)

          -Set COHN Setting
          +Set COHN Setting
          @@ -720,7 +722,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          RequestSetCOHNSetting (docs) (source)


          RequestSetCOHNSetting (docs) (source)

          @@ -738,7 +740,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)


          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)

          diff --git a/docs/ble/features/control.html b/docs/ble/features/control.html index b993979c..1c5cc00b 100644 --- a/docs/ble/features/control.html +++ b/docs/ble/features/control.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@

          @@ -451,7 +452,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:


          RequestSetLiveStreamMode (docs) (source)


          RequestSetLiveStreamMode (docs) (source)

          @@ -469,14 +470,14 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)


          ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)

          -Get Livestream Status
          +Get Livestream Status
 Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -504,7 +505,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          RequestGetLiveStreamStatus (docs) (source)


          RequestGetLiveStreamStatus (docs) (source)

          @@ -529,7 +530,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          NotifyLiveStreamStatus (docs) (source)


          NotifyLiveStreamStatus (docs) (source)

          @@ -554,7 +555,7 @@

          OperationsAction ID:

          NotifyLiveStreamStatus (docs) (source)


          NotifyLiveStreamStatus (docs) (source)

          diff --git a/docs/ble/features/presets.html b/docs/ble/features/presets.html index 300d1228..3eeda3e4 100644 --- a/docs/ble/features/presets.html +++ b/docs/ble/features/presets.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
          • Control
          • Operations
          • Setting IDs
              @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
            • Frames Per Second (3)
            • FOV (43)
            • Auto Off (59)
            • +
            • GPS (83)
            • Aspect Ratio (108)
            • Lens (121)
            • Lens (122)
            • @@ -447,13 +449,26 @@


              Preset Groups

              Presets are organized into Preset Groups.


              To find the currently available Presets / Preset Groups, use Get Available Presets


              To find the currently available Presets / Preset Groups, use Get Available Presets


              Preset Modified Status


              Status 98 returns the camera’s Preset Modified Status value.


              The value of this status is set to zero when the client sends a Get Preset Status message to the camera.


              The value of this status is set to a non-zero value when:

              • Preset settings submenu is exited in the camera UI (whether any settings were changed or not)

              • +
              • A new preset is created

              • +
              • A preset is deleted

              • +
              • Preset ordering is changed within a preset group

              • +
              • A preset is reset to factory defaults

              • +


              -Get Available Presets
              +Get Available Presets
     Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -467,9 +482,15 @@


              Get preset status (and optionally register to be notified when it changes)


              Get the set of currently available presets and optionally register to be notified when it changes.

              Response: NotifyPresetStatus sent immediately

              Notification: NotifyPresetStatus sent periodically as preset status changes, if registered.


              The preset status changes when:

              • A client changes one of a preset’s captioned settings via the API

              • +
              • The user exits from a preset’s settings UI on the camera (e.g. long-press the preset pill and then press the back arrow)

              • +
              • The user creates/deletes/reorders a preset within a group

              • +

              @@ -481,7 +502,7 @@

              OperationsAction ID:

              RequestGetPresetStatus (docs) (source)


              RequestGetPresetStatus (docs) (source)

              @@ -504,7 +525,7 @@

              OperationsAction ID:

              NotifyPresetStatus (docs) (source)


              NotifyPresetStatus (docs) (source)

              @@ -527,14 +548,14 @@

              OperationsAction ID:

              NotifyPresetStatus (docs) (source)


              NotifyPresetStatus (docs) (source)

              -Load Preset
              +Load Preset
     Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -547,7 +568,7 @@



              Load preset by ID. The ID must be found from Get Available Presets


              Load preset by ID. The ID must be found from Get Available Presets

              @@ -576,8 +597,8 @@

              Operations -
              -Load Preset Group
              +Load Preset Group
     Black-e6194b Black-3cb44b Black-ffe119 @@ -590,7 +611,7 @@



              Load preset group by ID. The ID must be found from Get Available Presets


              Load preset group by ID. The ID must be found from Get Available Presets

              @@ -619,8 +640,8 @@

              Operations -
              -Update Custom Preset
              +Update Custom Preset
              @@ -667,7 +688,7 @@

              OperationsAction ID:

              RequestCustomPresetUpdate (docs) (source)


              RequestCustomPresetUpdate (docs) (source)

              @@ -685,7 +706,7 @@

              OperationsAction ID:

              ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)


              ResponseGeneric (docs) (source)

              diff --git a/docs/ble/features/query.html b/docs/ble/features/query.html index f9ced167..5aaf3a10 100644 --- a/docs/ble/features/query.html +++ b/docs/ble/features/query.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@

              - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ble/features/statuses.html b/docs/ble/features/statuses.html index facb4fbb..c0bd35da 100644 --- a/docs/ble/features/statuses.html +++ b/docs/ble/features/statuses.html @@ -151,14 +151,14 @@
              • Control
              • Operations
              • Setting IDs
                  @@ -253,6 +254,7 @@
                • Frames Per Second (3)
                • FOV (43)
                • Auto Off (59)
                • +
                • GPS (83)
                • Aspect Ratio (108)
                • Lens (121)
                • Lens (122)
                • @@ -407,11 +409,11 @@


                  Status IDs

                  Is the system’s internal battery present? (1)

                  - - + + @@ -430,11 +432,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging) (2)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -462,11 +464,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the system currently overheating? (6)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -485,11 +487,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the camera busy? (8)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -508,11 +510,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is Quick Capture feature enabled? (9)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -531,11 +533,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the system encoding right now? (10)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -554,11 +556,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is LCD lock active? (11)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -577,19 +579,19 @@

                  Status IDs

                  When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise (13)

                  - - + +

                  Are Wireless Connections enabled? (17)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -608,11 +610,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  The pairing state of the camera (19)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -640,11 +642,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged (20)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -669,18 +671,18 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action (21)

                  - - + +

                  State of current scan for WiFi Access Points (22)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -708,19 +710,19 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed (23)

                  - - + +

                  WiFi AP provisioning state (24)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -748,18 +750,18 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Wireless remote control version (26)

                  - - + +

                  Is a wireless remote control connected? (27)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -778,44 +780,44 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Wireless Pairing State. Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags) (28)

                  - - + +

                  SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32 (29)

                  - - + -

                  This is a string vlaue.

                  + +

                  This is a string value.

                  The camera’s WiFi SSID. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32 (30)

                  - - + -

                  This is a string vlaue.

                  + +

                  This is a string value.

                  The number of wireless devices connected to the camera (31)

                  - - + +

                  Is Preview Stream enabled? (32)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -834,11 +836,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Primary Storage Status (33)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -872,42 +874,42 @@

                  Status IDs

                  How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full (34)

                  - - + +

                  How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (35)

                  - - + +

                  Total number of photos on sdcard (38)

                  - - + +

                  Total number of videos on sdcard (39)

                  - - + +

                  The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update (41)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -953,11 +955,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download? (42)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -976,11 +978,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is locate camera feature active? (45)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -999,27 +1001,27 @@

                  Status IDs

                  The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5…4…3…2…1…) (49)

                  - - + +

                  Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes (54)

                  - - + +

                  Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream? (55)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1038,50 +1040,50 @@

                  Status IDs

                  WiFi signal strength in bars (56)

                  - - + +

                  The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops) (58)

                  - - + +

                  Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops) (59)

                  - - + +

                  The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds). Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this (60)

                  - - + +

                  How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (64)

                  - - + +

                  Liveview Exposure Select Mode (65)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1106,27 +1108,27 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent) (66)

                  - - + +

                  This is a percent value from 0-100.

                  Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent) (67)

                  - - + +

                  This is a percent value from 0-100.

                  Does the camera currently have a GPS lock? (68)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1145,11 +1147,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the camera in AP Mode? (69)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1168,20 +1170,20 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Internal battery level (percent) (70)

                  - - + +

                  This is a percent value from 0-100.

                  Microphone Accessory status (74)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1203,20 +1205,20 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Digital Zoom level (percent) (75)

                  - - + +

                  This is a percent value from 0-100.

                  Wireless Band (76)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1235,11 +1237,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is Digital Zoom feature available? (77)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1258,11 +1260,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate) (78)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1281,8 +1283,8 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow? (79)

                  - +


                  @@ -1301,11 +1303,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is 5GHz wireless band available? (81)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1324,11 +1326,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands? (82)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1347,11 +1349,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update? (83)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1370,11 +1372,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording? (85)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1393,11 +1395,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Rotational orientation of the camera (86)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1422,11 +1424,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding? (88)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1445,78 +1447,78 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Current Flatmode ID (89)

                  - - + +

                  Current Video Preset (ID) (93)

                  - - + +

                  Current Photo Preset (ID) (94)

                  - - + +

                  Current Time Lapse Preset (ID) (95)

                  - - + +

                  Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings.json) (96)

                  - - + +

                  Current Preset (ID) (97)

                  - - + +

                  Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID (98)

                  - - + +

                  The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (99)

                  - +

                  Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard (100)

                  - +

                  Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e. counting down)? (101)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1535,11 +1537,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Media Mod state (102)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1561,11 +1563,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Time Warp Speed (103)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1617,8 +1619,8 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the system’s Linux core active? (104)

                  - +


                  @@ -1637,11 +1639,11 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189) (105)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1663,10 +1665,10 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is Video Hindsight Capture Active? (106)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1685,17 +1687,17 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Scheduled Capture Preset ID (107)

                  - - + +

                  Is Scheduled Capture set? (108)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1714,10 +1716,10 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Display Mod Status (bitmasked) (110)

                  - - + +


                  @@ -1754,9 +1756,9 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed? (111)

                  + -


                  @@ -1776,18 +1778,18 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted (112)

                  + -

                  Is Turbo Transfer active? (113)

                  - - + +

                  @@ -1806,9 +1808,9 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Camera control status ID (114)

                  + -


                  @@ -1831,9 +1833,9 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Is the camera connected to a PC via USB? (115)

                  + -

                  @@ -1853,9 +1855,9 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Camera control over USB state (116)

                  + -

                  @@ -1875,9 +1877,9 @@

                  Status IDs

                  Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes (117)

                  + - diff --git a/docs/ble/genindex.html b/docs/ble/genindex.html index 630df429..21133c87 100644 --- a/docs/ble/genindex.html +++ b/docs/ble/genindex.html @@ -149,14 +149,14 @@

                  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + Media(protocol/protobuf) + Mode(protocol/protobuf) + ModeMap(protocol/protobuf) + + + - + + NotifProvisioningState(protocol/protobuf) + NotifStartScanning(protocol/protobuf) + NotifyCOHNStatus(protocol/protobuf) + NotifyLiveStreamStatus(protocol/protobuf) + NotifyPresetStatus(protocol/protobuf) + NotifConnectBtc(protocol/protobuf) + NotifPairBtc(protocol/protobuf) + + + Preset_Info(protocol/protobuf) + Preset_Group(protocol/protobuf) + Preset(protocol/protobuf) + PresetGroup(protocol/protobuf) + PresetSetting(protocol/protobuf) - + + Range(protocol/protobuf) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
                  + a
                  + ActivatedBy (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + b
                  + Blacklist (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  - Connect to Provisioned Access Point (features/access_points) + connect to provisioned access point (features/access_points) Operation
                  - Connect to a New Access Point (features/access_points) + connect to a new access point (features/access_points) Operation
                  - Clear COHN Certificate (features/cohn) + clear cohn certificate (features/cohn) Operation
                  - Create COHN Certificate (features/cohn) + create cohn certificate (features/cohn) Operation
                  + CommandHint (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + Command (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + d
                  + DisplayHint (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + e
                  + EnumResultGeneric (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumNetworkCommand (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumNetworkOption (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumNetworkOwner (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumNetworkPolicy (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumProvisioning (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumScanning (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumScanEntryFlags (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumCOHNStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumCOHNNetworkState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumLens (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumLiveStreamError (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumRegisterLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumWindowSize (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumFlatMode (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPresetGroup (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPresetGroupIcon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPresetIcon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPresetTitle (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumRegisterPresetStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumCameraControlStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumConnectBtcRequest (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumConnectBtcStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPairBtcRequest (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPairBtcStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPairingFinishState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumPowerState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumTimeUnit (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + EnumWirelessManagementCommand (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + f
                  + Filter (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  - Get AP Scan Results (features/access_points) + get ap scan results (features/access_points) Operation
                  - Get COHN Certificate (features/cohn) + get cohn certificate (features/cohn) Operation
                  - Get COHN Status (features/cohn) + get cohn status (features/cohn) Operation
                  - Get Livestream Status (features/live_streaming) + get livestream status (features/live_streaming) Operation
                  - Get Available Presets (features/presets) + get available presets (features/presets) Operation
                  - Get Open GoPro Version (features/query) + get open gopro version (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Date Time (features/query) + get date time (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Hardware Info (features/query) + get hardware info (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Local Date Time (features/query) + get local date time (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Last Captured Media (features/query) + get last captured media (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Setting Values (features/query) + get setting values (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Status Values (features/query) + get status values (features/query) Operation
                  - Get Setting Capabilities (features/query) + get setting capabilities (features/query) Operation
                  + GPC_Preset_Group_List_Resp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_List_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_List_Resp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Info_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Info_Resp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Custom_Create_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Custom_Create_Resp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Custom_Remove_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Set_Order_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Load_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Edit_Start_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Factory_Reset_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Get_Presets_Resp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Switch_Flatmode_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Preset_Set_Title_Icon_Req (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + GPC_Custom_Preset_Update (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  - Hilight Moment (features/hilights) + hilight moment (features/hilights) Operation
                  + i
                  + Info (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  - Keep Alive (features/control) + keep alive (features/control) Operation
                  @@ -532,117 +827,1589 @@

                  operation index

                  - Load Preset (features/presets) + load preset (features/presets) Operation
                  - Load Preset Group (features/presets) + load preset group (features/presets) Operation
                  - r
                  + m
                  - Register for Setting Value Updates (features/query) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Register for Status Value Updates (features/query) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Register for Setting Capability Updates (features/query) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  + Mapping (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  - s
                  + n
                  - Scan for Access Points (features/access_points) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set COHN Setting (features/cohn) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Analytics (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set AP Control (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Camera Control (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Date Time (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Local Date Time (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  + p
                  - Set Shutter (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Turbo Transfer (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Sleep (features/control) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Livestream Mode (features/live_streaming) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - Set Setting (features/settings) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  - u
                  + r
                  - Update Custom Preset (features/presets) + register for setting value updates (features/query) Operation
                  - Unregister for Setting Value Updates (features/query) + register for status value updates (features/query) Operation
                  - Unregister for Status Value Updates (features/query) + register for setting capability updates (features/query) Operation
                  - Unregister for Setting Capability Updates (features/query) - Operation
                  + Proto
                  + ResponseGeneric (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestConnect (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestConnectMFi (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestConnectNew (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestDeleteAllAp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestDeleteSingleAp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestGetApEntries (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestGetNetworkCapabilities (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestRelinquishOwnership (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestStartScan (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestStopNetworkFeatures (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestTakeOwnership (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseCapabilities (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseConnect (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseConnectMFi (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseConnectNew (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseGetApEntries (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseStartScanning (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseTakeOwnership (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestGetCOHNStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestCreateCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestClearCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestSetCOHNSetting (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestGetLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestSetLiveStreamMode (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestGetLastCapturedMedia (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ResponseLastCapturedMedia (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestReleaseNetwork (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestCustomPresetUpdate (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestGetPresetStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestSetCameraControlStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestSetTurboActive (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestConnectBtc (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestPairBtc (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestPairingFinish (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + RequestSetSuspendSequence (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + s
                  + Setting 123 (Time Lapse Digital Lenses) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 179 (Trail Length) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 171 (Interval) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 3 (Frames Per Second) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 172 (Duration) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 183 (Bit Depth) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 193 (Framing) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 178 (Wireless Band) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 128 (Media Format) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 167 (HindSight) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 122 (Lens) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 190 (Max Lens Mod Enable) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 182 (Bit Rate) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 184 (Profiles) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 180 (Video Mode) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 187 (Lapse Mode) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 162 (Max Lens) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 150 (Horizon Leveling) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 173 (Video Performance Mode) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 59 (Auto Power Down) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 191 (Photo Mode) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 186 (Video Mode) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 189 (Max Lens Mod) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 176 (Easy Mode Speed) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 151 (Horizon Leveling) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 134 (Anti-Flicker) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 175 (Controls) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 121 (Lens) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 135 (Hypersmooth) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 108 (Aspect Ratio) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 177 (Enable Night Photo) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 83 (GPS) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 192 (Aspect Ratio) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 43 (Webcam Digital Lenses) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Setting 2 (Resolution) (features/settings) + Setting
                  + Status 68 (Does the camera currently have a GPS lock?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 20 (The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 108 (Is Scheduled Capture set?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 9 (Is Quick Capture feature enabled?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 28 (Wireless Pairing State. Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 60 (The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds). Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 101 (Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e. counting down)?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 104 (Is the system's Linux core active?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 42 (Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 10 (Is the system encoding right now?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 22 (State of current scan for WiFi Access Points) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 107 (Scheduled Capture Preset ID) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 105 (Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 65 (Liveview Exposure Select Mode) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 17 (Are Wireless Connections enabled?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 86 (Rotational orientation of the camera) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 93 (Current Video Preset (ID)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 116 (Camera control over USB state) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 49 (The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5...4...3...2...1...)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 35 (How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 114 (Camera control status ID) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 58 (The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 24 (WiFi AP provisioning state) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 82 (Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 13 (When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 1 (Is the system's internal battery present?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 64 (How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 79 (Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 103 (Time Warp Speed) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 110 (Display Mod Status (bitmasked)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 83 (Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 39 (Total number of videos on sdcard) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 66 (Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 78 (Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 111 (Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 32 (Is Preview Stream enabled?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 19 (The pairing state of the camera) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 56 (WiFi signal strength in bars) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 94 (Current Photo Preset (ID)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 75 (Digital Zoom level (percent)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 102 (Media Mod state) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 2 (Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 100 (Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 33 (Primary Storage Status) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 23 (Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 6 (Is the system currently overheating?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 41 (The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 76 (Wireless Band) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 38 (Total number of photos on sdcard) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 30 (The camera's WiFi SSID. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 21 (Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 31 (The number of wireless devices connected to the camera) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 69 (Is the camera in AP Mode?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 95 (Current Time Lapse Preset (ID)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 88 (Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 8 (Is the camera busy?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 74 (Microphone Accessory status) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 45 (Is locate camera feature active?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 98 (Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 11 (Is LCD lock active?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 81 (Is 5GHz wireless band available?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 85 (Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 54 (Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 55 (Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 26 (Wireless remote control version) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 96 (Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings.json)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 117 (Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 99 (The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 29 (SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 77 (Is Digital Zoom feature available?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 115 (Is the camera connected to a PC via USB?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 59 (Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 27 (Is a wireless remote control connected?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 112 (Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 97 (Current Preset (ID)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 67 (Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 113 (Is Turbo Transfer active?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 106 (Is Video Hindsight Capture Active?) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 34 (How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 70 (Internal battery level (percent)) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + Status 89 (Current Flatmode ID) (features/statuses) + Status
                  + scan for access points (features/access_points) + Operation
                  + set cohn setting (features/cohn) + Operation
                  + set analytics (features/control) + Operation
                  + set ap control (features/control) + Operation
                  + set camera control (features/control) + Operation
                  + set date time (features/control) + Operation
                  + set local date time (features/control) + Operation
                  + set shutter (features/control) + Operation
                  + set turbo transfer (features/control) + Operation
                  + sleep (features/control) + Operation
                  + set livestream mode (features/live_streaming) + Operation
                  + set setting (features/settings) + Operation
                  + Setting (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + ScanEntry (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + Settings (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + SettingHint (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + Setting (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + SettingOption (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + SuspendInstructionEntry (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + u
                  + update custom preset (features/presets) + Operation
                  + unregister for setting value updates (features/query) + Operation
                  + unregister for status value updates (features/query) + Operation
                  + unregister for setting capability updates (features/query) + Operation
                  + UiModeGroup (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + w
                  + WidgetType (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WsdkModeGroup (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WsdkMode (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_NotifyCAHStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetAssociationState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetCAHStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetCAHSticky (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetClientId (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetAssociationState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetAuthCode (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCAHAutoClear (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCAHEnable (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCAHLogging (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCAHServer (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCAHStart (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestStartSimpleCAHProvision (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseGetAssociationState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseGetCAHSticky (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseGetClientId (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumAssociationState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumAuthState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCAHServer (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumRegisterCAHStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCAHAutoClear (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetCOHNStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_NotifyCOHNStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestCreateCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestClearCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseCOHNCert (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCOHNSetting (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumBandSelect (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCAHAState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCAHACat (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCAHASub (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCAHAErr (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCameraWakeupReason (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCmdId (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrCat (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrSub (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrErr (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumFeatureId (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumFlatMode (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumLens (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumLiveStreamError (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumOTACmd (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumOTAError (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumOTAState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumPresetGroup (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumPresetGroupIcon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumPresetIcon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumPresetTitle (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumQueryId (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumRegisterLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumRegisterOTAStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumRegisterPresetStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumSettingId (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumShutter (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumSystemNotifyEvent (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumTimeWarpSpeedRamp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumWindowSize (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumWOMState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumWOMCat (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumWOMSub (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumWOMErr (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetLastCapturedMedia (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseLastCapturedMedia (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_NotifyLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_NotifyOTAStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_NotifyPresetStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_Preset (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestCustomPresetUpdate (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_PresetGroup (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_PresetSetting (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestClearNewMediaFlag (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestCreateCustomPreset (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseCreateCustomPreset (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetCSIValue (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetLiveStreamStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetMobileOffloadState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetOTAStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetPresetStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetAllPresetStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestGetSystemBeacon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestReleaseNetwork (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetBandSelect (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCameraControlStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_EnumCameraControlStatus (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetClientInfo (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetCSIValue (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetInContextualMenu (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetLiveStreamMode (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetOTAUpdate (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetEditStart (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetEditCancel (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetEditStore (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetFactoryReset (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetRemove (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetCreate (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetPresetOrder (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetShutter (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetSystemEnableBeacon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetSystemNotifyEvent (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetTimeWarpSpeed1X (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetTimeWarpSpeedRamp (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetTimeWarpSpeedRampActive (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestSetTurboActive (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_RequestShortcutsReset (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseGetCSIValue (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseGetMobileOffloadState (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  + WSDK_ResponseGetSystemBeacon (protocol/protobuf) + Proto
                  diff --git a/docs/ble/protocol.html b/docs/ble/protocol.html index da40f548..75947fb6 100644 --- a/docs/ble/protocol.html +++ b/docs/ble/protocol.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                  • Control
                  • Operations
                  • Setting IDs
                      @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                    • Frames Per Second (3)
                    • FOV (43)
                    • Auto Off (59)
                    • +
                    • GPS (83)
                    • Aspect Ratio (108)
                    • Lens (121)
                    • Lens (122)
                    • diff --git a/docs/ble/protocol/ble_setup.html b/docs/ble/protocol/ble_setup.html index 0d59c878..9cf4e49f 100644 --- a/docs/ble/protocol/ble_setup.html +++ b/docs/ble/protocol/ble_setup.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                      • Control
                      • Operations
                      • Setting IDs
                          @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                        • Frames Per Second (3)
                        • FOV (43)
                        • Auto Off (59)
                        • +
                        • GPS (83)
                        • Aspect Ratio (108)
                        • Lens (121)
                        • Lens (122)
                        • diff --git a/docs/ble/protocol/data_protocol.html b/docs/ble/protocol/data_protocol.html index 38c9548b..7cd16cfa 100644 --- a/docs/ble/protocol/data_protocol.html +++ b/docs/ble/protocol/data_protocol.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                          • Control
                          • Operations
                          • Setting IDs
                              @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                            • Frames Per Second (3)
                            • FOV (43)
                            • Auto Off (59)
                            • +
                            • GPS (83)
                            • Aspect Ratio (108)
                            • Lens (121)
                            • Lens (122)
                            • diff --git a/docs/ble/protocol/id_tables.html b/docs/ble/protocol/id_tables.html index e9ea1434..52ee5cfb 100644 --- a/docs/ble/protocol/id_tables.html +++ b/docs/ble/protocol/id_tables.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                              • Control
                              • Operations
                              • Setting IDs
                                  @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                                • Frames Per Second (3)
                                • FOV (43)
                                • Auto Off (59)
                                • +
                                • GPS (83)
                                • Aspect Ratio (108)
                                • Lens (121)
                                • Lens (122)
                                • @@ -522,192 +524,192 @@

                                  Protobuf IDs



                                  "Scan for Access Points" Request







                                  "Get AP Scan Results" Request







                                  "Connect to Provisioned Access Point" Request







                                  "Connect to a New Access Point" Request







                                  "Scan for Access Points" Notification







                                  "Connect to Provisioned Access Point" Notification







                                  "Connect to a New Access Point" Notification







                                  "Scan for Access Points" Response







                                  "Get AP Scan Results" Response







                                  "Connect to Provisioned Access Point" Response







                                  "Connect to a New Access Point" Response







                                  "Update Custom Preset" Request







                                  "Set COHN Setting" Request







                                  "Clear COHN Certificate" Request







                                  "Create COHN Certificate" Request







                                  "Set Camera Control" Request







                                  "Set Turbo Transfer" Request







                                  "Set Livestream Mode" Request







                                  "Update Custom Preset" Response







                                  "Set COHN Setting" Response







                                  "Clear COHN Certificate" Response







                                  "Create COHN Certificate" Response







                                  "Set Camera Control" Response







                                  "Set Turbo Transfer" Response







                                  "Set Livestream Mode" Response







                                  "Get Last Captured Media" Request







                                  "Get COHN Certificate" Request







                                  "Get COHN Status" Request







                                  "Get Available Presets" Request







                                  "Get Livestream Status" Request







                                  "Get Last Captured Media" Response







                                  "Get COHN Certificate" Response







                                  "Get COHN Status" Response







                                  "Get COHN Status" Notification







                                  "Get Available Presets" Response







                                  "Get Available Presets" Notification







                                  "Get Livestream Status" Response







                                  "Get Livestream Status" Notification





                                  @@ -733,94 +735,97 @@

                                  Setting IDs


                                  Auto Power Down







                                  + +


                                  Aspect Ratio















                                  Time Lapse Digital Lenses





                                  Media Format















                                  Horizon Leveling





                                  Horizon Leveling





                                  Max Lens




















                                  Video Performance Mode










                                  Easy Mode Speed





                                  Enable Night Photo





                                  Wireless Band





                                  Trail Length





                                  Video Mode





                                  Bit Rate





                                  Bit Depth










                                  Video Mode





                                  Lapse Mode





                                  Max Lens Mod





                                  Max Lens Mod Enable





                                  Photo Mode





                                  Aspect Ratio






                                  diff --git a/docs/ble/protocol/protobuf.html b/docs/ble/protocol/protobuf.html index c77aefc1..1961bb89 100644 --- a/docs/ble/protocol/protobuf.html +++ b/docs/ble/protocol/protobuf.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                                  • Control
                                  • Operations
                                  • Setting IDs
                                      @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                                    • Frames Per Second (3)
                                    • FOV (43)
                                    • Auto Off (59)
                                    • +
                                    • GPS (83)
                                    • Aspect Ratio (108)
                                    • Lens (121)
                                    • Lens (122)
                                    • @@ -2580,9 +2582,15 @@

                                      EnumsSee also

                                      Source Protobuf File


                                      Get preset status (and optionally register to be notified when it changes)


                                      Get the set of currently available presets and optionally register to be notified when it changes.

                                      Response: NotifyPresetStatus sent immediately

                                      Notification: NotifyPresetStatus sent periodically as preset status changes, if registered.


                                      The preset status changes when:

                                      • A client changes one of a preset’s captioned settings via the API

                                      • +
                                      • The user exits from a preset’s settings UI on the camera (e.g. long-press the preset pill and then press the back arrow)

                                      • +
                                      • The user creates/deletes/reorders a preset within a group

                                      • +
                                      diff --git a/docs/ble/protocol/state_management.html b/docs/ble/protocol/state_management.html index f2ae0f4d..7cd213a5 100644 --- a/docs/ble/protocol/state_management.html +++ b/docs/ble/protocol/state_management.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                                      • Control
                                      • Operations
                                      • Setting IDs
                                          @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                                        • Frames Per Second (3)
                                        • FOV (43)
                                        • Auto Off (59)
                                        • +
                                        • GPS (83)
                                        • Aspect Ratio (108)
                                        • Lens (121)
                                        • Lens (122)
                                        • diff --git a/docs/ble/search.html b/docs/ble/search.html index 869d8f9d..4518014a 100644 --- a/docs/ble/search.html +++ b/docs/ble/search.html @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@
                                          • Control
                                          • Operations
                                          • Setting IDs
                                              @@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
                                            • Frames Per Second (3)
                                            • FOV (43)
                                            • Auto Off (59)
                                            • +
                                            • GPS (83)
                                            • Aspect Ratio (108)
                                            • Lens (121)
                                            • Lens (122)
                                            • diff --git a/docs/ble/searchindex.js b/docs/ble/searchindex.js index 9a590d66..6996b9d5 100644 --- a/docs/ble/searchindex.js +++ b/docs/ble/searchindex.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ /* searchindex.js/Open GoPro, Version 2.0 (C) Copyright 2021 GoPro, Inc. ( */ -/* This copyright was auto-generated on Tue Mar 5 22:34:20 UTC 2024 */ +/* This copyright was auto-generated on Wed Mar 13 20:30:11 UTC 2024 */ -Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["features/access_points", "features/cohn", "features/control", "features/hilights", "features/live_streaming", "features/presets", "features/query", "features/settings", "features/statuses", "index", "protocol", "protocol/ble_setup", "protocol/data_protocol", "protocol/id_tables", "protocol/protobuf", "protocol/state_management"], "filenames": ["features/access_points.rst", "features/cohn.rst", "features/control.rst", "features/hilights.rst", "features/live_streaming.rst", "features/presets.rst", "features/query.rst", "features/settings.rst", "features/statuses.rst", "index.rst", "protocol.rst", "protocol/ble_setup.rst", "protocol/data_protocol.rst", "protocol/id_tables.rst", "protocol/protobuf.rst", "protocol/state_management.rst"], "titles": ["Access Point", "Camera on the Home Network", "Control", "Hilights", "Live Streaming", "Presets", "Query", "Settings", "Statuses", "Welcome to Open GoPro BLE API\u2019s documentation!", "Protocol", "BLE Setup", "Data Protocol", "ID Tables", "Protobuf Documentation", "State Management"], "terms": {"The": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "camera": [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "support": [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14], "connect": [0, 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15], "station": [0, 4, 14], "mode": [0, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14], "sta": [0, 14], "thi": [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "i": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "necessari": [0, 7, 11, 12, 15], "featur": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "live": [0, 9, 13, 14], "stream": [0, 9, 13, 14], "where": [0, 9, 12], "need": [0, 1, 9, 11], "an": [0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "internet": [0, 14], "while": [0, 3, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15], "http": [0, 1, 14], "command": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15], "control": [0, 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 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6, "firmware_vers": 6, "h23": [6, 9], "99": [6, 13], "56": [6, 13], "serial_number_length": 6, "serial_numb": 6, "c1234567812345": 6, "ap_ssid_length": 6, "ap_ssid": 6, "gp12345678": 6, "ap_mac_address_length": 6, "ap_mac_address": 6, "2674f7f65f78": 6, "reserv": [6, 12], "11": [6, 7, 13, 14], "0x10": [6, 13], "ye": 6, "last": [6, 13, 14], "captur": [6, 13, 14, 15], "filenam": [6, 14], "responselastcapturedmedia": [6, 13], "0x6d": [6, 13], "requestgetlastcapturedmedia": [6, 13], "rel": [6, 14], "dcim": [6, 14], "directori": [6, 14], "sdcard": [6, 13, 14, 15], "singl": [6, 12, 14], "group": [6, 13, 14], "0xed": [6, 13], "associ": [6, 9, 14], "one": [6, 7, 8, 12], "element": [6, 12, 13], "arrai": [6, 12, 14], "empti": 6, "0x12": [6, 13], "field": [6, 14], "individu": [6, 7, 12, 14], "document": [6, 7, 10, 12], "status": [6, 9, 14], "0x13": [6, 13], "report": 6, "those": 6, "0x32": [6, 13], "whenev": 6, "0x52": [6, 13], "0x92": [6, 13], "0x53": [6, 13], "0x93": [6, 13], "0x62": [6, 13], 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[[7, "lens-123"]], "Format (128)": [[7, "format-128"]], "Anti-Flicker (134)": [[7, "anti-flicker-134"]], "Hypersmooth (135)": [[7, "hypersmooth-135"]], "Horizon Leveling (150)": [[7, "horizon-leveling-150"]], "Horizon Leveling (151)": [[7, "horizon-leveling-151"]], "Max Lens Mod Enable (162)": [[7, "max-lens-mod-enable-162"]], "HindSight (167)": [[7, "hindsight-167"]], "Interval (171)": [[7, "interval-171"]], "Duration (172)": [[7, "duration-172"]], "Video Performance Modes (173)": [[7, "video-performance-modes-173"]], "Controls (175)": [[7, "controls-175"]], "Speed (176)": [[7, "speed-176"]], "Night Photo (177)": [[7, "night-photo-177"]], "Wi-fi Band (178)": [[7, "wi-fi-band-178"]], "Trail Length (179)": [[7, "trail-length-179"]], "Video Mode (180)": [[7, "video-mode-180"]], "Bit Rate (182)": [[7, "bit-rate-182"]], "Bit Depth (183)": [[7, "bit-depth-183"]], "Profiles (184)": [[7, "profiles-184"]], "Video Mode (186)": [[7, "video-mode-186"]], "Lapse Mode (187)": [[7, "lapse-mode-187"]], "Max Lens Mod (189)": [[7, "max-lens-mod-189"]], "Max Lens Mod Enable (190)": [[7, "max-lens-mod-enable-190"]], "Photo Mode (191)": [[7, "photo-mode-191"]], "Aspect Ratio (192)": [[7, "aspect-ratio-192"]], "Framing (193)": [[7, "framing-193"]], "Statuses": [[8, "statuses"]], "Status IDs": [[8, "status-ids"], [13, "status-ids"]], "Is the system\u2019s internal battery present? (1)": [[8, "is-the-system-s-internal-battery-present-1"]], "Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging) (2)": [[8, "rough-approximation-of-internal-battery-level-in-bars-or-charging-2"]], "Is the system currently overheating? (6)": [[8, "is-the-system-currently-overheating-6"]], "Is the camera busy? (8)": [[8, "is-the-camera-busy-8"]], "Is Quick Capture feature enabled? (9)": [[8, "is-quick-capture-feature-enabled-9"]], "Is the system encoding right now? (10)": [[8, "is-the-system-encoding-right-now-10"]], "Is LCD lock active? (11)": [[8, "is-lcd-lock-active-11"]], "When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise (13)": [[8, "when-encoding-video-this-is-the-duration-seconds-of-the-video-so-far-0-otherwise-13"]], "Are Wireless Connections enabled? (17)": [[8, "are-wireless-connections-enabled-17"]], "The pairing state of the camera (19)": [[8, "the-pairing-state-of-the-camera-19"]], "The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged (20)": [[8, "the-last-type-of-pairing-in-which-the-camera-was-engaged-20"]], "Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action (21)": [[8, "time-since-boot-milliseconds-of-last-successful-pairing-complete-action-21"]], "State of current scan for WiFi Access Points (22)": [[8, "state-of-current-scan-for-wifi-access-points-22"]], "Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed (23)": [[8, "time-since-boot-milliseconds-that-the-wifi-access-point-scan-completed-23"]], "WiFi AP provisioning state (24)": [[8, "wifi-ap-provisioning-state-24"]], "Wireless remote control version (26)": [[8, "wireless-remote-control-version-26"]], "Is a wireless remote control connected? (27)": [[8, "is-a-wireless-remote-control-connected-27"]], "Wireless Pairing State. Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags) (28)": [[8, "wireless-pairing-state-each-bit-contains-state-information-see-wirelesspairingstateflags-28"]], "SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32 (29)": [[8, "ssid-of-the-ap-the-camera-is-currently-connected-to-on-ble-connection-value-is-big-endian-byte-encoded-int32-29"]], "The camera\u2019s WiFi SSID. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32 (30)": [[8, "the-camera-s-wifi-ssid-on-ble-connection-value-is-big-endian-byte-encoded-int32-30"]], "The number of wireless devices connected to the camera (31)": [[8, "the-number-of-wireless-devices-connected-to-the-camera-31"]], "Is Preview Stream enabled? (32)": [[8, "is-preview-stream-enabled-32"]], "Primary Storage Status (33)": [[8, "primary-storage-status-33"]], "How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full (34)": [[8, "how-many-photos-can-be-taken-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-34"]], "How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (35)": [[8, "how-many-minutes-of-video-can-be-captured-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-35"]], "Total number of photos on sdcard (38)": [[8, "total-number-of-photos-on-sdcard-38"]], "Total number of videos on sdcard (39)": [[8, "total-number-of-videos-on-sdcard-39"]], "The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update (41)": [[8, "the-current-status-of-over-the-air-ota-update-41"]], "Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download? (42)": [[8, "is-there-a-pending-request-to-cancel-a-firmware-update-download-42"]], "Is locate camera feature active? (45)": [[8, "is-locate-camera-feature-active-45"]], "The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5\u20264\u20263\u20262\u20261\u2026) (49)": [[8, "the-current-timelapse-interval-countdown-value-e-g-5-4-3-2-1-49"]], "Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes (54)": [[8, "remaining-space-on-the-sdcard-in-kilobytes-54"]], "Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream? (55)": [[8, "is-preview-stream-supported-in-current-recording-mode-secondary-stream-55"]], "WiFi signal strength in bars (56)": [[8, "wifi-signal-strength-in-bars-56"]], "The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops) (58)": [[8, "the-number-of-hilights-in-currently-encoding-video-value-is-set-to-0-when-encoding-stops-58"]], "Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops) (59)": [[8, "time-since-boot-milliseconds-of-most-recent-hilight-in-encoding-video-set-to-0-when-encoding-stops-59"]], "The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds). Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this (60)": [[8, "the-minimum-time-between-camera-status-updates-milliseconds-best-practice-is-to-not-poll-for-status-more-often-than-this-60"]], "How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (64)": [[8, "how-many-minutes-of-time-lapse-video-can-be-captured-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-64"]], "Liveview Exposure Select Mode (65)": [[8, "liveview-exposure-select-mode-65"]], "Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent) (66)": [[8, "liveview-exposure-select-y-coordinate-percent-66"]], "Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent) (67)": [[8, "liveview-exposure-select-y-coordinate-percent-67"]], "Does the camera currently have a GPS lock? (68)": [[8, "does-the-camera-currently-have-a-gps-lock-68"]], "Is the camera in AP Mode? (69)": [[8, "is-the-camera-in-ap-mode-69"]], "Internal battery level (percent) (70)": [[8, "internal-battery-level-percent-70"]], "Microphone Accessory status (74)": [[8, "microphone-accessory-status-74"]], "Digital Zoom level (percent) (75)": [[8, "digital-zoom-level-percent-75"]], "Wireless Band (76)": [[8, "wireless-band-76"]], "Is Digital Zoom feature available? (77)": [[8, "is-digital-zoom-feature-available-77"]], "Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate) (78)": [[8, "are-current-video-settings-mobile-friendly-related-to-video-compression-and-frame-rate-78"]], "Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow? (79)": [[8, "is-the-camera-currently-in-first-time-use-ftu-ui-flow-79"]], "Is 5GHz wireless band available? (81)": [[8, "is-5ghz-wireless-band-available-81"]], "Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands? (82)": [[8, "is-the-system-fully-booted-and-ready-to-accept-commands-82"]], "Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update? (83)": [[8, "is-the-internal-battery-charged-sufficiently-to-start-over-the-air-ota-update-83"]], "Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording? (85)": [[8, "is-the-camera-getting-too-cold-to-continue-recording-85"]], "Rotational orientation of the camera (86)": [[8, "rotational-orientation-of-the-camera-86"]], "Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding? (88)": [[8, "is-this-camera-model-capable-of-zooming-while-encoding-88"]], "Current Flatmode ID (89)": [[8, "current-flatmode-id-89"]], "Current Video Preset (ID) (93)": [[8, "current-video-preset-id-93"]], "Current Photo Preset (ID) (94)": [[8, "current-photo-preset-id-94"]], "Current Time Lapse Preset (ID) (95)": [[8, "current-time-lapse-preset-id-95"]], "Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings.json) (96)": [[8, "current-preset-group-id-corresponds-to-ui-mode-groups-in-settings-json-96"]], "Current Preset (ID) (97)": [[8, "current-preset-id-97"]], "Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID (98)": [[8, "preset-modified-status-which-contains-an-event-id-and-a-preset-group-id-98"]], "The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (99)": [[8, "the-number-of-live-bursts-can-be-captured-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-99"]], "Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard (100)": [[8, "total-number-of-live-bursts-on-sdcard-100"]], "Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e. counting down)? (101)": [[8, "is-capture-delay-currently-active-i-e-counting-down-101"]], "Media Mod state (102)": [[8, "media-mod-state-102"]], "Time Warp Speed (103)": [[8, "time-warp-speed-103"]], "Is the system\u2019s Linux core active? (104)": [[8, "is-the-system-s-linux-core-active-104"]], "Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189) (105)": [[8, "camera-lens-type-reflects-changes-to-setting-162-or-setting-189-105"]], "Is Video Hindsight Capture Active? (106)": [[8, "is-video-hindsight-capture-active-106"]], "Scheduled Capture Preset ID (107)": [[8, "scheduled-capture-preset-id-107"]], "Is Scheduled Capture set? (108)": [[8, "is-scheduled-capture-set-108"]], "Display Mod Status (bitmasked) (110)": [[8, "display-mod-status-bitmasked-110"]], "Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed? (111)": [[8, "does-sdcard-meet-specified-minimum-write-speed-111"]], "Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted (112)": [[8, "number-of-sdcard-write-speed-errors-since-device-booted-112"]], "Is Turbo Transfer active? (113)": [[8, "is-turbo-transfer-active-113"]], "Camera control status ID (114)": [[8, "camera-control-status-id-114"]], "Is the camera connected to a PC via USB? (115)": [[8, "is-the-camera-connected-to-a-pc-via-usb-115"]], "Camera control over USB state (116)": [[8, "camera-control-over-usb-state-116"]], "Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes (117)": [[8, "total-sd-card-capacity-in-kilobytes-117"]], "Welcome to Open GoPro BLE API\u2019s documentation!": [[9, "welcome-to-open-gopro-ble-api-s-documentation"]], "Supported Cameras": [[9, "supported-cameras"]], "Getting Started": [[9, "getting-started"]], "Limitations": [[9, "limitations"]], "General": [[9, "general"]], "Protocol": [[10, "protocol"]], "BLE Setup": [[11, "ble-setup"]], "Pairing Mode": [[11, "pairing-mode"]], "Advertisements": [[11, "advertisements"]], "Finish Pairing": [[11, "finish-pairing"]], "Configure GATT Characteristics": [[11, "configure-gatt-characteristics"]], "BLE Characteristics": [[11, "ble-characteristics"]], "Send Messages": [[11, "send-messages"]], "Data Protocol": [[12, "data-protocol"]], "Packetization": [[12, "packetization"]], "Packet Headers": [[12, "packet-headers"]], "General (5-bit) Packets": [[12, "general-5-bit-packets"]], "Extended (13-bit) Packets": [[12, "extended-13-bit-packets"]], "Extended (16-bit) Packets": [[12, "extended-16-bit-packets"]], "Continuation Packets": [[12, "continuation-packets"]], "Decipher Message Payload Type": [[12, "decipher-message-payload-type"]], "Message Payload": [[12, "message-payload"]], "Type Length Value": [[12, "type-length-value"]], "Commands": [[12, "commands"]], "Queries": [[12, "queries"]], "Protobuf": [[12, "protobuf"]], "ID Tables": [[13, "id-tables"]], "Command IDs": [[13, "command-ids"]], "Query IDs": [[13, "query-ids"]], "Protobuf IDs": [[13, "protobuf-ids"]], "Protobuf Documentation": [[14, "protobuf-documentation"]], "Enums": [[14, "enums"]], "EnumCOHNNetworkState": [[14, "enumcohnnetworkstate"]], "EnumCOHNStatus": [[14, "enumcohnstatus"]], "EnumCameraControlStatus": [[14, "enumcameracontrolstatus"]], "EnumFlatMode": [[14, "enumflatmode"]], "EnumLens": [[14, "enumlens"]], "EnumLiveStreamError": [[14, "enumlivestreamerror"]], "EnumLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "enumlivestreamstatus"]], "EnumPresetGroup": [[14, "enumpresetgroup"]], "EnumPresetGroupIcon": [[14, "enumpresetgroupicon"]], "EnumPresetIcon": [[14, "enumpreseticon"]], "EnumPresetTitle": [[14, "enumpresettitle"]], "EnumProvisioning": [[14, "enumprovisioning"]], "EnumRegisterLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "enumregisterlivestreamstatus"]], "EnumRegisterPresetStatus": [[14, "enumregisterpresetstatus"]], "EnumResultGeneric": [[14, "enumresultgeneric"]], "EnumScanEntryFlags": [[14, "enumscanentryflags"]], "EnumScanning": [[14, "enumscanning"]], "EnumWindowSize": [[14, "enumwindowsize"]], "Media": [[14, "media"]], "NotifProvisioningState": [[14, "notifprovisioningstate"]], "NotifStartScanning": [[14, "notifstartscanning"]], "NotifyCOHNStatus": [[14, "notifycohnstatus"]], "NotifyLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "notifylivestreamstatus"]], "NotifyPresetStatus": [[14, "notifypresetstatus"]], "Preset": [[14, "preset"]], "PresetGroup": [[14, "presetgroup"]], "PresetSetting": [[14, "presetsetting"]], "RequestCOHNCert": [[14, "requestcohncert"]], "RequestClearCOHNCert": [[14, "requestclearcohncert"]], "RequestConnect": [[14, "requestconnect"]], "RequestConnectNew": [[14, "requestconnectnew"]], "RequestCreateCOHNCert": [[14, "requestcreatecohncert"]], "RequestCustomPresetUpdate": [[14, "requestcustompresetupdate"]], "RequestGetApEntries": [[14, "requestgetapentries"]], "RequestGetCOHNStatus": [[14, "requestgetcohnstatus"]], "RequestGetLastCapturedMedia": [[14, "requestgetlastcapturedmedia"]], "RequestGetLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "requestgetlivestreamstatus"]], "RequestGetPresetStatus": [[14, "requestgetpresetstatus"]], "RequestReleaseNetwork": [[14, "requestreleasenetwork"]], "RequestSetCOHNSetting": [[14, "requestsetcohnsetting"]], "RequestSetCameraControlStatus": [[14, "requestsetcameracontrolstatus"]], "RequestSetLiveStreamMode": [[14, "requestsetlivestreammode"]], "RequestSetTurboActive": [[14, "requestsetturboactive"]], "RequestStartScan": [[14, "requeststartscan"]], "ResponseCOHNCert": [[14, "responsecohncert"]], "ResponseConnect": [[14, "responseconnect"]], "ResponseConnectNew": [[14, "responseconnectnew"]], "ResponseGeneric": [[14, "responsegeneric"]], "ResponseGetApEntries": [[14, "responsegetapentries"]], "ResponseLastCapturedMedia": [[14, "responselastcapturedmedia"]], "ResponseStartScanning": [[14, "responsestartscanning"]], "ResponseGetApEntries::ScanEntry": [[14, "responsegetapentries-scanentry"]], "State Management": [[15, "state-management"]], "Camera Readiness": [[15, "camera-readiness"]], "Keep Alive": [[15, "keep-alive"]], "Camera Control": [[15, "camera-control"]]}, "indexentries": {}}) \ No newline at end of file +Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["features/access_points", "features/cohn", "features/control", "features/hilights", "features/live_streaming", "features/presets", "features/query", "features/settings", "features/statuses", "index", "protocol", "protocol/ble_setup", "protocol/data_protocol", "protocol/id_tables", "protocol/protobuf", "protocol/state_management"], "filenames": ["features/access_points.rst", "features/cohn.rst", "features/control.rst", "features/hilights.rst", "features/live_streaming.rst", "features/presets.rst", "features/query.rst", "features/settings.rst", "features/statuses.rst", "index.rst", "protocol.rst", "protocol/ble_setup.rst", "protocol/data_protocol.rst", "protocol/id_tables.rst", "protocol/protobuf.rst", "protocol/state_management.rst"], "titles": ["Access Point", "Camera on the Home Network", "Control", "Hilights", "Live Streaming", "Presets", "Query", "Settings", "Statuses", "Welcome to Open GoPro BLE API\u2019s documentation!", "Protocol", "BLE Setup", "Data Protocol", "ID Tables", "Protobuf Documentation", "State Management"], "terms": {"The": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "camera": [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "support": [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14], "connect": [0, 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15], "station": [0, 4, 14], "mode": [0, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14], "sta": [0, 14], "thi": [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "i": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "necessari": [0, 7, 11, 12, 15], "featur": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "live": [0, 9, 13, 14], "stream": [0, 9, 13, 14], "where": [0, 9, 12], "need": [0, 1, 9, 11], "an": [0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "internet": [0, 14], "while": [0, 3, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15], "http": [0, 1, 14], "command": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15], "control": [0, 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14], "avail": [0, 5, 9, 13, 14], "some": [0, 1, 2, 12, 15], "scan": [0, 11, 13, 14], "type": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14], "protobuf": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10], "request": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14], "start": [0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14], "serial": [0, 2, 12, 14], "object": [0, 7, 12, 14], "zero": [0, 2, 5, 8, 14], "byte": [0, 2, 6, 12, 13, 14], "respons": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14], "responsestartscan": [0, 13], "ar": [0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "sent": [0, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14], "immedi": [0, 2, 5, 14], "after": [0, 2, 11, 12, 14, 15], "receiv": [0, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14], "notif": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14], "notifstartscan": [0, 13], "period": [0, 5, 14, 15], "state": [0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "chang": [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15], "us": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15], "detect": [0, 14], "complet": [0, 9, 13, 14], "uuid": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12], "network": [0, 9, 11, 14], "manag": [0, 9, 10, 11], "id": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14], "0x02": [0, 13], "action": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13], "messag": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15], "requeststartscan": [0, 13], "doc": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6], "sourc": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 14], "current": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14], "initi": [0, 4, 5, 6, 10, 14], "0x82": [0, 6, 13], "trigger": [0, 1, 14], "via": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14], "0x0b": [0, 13], "get": [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15], "ap": [0, 2, 11, 13, 14], "result": [0, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14], "list": [0, 7, 9, 14], "found": [0, 5, 6, 7, 14], "dure": [0, 3, 11, 14], "responsegetapentri": [0, 13], "0x04": [0, 13], "requestgetapentri": [0, 13], "A": [0, 1, 5, 7, 12, 14, 15], "entri": [0, 14], "describ": [0, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14], "0x84": [0, 13], "provis": [0, 13, 14], "do": [0, 11, 12, 14], "authent": [0, 14], "intend": [0, 14], "previous": [0, 7, 14], "responseconnect": [0, 13], "notifprovisioningst": [0, 13], "requestconnect": [0, 13], "statu": [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 15], "attempt": [0, 8, 14], "requestconnectnew": [0, 13], "0x0c": [0, 13], "new": [0, 1, 5, 11, 13, 14], "should": [0, 9, 11, 15], "onli": [0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14], "done": [0, 11], "onc": [0, 1, 11, 12], "subsequ": [0, 9, 11, 12], "responseconnectnew": [0, 13], "0x05": [0, 2, 13], "0x85": [0, 13], "To": [0, 5, 8, 12], "return": [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 14], "set": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15], "On": [0, 1, 2, 7, 13, 14], "which": [0, 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 14], "disabl": [0, 2, 8, 14], "cohn": [1, 13, 14], "capabl": [1, 6, 9, 13], "allow": [1, 11], "client": [1, 2, 5, 11, 14, 15], "perform": [1, 5, 9, 13, 14], "indirectli": 1, "through": [1, 9, 10], "access": [1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14], "point": [1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14], "router": 1, "For": [1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15], "secur": 1, "purpos": 1, "all": [1, 2, 6, 11, 12], "commun": [1, 9, 10, 11], "over": [1, 13], "hero12": [1, 6, 9], "black": [1, 6, 7, 9], "hero11": [1, 9], "mini": [1, 9], "hero10": [1, 9], "hero9": [1, 9], "requir": [1, 11, 14], "two": [1, 8, 11, 12], "thing": 1, "trust": 1, "ssl": [1, 14], "tl": [1, 14], "basic": [1, 7, 9, 14], "auth": [1, 14], "usernam": [1, 14], "password": [1, 11, 14], "header": [1, 14], "ha": [1, 8, 12, 14], "root": [1, 14], "ca": [1, 14], "cert": [1, 14], "provid": 1, "1": [1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14], "year": [1, 2, 6], "lifespan": 1, "contain": [1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14], "": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], "ip": [1, 14], "address": [1, 14], "local": [1, 2, 6, 13, 14], "sign": 1, "chain": 1, "e": [1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15], "g": [1, 5, 13, 14, 15], "when": [1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14], "dhcp": 1, "leas": 1, "expir": 1, "reset": [1, 2, 5, 11, 12], "replac": 1, "without": [1, 2, 6], "download": [1, 13], "instal": 1, "act": 1, "author": 1, "creat": [1, 5, 13, 14], "can": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14], "valid": [1, 7, 11, 14], "util": 1, "openssl": 1, "cafil": 1, "path": [1, 6, 14], "goprorootca": 1, "crt": 1, "ok": [1, 8], "most": [1, 2, 9, 13, 14], "system": [1, 13, 14, 15], "have": [1, 11, 12, 13], "about": [1, 2, 4, 6, 14], "maco": 1, "right": [1, 13], "mous": 1, "click": 1, "quick": [1, 13], "look": 1, "window": 1, "properti": [1, 14], "ubuntu": 1, "open": [1, 6, 10, 12, 13], "file": [1, 7, 14], "x509": 1, "noout": 1, "text": [1, 14], "In": [1, 2, 7, 11, 12, 15], "order": [1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15], "must": [1, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14], "first": [1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 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"ResponseGeneric"], [14, 0, 0, "responsegetapentries", "ResponseGetApEntries"], [14, 0, 0, "responselastcapturedmedia", "ResponseLastCapturedMedia"], [14, 0, 0, "responsestartscanning", "ResponseStartScanning"], [14, 0, 0, "responsetakeownership", "ResponseTakeOwnership"], [14, 0, 0, "scanentry", "ScanEntry"], [14, 0, 0, "setting", "Setting"], [14, 0, 0, "setting", "Setting"], [14, 0, 0, "settinghint", "SettingHint"], [14, 0, 0, "settingoption", "SettingOption"], [14, 0, 0, "settings", "Settings"], [14, 0, 0, "suspendinstructionentry", "SuspendInstructionEntry"], [14, 0, 0, "uimodegroup", "UiModeGroup"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumassociationstate", "WSDK_EnumAssociationState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumauthstate", "WSDK_EnumAuthState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumbandselect", "WSDK_EnumBandSelect"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcahacat", "WSDK_EnumCAHACat"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcahaerr", "WSDK_EnumCAHAErr"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcahastate", "WSDK_EnumCAHAState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcahasub", "WSDK_EnumCAHASub"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcahautoclear", "WSDK_EnumCAHAutoClear"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcahserver", "WSDK_EnumCAHServer"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcameracontrolstatus", "WSDK_EnumCameraControlStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcamerawakeupreason", "WSDK_EnumCameraWakeupReason"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumcmdid", "WSDK_EnumCmdId"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumdevicemgrcat", "WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrCat"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumdevicemgrerr", "WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrErr"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumdevicemgrstate", "WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumdevicemgrsub", "WSDK_EnumDeviceMgrSub"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumfeatureid", "WSDK_EnumFeatureId"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumflatmode", "WSDK_EnumFlatMode"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumlens", "WSDK_EnumLens"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumlivestreamerror", "WSDK_EnumLiveStreamError"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumlivestreamstatus", "WSDK_EnumLiveStreamStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumotacmd", "WSDK_EnumOTACmd"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumotaerror", "WSDK_EnumOTAError"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumotastate", "WSDK_EnumOTAState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumpresetgroup", "WSDK_EnumPresetGroup"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumpresetgroupicon", "WSDK_EnumPresetGroupIcon"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumpreseticon", "WSDK_EnumPresetIcon"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumpresettitle", "WSDK_EnumPresetTitle"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumqueryid", "WSDK_EnumQueryId"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumregistercahstatus", "WSDK_EnumRegisterCAHStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumregisterlivestreamstatus", "WSDK_EnumRegisterLiveStreamStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumregisterotastatus", "WSDK_EnumRegisterOTAStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumregisterpresetstatus", "WSDK_EnumRegisterPresetStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumsettingid", "WSDK_EnumSettingId"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumshutter", "WSDK_EnumShutter"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumsystemnotifyevent", "WSDK_EnumSystemNotifyEvent"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumtimewarpspeedramp", "WSDK_EnumTimeWarpSpeedRamp"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumwomcat", "WSDK_EnumWOMCat"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumwomerr", "WSDK_EnumWOMErr"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumwomstate", "WSDK_EnumWOMState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumwomsub", "WSDK_EnumWOMSub"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-enumwindowsize", "WSDK_EnumWindowSize"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-notifycahstatus", "WSDK_NotifyCAHStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-notifycohnstatus", "WSDK_NotifyCOHNStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-notifylivestreamstatus", "WSDK_NotifyLiveStreamStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-notifyotastatus", "WSDK_NotifyOTAStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-notifypresetstatus", "WSDK_NotifyPresetStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-preset", "WSDK_Preset"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-presetgroup", "WSDK_PresetGroup"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-presetsetting", "WSDK_PresetSetting"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestcohncert", "WSDK_RequestCOHNCert"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestclearcohncert", "WSDK_RequestClearCOHNCert"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestclearnewmediaflag", "WSDK_RequestClearNewMediaFlag"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestcreatecohncert", "WSDK_RequestCreateCOHNCert"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestcreatecustompreset", "WSDK_RequestCreateCustomPreset"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestcustompresetupdate", "WSDK_RequestCustomPresetUpdate"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetallpresetstatus", "WSDK_RequestGetAllPresetStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetassociationstate", "WSDK_RequestGetAssociationState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetcahstatus", "WSDK_RequestGetCAHStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetcahsticky", "WSDK_RequestGetCAHSticky"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetcohnstatus", "WSDK_RequestGetCOHNStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetcsivalue", "WSDK_RequestGetCSIValue"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetclientid", "WSDK_RequestGetClientId"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetlastcapturedmedia", "WSDK_RequestGetLastCapturedMedia"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetlivestreamstatus", "WSDK_RequestGetLiveStreamStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetmobileoffloadstate", "WSDK_RequestGetMobileOffloadState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetotastatus", "WSDK_RequestGetOTAStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetpresetstatus", "WSDK_RequestGetPresetStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestgetsystembeacon", "WSDK_RequestGetSystemBeacon"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestreleasenetwork", "WSDK_RequestReleaseNetwork"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetassociationstate", "WSDK_RequestSetAssociationState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetauthcode", "WSDK_RequestSetAuthCode"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetbandselect", "WSDK_RequestSetBandSelect"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcahautoclear", "WSDK_RequestSetCAHAutoClear"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcahenable", "WSDK_RequestSetCAHEnable"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcahlogging", "WSDK_RequestSetCAHLogging"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcahserver", "WSDK_RequestSetCAHServer"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcahstart", "WSDK_RequestSetCAHStart"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcohnsetting", "WSDK_RequestSetCOHNSetting"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcsivalue", "WSDK_RequestSetCSIValue"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetcameracontrolstatus", "WSDK_RequestSetCameraControlStatus"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetclientinfo", "WSDK_RequestSetClientInfo"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetincontextualmenu", "WSDK_RequestSetInContextualMenu"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetlivestreammode", "WSDK_RequestSetLiveStreamMode"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetotaupdate", "WSDK_RequestSetOTAUpdate"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpresetcreate", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetCreate"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpreseteditcancel", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetEditCancel"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpreseteditstart", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetEditStart"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpreseteditstore", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetEditStore"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpresetfactoryreset", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetFactoryReset"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpresetorder", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetOrder"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetpresetremove", "WSDK_RequestSetPresetRemove"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetshutter", "WSDK_RequestSetShutter"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetsystemenablebeacon", "WSDK_RequestSetSystemEnableBeacon"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetsystemnotifyevent", "WSDK_RequestSetSystemNotifyEvent"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsettimewarpspeed1x", "WSDK_RequestSetTimeWarpSpeed1X"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsettimewarpspeedramp", "WSDK_RequestSetTimeWarpSpeedRamp"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsettimewarpspeedrampactive", "WSDK_RequestSetTimeWarpSpeedRampActive"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestsetturboactive", "WSDK_RequestSetTurboActive"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requestshortcutsreset", "WSDK_RequestShortcutsReset"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-requeststartsimplecahprovision", "WSDK_RequestStartSimpleCAHProvision"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsecohncert", "WSDK_ResponseCOHNCert"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsecreatecustompreset", "WSDK_ResponseCreateCustomPreset"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsegetassociationstate", "WSDK_ResponseGetAssociationState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsegetcahsticky", "WSDK_ResponseGetCAHSticky"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsegetcsivalue", "WSDK_ResponseGetCSIValue"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsegetclientid", "WSDK_ResponseGetClientId"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsegetmobileoffloadstate", "WSDK_ResponseGetMobileOffloadState"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responsegetsystembeacon", "WSDK_ResponseGetSystemBeacon"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdk-responselastcapturedmedia", "WSDK_ResponseLastCapturedMedia"], [14, 0, 0, "widgettype", "WidgetType"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdkmode", "WsdkMode"], [14, 0, 0, "wsdkmodegroup", "WsdkModeGroup"], [1, 1, 0, "clear-cohn-certificate", "clear cohn certificate"], [0, 1, 0, "connect-to-a-new-access-point", "connect to a new access point"], [0, 1, 0, "connect-to-provisioned-access-point", "connect to provisioned access point"], [1, 1, 0, "create-cohn-certificate", "create cohn certificate"], [0, 1, 0, "get-ap-scan-results", "get ap scan results"], [5, 1, 0, "get-available-presets", "get available presets"], [1, 1, 0, "get-cohn-certificate", "get cohn certificate"], [1, 1, 0, "get-cohn-status", "get cohn status"], [6, 1, 0, "get-date-time", "get date time"], [6, 1, 0, "get-hardware-info", "get hardware info"], [6, 1, 0, "get-last-captured-media", "get last captured media"], [4, 1, 0, "get-livestream-status", "get livestream status"], [6, 1, 0, "get-local-date-time", "get local date time"], [6, 1, 0, "get-open-gopro-version", "get open gopro version"], [6, 1, 0, "get-setting-capabilities", "get setting capabilities"], [6, 1, 0, "get-setting-values", "get setting values"], [6, 1, 0, "get-status-values", "get status values"], [3, 1, 0, "hilight-moment", "hilight moment"], [2, 1, 0, "keep-alive", "keep alive"], [5, 1, 0, "load-preset", "load preset"], [5, 1, 0, "load-preset-group", "load preset group"], [6, 1, 0, "register-for-setting-capability-updates", "register for setting capability updates"], [6, 1, 0, "register-for-setting-value-updates", "register for setting value updates"], [6, 1, 0, "register-for-status-value-updates", "register for status value updates"], [0, 1, 0, "scan-for-access-points", "scan for access points"], [2, 1, 0, "set-analytics", "set analytics"], [2, 1, 0, "set-ap-control", "set ap control"], [2, 1, 0, "set-camera-control", "set camera control"], [1, 1, 0, "set-cohn-setting", "set cohn setting"], [2, 1, 0, "set-date-time", "set date time"], [4, 1, 0, "set-livestream-mode", "set livestream mode"], [2, 1, 0, "set-local-date-time", "set local date time"], [7, 1, 0, "set-setting", "set setting"], [2, 1, 0, "set-shutter", "set shutter"], [2, 1, 0, "set-turbo-transfer", "set turbo transfer"], [2, 1, 0, "sleep", "sleep"], [6, 1, 0, "unregister-for-setting-capability-updates", "unregister for setting capability updates"], [6, 1, 0, "unregister-for-setting-value-updates", "unregister for setting value updates"], [6, 1, 0, "unregister-for-status-value-updates", "unregister for status value updates"], [5, 1, 0, "update-custom-preset", "update custom preset"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-108", "Setting 108 (Aspect Ratio)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-121", "Setting 121 (Lens)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-122", "Setting 122 (Lens)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-123", "Setting 123 (Time Lapse Digital Lenses)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-128", "Setting 128 (Media Format)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-134", "Setting 134 (Anti-Flicker)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-135", "Setting 135 (Hypersmooth)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-150", "Setting 150 (Horizon Leveling)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-151", "Setting 151 (Horizon Leveling)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-162", "Setting 162 (Max Lens)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-167", "Setting 167 (HindSight)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-171", "Setting 171 (Interval)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-172", "Setting 172 (Duration)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-173", "Setting 173 (Video Performance Mode)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-175", "Setting 175 (Controls)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-176", "Setting 176 (Easy Mode Speed)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-177", "Setting 177 (Enable Night Photo)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-178", "Setting 178 (Wireless Band)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-179", "Setting 179 (Trail Length)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-180", "Setting 180 (Video Mode)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-182", "Setting 182 (Bit Rate)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-183", "Setting 183 (Bit Depth)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-184", "Setting 184 (Profiles)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-186", "Setting 186 (Video Mode)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-187", "Setting 187 (Lapse Mode)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-189", "Setting 189 (Max Lens Mod)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-190", "Setting 190 (Max Lens Mod Enable)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-191", "Setting 191 (Photo Mode)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-192", "Setting 192 (Aspect Ratio)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-193", "Setting 193 (Framing)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-2", "Setting 2 (Resolution)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-3", "Setting 3 (Frames Per Second)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-43", "Setting 43 (Webcam Digital Lenses)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-59", "Setting 59 (Auto Power Down)"], [7, 2, 0, "setting-83", "Setting 83 (GPS)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-1", "Status 1 (Is the system's internal battery present?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-10", "Status 10 (Is the system encoding right now?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-100", "Status 100 (Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-102", "Status 102 (Media Mod state)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-103", "Status 103 (Time Warp Speed)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-104", "Status 104 (Is the system's Linux core active?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-105", "Status 105 (Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-106", "Status 106 (Is Video Hindsight Capture Active?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-107", "Status 107 (Scheduled Capture Preset ID)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-108", "Status 108 (Is Scheduled Capture set?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-11", "Status 11 (Is LCD lock active?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-110", "Status 110 (Display Mod Status (bitmasked))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-111", "Status 111 (Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-112", "Status 112 (Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-113", "Status 113 (Is Turbo Transfer active?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-114", "Status 114 (Camera control status ID)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-115", "Status 115 (Is the camera connected to a PC via USB?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-116", "Status 116 (Camera control over USB state)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-117", "Status 117 (Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-13", "Status 13 (When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-17", "Status 17 (Are Wireless Connections enabled?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-19", "Status 19 (The pairing state of the camera)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-2", "Status 2 (Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-20", "Status 20 (The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-21", "Status 21 (Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-22", "Status 22 (State of current scan for WiFi Access Points)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-23", "Status 23 (Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-24", "Status 24 (WiFi AP provisioning state)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-26", "Status 26 (Wireless remote control version)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-27", "Status 27 (Is a wireless remote control connected?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-31", "Status 31 (The number of wireless devices connected to the camera)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-32", "Status 32 (Is Preview Stream enabled?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-33", "Status 33 (Primary Storage Status)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-34", "Status 34 (How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-35", "Status 35 (How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-38", "Status 38 (Total number of photos on sdcard)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-39", "Status 39 (Total number of videos on sdcard)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-41", "Status 41 (The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-42", "Status 42 (Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-45", "Status 45 (Is locate camera feature active?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-54", "Status 54 (Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-55", "Status 55 (Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-56", "Status 56 (WiFi signal strength in bars)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-58", "Status 58 (The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-59", "Status 59 (Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-6", "Status 6 (Is the system currently overheating?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-64", "Status 64 (How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-65", "Status 65 (Liveview Exposure Select Mode)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-66", "Status 66 (Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-67", "Status 67 (Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-68", "Status 68 (Does the camera currently have a GPS lock?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-69", "Status 69 (Is the camera in AP Mode?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-70", "Status 70 (Internal battery level (percent))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-74", "Status 74 (Microphone Accessory status)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-75", "Status 75 (Digital Zoom level (percent))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-76", "Status 76 (Wireless Band)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-77", "Status 77 (Is Digital Zoom feature available?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-78", "Status 78 (Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-79", "Status 79 (Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-8", "Status 8 (Is the camera busy?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-81", "Status 81 (Is 5GHz wireless band available?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-82", "Status 82 (Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-83", "Status 83 (Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-85", "Status 85 (Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-86", "Status 86 (Rotational orientation of the camera)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-88", "Status 88 (Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-89", "Status 89 (Current Flatmode ID)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-9", "Status 9 (Is Quick Capture feature enabled?)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-93", "Status 93 (Current Video Preset (ID))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-94", "Status 94 (Current Photo Preset (ID))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-95", "Status 95 (Current Time Lapse Preset (ID))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-97", "Status 97 (Current Preset (ID))"], [8, 3, 0, "status-98", "Status 98 (Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID)"], [8, 3, 0, "status-99", "Status 99 (The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full)"]], "Status 101 (Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e": [[8, 3, 0, "status-101", " counting down)?)"]], "Status 28 (Wireless Pairing State": [[8, 3, 0, "status-28", " Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags))"]], "Status 29 (SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to": [[8, 3, 0, "status-29", " On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32)"]], "Status 30 (The camera's WiFi SSID": [[8, 3, 0, "status-30", " On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32)"]], "Status 49 (The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5...4...3...2...1..": [[8, 3, 0, "status-49", "))"]], "Status 60 (The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds)": [[8, 3, 0, "status-60", " Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this)"]], "Status 96 (Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings": [[8, 3, 0, "status-96", "json))"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "operation:Proto", "1": "operation:Operation", "2": "operation:Setting", "3": "operation:Status"}, "objnames": {"0": ["operation", "Proto", "Proto"], "1": ["operation", "Operation", "Operation"], "2": ["operation", "Setting", "Setting"], "3": ["operation", "Status", "Status"]}, "titleterms": {"access": [0, 8], "point": [0, 8], "oper": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "disconnect": 0, "from": 0, "camera": [1, 7, 8, 9, 15], "home": 1, "network": 1, "certif": 1, "verifi": 1, "view": 1, "detail": 1, "provis": [1, 8], "procedur": 1, "control": [2, 7, 8, 15], "hilight": [3, 8], "live": [4, 8], "stream": [4, 8], "preset": [5, 8, 14], "group": [5, 8], "modifi": [5, 8], "statu": [5, 8, 13], "queri": [6, 12, 13], "set": [7, 8, 13], "capabl": [7, 8], "xlsx": 7, "json": [7, 8], "id": [7, 8, 13], "resolut": 7, "2": [7, 8], "frame": [7, 8], "per": 7, "second": [7, 8], "3": [7, 8], "fov": 7, "43": 7, "auto": 7, "off": 7, "59": [7, 8], "gp": [7, 8], "83": [7, 8], "aspect": 7, "ratio": 7, "108": [7, 8], "len": [7, 8], "121": 7, "122": 7, "123": 7, "format": 7, "128": 7, "anti": 7, "flicker": 7, "134": 7, "hypersmooth": 7, "135": 7, "horizon": 7, "level": [7, 8], "150": 7, "151": 7, "max": 7, "mod": [7, 8], "enabl": [7, 8], "162": [7, 8], "hindsight": [7, 8], "167": 7, "interv": [7, 8], "171": 7, "durat": [7, 8], "172": 7, "video": [7, 8], "perform": 7, "mode": [7, 8, 11], "173": 7, "175": 7, "speed": [7, 8], "176": 7, "night": 7, "photo": [7, 8], "177": 7, "wi": 7, "fi": 7, "band": [7, 8], "178": 7, "trail": 7, "length": [7, 12], "179": 7, "180": 7, "bit": [7, 8, 12], "rate": [7, 8], "182": 7, "depth": 7, "183": 7, "profil": 7, "184": 7, "186": 7, "laps": [7, 8], "187": 7, "189": [7, 8], "190": 7, "191": 7, "192": 7, "193": 7, "status": 8, "i": 8, "system": 8, "": [8, 9], "intern": 8, "batteri": 8, "present": 8, "1": 8, "rough": 8, "approxim": 8, "bar": 8, "charg": 8, "current": 8, "overh": 8, "6": 8, "busi": 8, "8": 8, "quick": 8, "captur": 8, "featur": 8, "9": 8, "encod": 8, "right": 8, "now": 8, "10": 8, "lcd": 8, "lock": 8, "activ": 8, "11": 8, "when": 8, "thi": 8, "so": 8, "far": 8, "0": 8, "otherwis": 8, "13": [8, 12], "ar": 8, "wireless": 8, "connect": 8, "17": 8, "The": 8, "pair": [8, 11], "state": [8, 15], "19": 8, "last": 8, "type": [8, 12], "which": 8, "wa": 8, "engag": 8, "20": 8, "time": 8, "sinc": 8, "boot": 8, "millisecond": 8, "success": 8, "complet": 8, "action": 8, "21": 8, "scan": 8, "wifi": 8, "22": 8, "23": 8, "ap": 8, "24": 8, "remot": 8, "version": 8, "26": 8, "27": 8, "each": 8, "contain": 8, "inform": 8, "see": 8, "wirelesspairingstateflag": 8, "28": 8, "ssid": 8, "On": 8, "ble": [8, 9, 11], "valu": [8, 12], "big": 8, "endian": 8, "byte": 8, "int32": 8, "29": 8, "30": 8, "number": 8, "devic": 8, "31": 8, "preview": 8, "32": 8, "primari": 8, "storag": 8, "33": 8, "how": 8, "mani": 8, "can": 8, "taken": 8, "befor": 8, "sdcard": 8, "full": 8, "34": 8, "minut": 8, "35": 8, "total": 8, "38": 8, "39": 8, "over": 8, "air": 8, "ota": 8, "updat": 8, "41": 8, "pend": 8, "request": 8, "cancel": 8, "firmwar": 8, "download": 8, "42": 8, "locat": 8, "45": 8, "timelaps": 8, "countdown": 8, "e": 8, "g": 8, "5": [8, 12], "4": 8, "49": 8, "remain": 8, "space": 8, "kilobyt": 8, "54": 8, "support": [8, 9], "record": 8, "secondari": 8, "55": 8, "signal": 8, "strength": 8, "56": 8, "stop": 8, "58": 8, "most": 8, "recent": 8, "minimum": 8, "between": 8, "best": 8, "practic": 8, "poll": 8, "more": 8, "often": 8, "than": 8, "60": 8, "64": 8, "liveview": 8, "exposur": 8, "select": 8, "65": 8, "y": 8, "coordin": 8, "percent": 8, "66": 8, "67": 8, "doe": 8, "have": 8, "68": 8, "69": 8, "70": 8, "microphon": 8, "accessori": 8, "74": 8, "digit": 8, "zoom": 8, "75": 8, "76": 8, "avail": 8, "77": 8, "mobil": 8, "friendli": 8, "relat": 8, "compress": 8, "78": 8, "first": 8, "us": 8, "ftu": 8, "ui": 8, "flow": 8, "79": 8, "5ghz": 8, "81": 8, "fulli": 8, "readi": [8, 15], "accept": 8, "command": [8, 12, 13], "82": 8, "suffici": 8, "start": [8, 9], "get": [8, 9], "too": 8, "cold": 8, "continu": [8, 12], "85": 8, "rotat": 8, "orient": 8, "86": 8, "model": 8, "while": 8, "88": 8, "flatmod": 8, "89": 8, "93": 8, "94": 8, "95": 8, "correspond": 8, "ui_mode_group": 8, "96": 8, "97": 8, "an": 8, "event": 8, "98": 8, "burst": 8, "99": 8, "100": 8, "delai": 8, "count": 8, "down": 8, "101": 8, "media": [8, 14], "102": 8, "warp": 8, "103": 8, "linux": 8, "core": 8, "104": 8, "reflect": 8, "chang": 8, "105": 8, "106": 8, "schedul": 8, "107": 8, "displai": 8, "bitmask": 8, "110": 8, "meet": 8, "specifi": 8, "write": 8, "111": 8, "error": 8, "112": 8, "turbo": 8, "transfer": 8, "113": 8, "114": 8, "pc": 8, "via": 8, "usb": 8, "115": 8, "116": 8, "sd": 8, "card": 8, "capac": 8, "117": 8, "welcom": 9, "open": 9, "gopro": 9, "api": 9, "document": [9, 14], "limit": 9, "gener": [9, 12], "protocol": [10, 12], "setup": 11, "advertis": 11, "finish": 11, "configur": 11, "gatt": 11, "characterist": 11, "send": 11, "messag": [11, 12], "data": 12, "packet": 12, "header": 12, "extend": 12, "16": 12, "deciph": 12, "payload": 12, "protobuf": [12, 13, 14], "tabl": 13, "enum": 14, "enumcohnnetworkst": 14, "enumcohnstatu": 14, "enumcameracontrolstatu": 14, "enumflatmod": 14, "enumlen": 14, "enumlivestreamerror": 14, "enumlivestreamstatu": 14, "enumpresetgroup": 14, "enumpresetgroupicon": 14, "enumpreseticon": 14, "enumpresettitl": 14, "enumprovis": 14, "enumregisterlivestreamstatu": 14, "enumregisterpresetstatu": 14, "enumresultgener": 14, "enumscanentryflag": 14, "enumscan": 14, "enumwindows": 14, "notifprovisioningst": 14, "notifstartscan": 14, "notifycohnstatu": 14, "notifylivestreamstatu": 14, "notifypresetstatu": 14, "presetgroup": 14, "presetset": 14, "requestcohncert": 14, "requestclearcohncert": 14, "requestconnect": 14, "requestconnectnew": 14, "requestcreatecohncert": 14, "requestcustompresetupd": 14, "requestgetapentri": 14, "requestgetcohnstatu": 14, "requestgetlastcapturedmedia": 14, "requestgetlivestreamstatu": 14, "requestgetpresetstatu": 14, "requestreleasenetwork": 14, "requestsetcohnset": 14, "requestsetcameracontrolstatu": 14, "requestsetlivestreammod": 14, "requestsetturboact": 14, "requeststartscan": 14, "responsecohncert": 14, "responseconnect": 14, "responseconnectnew": 14, "responsegener": 14, "responsegetapentri": 14, "responselastcapturedmedia": 14, "responsestartscan": 14, "scanentri": 14, "manag": 15, "keep": 15, "aliv": 15}, "envversion": {"": 3, "": 1, "": 1, "": 9, "": 1, "": 3, "": 2, "": 4, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx": 60}, "alltitles": {"Access Point": [[0, "access-point"]], "Operations": [[0, "operations"], [1, "operations"], [2, "operations"], [3, "operations"], [4, "operations"], [5, "operations"], [6, "operations"], [7, "operations"]], "Disconnect from Access Point": [[0, "disconnect-from-access-point"]], "Camera on the Home Network": [[1, "camera-on-the-home-network"]], "Certificates": [[1, "certificates"]], "Verifying Certificate": [[1, "verifying-certificate"]], "View Certificate Details": [[1, "view-certificate-details"]], "Provisioning Procedure": [[1, "provisioning-procedure"]], "Control": [[2, "control"]], "Hilights": [[3, "hilights"]], "Live Streaming": [[4, "live-streaming"]], "Presets": [[5, "presets"]], "Preset Groups": [[5, "preset-groups"]], "Preset Modified Status": [[5, "preset-modified-status"]], "Query": [[6, "query"]], "Settings": [[7, "settings"]], "Camera Capabilities": [[7, "camera-capabilities"]], "XLSX": [[7, "xlsx"]], "JSON": [[7, "json"]], "Setting IDs": [[7, "setting-ids"], [13, "setting-ids"]], "Resolution (2)": [[7, "resolution-2"]], "Frames Per Second (3)": [[7, "frames-per-second-3"]], "FOV (43)": [[7, "fov-43"]], "Auto Off (59)": [[7, "auto-off-59"]], "GPS (83)": [[7, "gps-83"]], "Aspect Ratio (108)": [[7, "aspect-ratio-108"]], "Lens (121)": [[7, "lens-121"]], "Lens (122)": [[7, "lens-122"]], "Lens (123)": [[7, "lens-123"]], "Format (128)": [[7, "format-128"]], "Anti-Flicker (134)": [[7, "anti-flicker-134"]], "Hypersmooth (135)": [[7, "hypersmooth-135"]], "Horizon Leveling (150)": [[7, "horizon-leveling-150"]], "Horizon Leveling (151)": [[7, "horizon-leveling-151"]], "Max Lens Mod Enable (162)": [[7, "max-lens-mod-enable-162"]], "HindSight (167)": [[7, "hindsight-167"]], "Interval (171)": [[7, "interval-171"]], "Duration (172)": [[7, "duration-172"]], "Video Performance Modes (173)": [[7, "video-performance-modes-173"]], "Controls (175)": [[7, "controls-175"]], "Speed (176)": [[7, "speed-176"]], "Night Photo (177)": [[7, "night-photo-177"]], "Wi-fi Band (178)": [[7, "wi-fi-band-178"]], "Trail Length (179)": [[7, "trail-length-179"]], "Video Mode (180)": [[7, "video-mode-180"]], "Bit Rate (182)": [[7, "bit-rate-182"]], "Bit Depth (183)": [[7, "bit-depth-183"]], "Profiles (184)": [[7, "profiles-184"]], "Video Mode (186)": [[7, "video-mode-186"]], "Lapse Mode (187)": [[7, "lapse-mode-187"]], "Max Lens Mod (189)": [[7, "max-lens-mod-189"]], "Max Lens Mod Enable (190)": [[7, "max-lens-mod-enable-190"]], "Photo Mode (191)": [[7, "photo-mode-191"]], "Aspect Ratio (192)": [[7, "aspect-ratio-192"]], "Framing (193)": [[7, "framing-193"]], "Statuses": [[8, "statuses"]], "Status IDs": [[8, "status-ids"], [13, "status-ids"]], "Is the system\u2019s internal battery present? (1)": [[8, "is-the-system-s-internal-battery-present-1"]], "Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging) (2)": [[8, "rough-approximation-of-internal-battery-level-in-bars-or-charging-2"]], "Is the system currently overheating? (6)": [[8, "is-the-system-currently-overheating-6"]], "Is the camera busy? (8)": [[8, "is-the-camera-busy-8"]], "Is Quick Capture feature enabled? (9)": [[8, "is-quick-capture-feature-enabled-9"]], "Is the system encoding right now? (10)": [[8, "is-the-system-encoding-right-now-10"]], "Is LCD lock active? (11)": [[8, "is-lcd-lock-active-11"]], "When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise (13)": [[8, "when-encoding-video-this-is-the-duration-seconds-of-the-video-so-far-0-otherwise-13"]], "Are Wireless Connections enabled? (17)": [[8, "are-wireless-connections-enabled-17"]], "The pairing state of the camera (19)": [[8, "the-pairing-state-of-the-camera-19"]], "The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged (20)": [[8, "the-last-type-of-pairing-in-which-the-camera-was-engaged-20"]], "Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action (21)": [[8, "time-since-boot-milliseconds-of-last-successful-pairing-complete-action-21"]], "State of current scan for WiFi Access Points (22)": [[8, "state-of-current-scan-for-wifi-access-points-22"]], "Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed (23)": [[8, "time-since-boot-milliseconds-that-the-wifi-access-point-scan-completed-23"]], "WiFi AP provisioning state (24)": [[8, "wifi-ap-provisioning-state-24"]], "Wireless remote control version (26)": [[8, "wireless-remote-control-version-26"]], "Is a wireless remote control connected? (27)": [[8, "is-a-wireless-remote-control-connected-27"]], "Wireless Pairing State. Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags) (28)": [[8, "wireless-pairing-state-each-bit-contains-state-information-see-wirelesspairingstateflags-28"]], "SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32 (29)": [[8, "ssid-of-the-ap-the-camera-is-currently-connected-to-on-ble-connection-value-is-big-endian-byte-encoded-int32-29"]], "The camera\u2019s WiFi SSID. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32 (30)": [[8, "the-camera-s-wifi-ssid-on-ble-connection-value-is-big-endian-byte-encoded-int32-30"]], "The number of wireless devices connected to the camera (31)": [[8, "the-number-of-wireless-devices-connected-to-the-camera-31"]], "Is Preview Stream enabled? (32)": [[8, "is-preview-stream-enabled-32"]], "Primary Storage Status (33)": [[8, "primary-storage-status-33"]], "How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full (34)": [[8, "how-many-photos-can-be-taken-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-34"]], "How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (35)": [[8, "how-many-minutes-of-video-can-be-captured-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-35"]], "Total number of photos on sdcard (38)": [[8, "total-number-of-photos-on-sdcard-38"]], "Total number of videos on sdcard (39)": [[8, "total-number-of-videos-on-sdcard-39"]], "The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update (41)": [[8, "the-current-status-of-over-the-air-ota-update-41"]], "Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download? (42)": [[8, "is-there-a-pending-request-to-cancel-a-firmware-update-download-42"]], "Is locate camera feature active? (45)": [[8, "is-locate-camera-feature-active-45"]], "The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5\u20264\u20263\u20262\u20261\u2026) (49)": [[8, "the-current-timelapse-interval-countdown-value-e-g-5-4-3-2-1-49"]], "Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes (54)": [[8, "remaining-space-on-the-sdcard-in-kilobytes-54"]], "Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream? (55)": [[8, "is-preview-stream-supported-in-current-recording-mode-secondary-stream-55"]], "WiFi signal strength in bars (56)": [[8, "wifi-signal-strength-in-bars-56"]], "The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops) (58)": [[8, "the-number-of-hilights-in-currently-encoding-video-value-is-set-to-0-when-encoding-stops-58"]], "Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops) (59)": [[8, "time-since-boot-milliseconds-of-most-recent-hilight-in-encoding-video-set-to-0-when-encoding-stops-59"]], "The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds). Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this (60)": [[8, "the-minimum-time-between-camera-status-updates-milliseconds-best-practice-is-to-not-poll-for-status-more-often-than-this-60"]], "How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (64)": [[8, "how-many-minutes-of-time-lapse-video-can-be-captured-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-64"]], "Liveview Exposure Select Mode (65)": [[8, "liveview-exposure-select-mode-65"]], "Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent) (66)": [[8, "liveview-exposure-select-y-coordinate-percent-66"]], "Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent) (67)": [[8, "liveview-exposure-select-y-coordinate-percent-67"]], "Does the camera currently have a GPS lock? (68)": [[8, "does-the-camera-currently-have-a-gps-lock-68"]], "Is the camera in AP Mode? (69)": [[8, "is-the-camera-in-ap-mode-69"]], "Internal battery level (percent) (70)": [[8, "internal-battery-level-percent-70"]], "Microphone Accessory status (74)": [[8, "microphone-accessory-status-74"]], "Digital Zoom level (percent) (75)": [[8, "digital-zoom-level-percent-75"]], "Wireless Band (76)": [[8, "wireless-band-76"]], "Is Digital Zoom feature available? (77)": [[8, "is-digital-zoom-feature-available-77"]], "Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate) (78)": [[8, "are-current-video-settings-mobile-friendly-related-to-video-compression-and-frame-rate-78"]], "Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow? (79)": [[8, "is-the-camera-currently-in-first-time-use-ftu-ui-flow-79"]], "Is 5GHz wireless band available? (81)": [[8, "is-5ghz-wireless-band-available-81"]], "Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands? (82)": [[8, "is-the-system-fully-booted-and-ready-to-accept-commands-82"]], "Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update? (83)": [[8, "is-the-internal-battery-charged-sufficiently-to-start-over-the-air-ota-update-83"]], "Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording? (85)": [[8, "is-the-camera-getting-too-cold-to-continue-recording-85"]], "Rotational orientation of the camera (86)": [[8, "rotational-orientation-of-the-camera-86"]], "Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding? (88)": [[8, "is-this-camera-model-capable-of-zooming-while-encoding-88"]], "Current Flatmode ID (89)": [[8, "current-flatmode-id-89"]], "Current Video Preset (ID) (93)": [[8, "current-video-preset-id-93"]], "Current Photo Preset (ID) (94)": [[8, "current-photo-preset-id-94"]], "Current Time Lapse Preset (ID) (95)": [[8, "current-time-lapse-preset-id-95"]], "Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings.json) (96)": [[8, "current-preset-group-id-corresponds-to-ui-mode-groups-in-settings-json-96"]], "Current Preset (ID) (97)": [[8, "current-preset-id-97"]], "Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID (98)": [[8, "preset-modified-status-which-contains-an-event-id-and-a-preset-group-id-98"]], "The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full (99)": [[8, "the-number-of-live-bursts-can-be-captured-with-current-settings-before-sdcard-is-full-99"]], "Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard (100)": [[8, "total-number-of-live-bursts-on-sdcard-100"]], "Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e. counting down)? (101)": [[8, "is-capture-delay-currently-active-i-e-counting-down-101"]], "Media Mod state (102)": [[8, "media-mod-state-102"]], "Time Warp Speed (103)": [[8, "time-warp-speed-103"]], "Is the system\u2019s Linux core active? (104)": [[8, "is-the-system-s-linux-core-active-104"]], "Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189) (105)": [[8, "camera-lens-type-reflects-changes-to-setting-162-or-setting-189-105"]], "Is Video Hindsight Capture Active? (106)": [[8, "is-video-hindsight-capture-active-106"]], "Scheduled Capture Preset ID (107)": [[8, "scheduled-capture-preset-id-107"]], "Is Scheduled Capture set? (108)": [[8, "is-scheduled-capture-set-108"]], "Display Mod Status (bitmasked) (110)": [[8, "display-mod-status-bitmasked-110"]], "Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed? (111)": [[8, "does-sdcard-meet-specified-minimum-write-speed-111"]], "Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted (112)": [[8, "number-of-sdcard-write-speed-errors-since-device-booted-112"]], "Is Turbo Transfer active? (113)": [[8, "is-turbo-transfer-active-113"]], "Camera control status ID (114)": [[8, "camera-control-status-id-114"]], "Is the camera connected to a PC via USB? (115)": [[8, "is-the-camera-connected-to-a-pc-via-usb-115"]], "Camera control over USB state (116)": [[8, "camera-control-over-usb-state-116"]], "Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes (117)": [[8, "total-sd-card-capacity-in-kilobytes-117"]], "Welcome to Open GoPro BLE API\u2019s documentation!": [[9, "welcome-to-open-gopro-ble-api-s-documentation"]], "Supported Cameras": [[9, "supported-cameras"]], "Getting Started": [[9, "getting-started"]], "Limitations": [[9, "limitations"]], "General": [[9, "general"]], "Protocol": [[10, "protocol"]], "BLE Setup": [[11, "ble-setup"]], "Pairing Mode": [[11, "pairing-mode"]], "Advertisements": [[11, "advertisements"]], "Finish Pairing": [[11, "finish-pairing"]], "Configure GATT Characteristics": [[11, "configure-gatt-characteristics"]], "BLE Characteristics": [[11, "ble-characteristics"]], "Send Messages": [[11, "send-messages"]], "Data Protocol": [[12, "data-protocol"]], "Packetization": [[12, "packetization"]], "Packet Headers": [[12, "packet-headers"]], "General (5-bit) Packets": [[12, "general-5-bit-packets"]], "Extended (13-bit) Packets": [[12, "extended-13-bit-packets"]], "Extended (16-bit) Packets": [[12, "extended-16-bit-packets"]], "Continuation Packets": [[12, "continuation-packets"]], "Decipher Message Payload Type": [[12, "decipher-message-payload-type"]], "Message Payload": [[12, "message-payload"]], "Type Length Value": [[12, "type-length-value"]], "Commands": [[12, "commands"]], "Queries": [[12, "queries"]], "Protobuf": [[12, "protobuf"]], "ID Tables": [[13, "id-tables"]], "Command IDs": [[13, "command-ids"]], "Query IDs": [[13, "query-ids"]], "Protobuf IDs": [[13, "protobuf-ids"]], "Protobuf Documentation": [[14, "protobuf-documentation"]], "Enums": [[14, "enums"]], "EnumCOHNNetworkState": [[14, "enumcohnnetworkstate"]], "EnumCOHNStatus": [[14, "enumcohnstatus"]], "EnumCameraControlStatus": [[14, "enumcameracontrolstatus"]], "EnumFlatMode": [[14, "enumflatmode"]], "EnumLens": [[14, "enumlens"]], "EnumLiveStreamError": [[14, "enumlivestreamerror"]], "EnumLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "enumlivestreamstatus"]], "EnumPresetGroup": [[14, "enumpresetgroup"]], "EnumPresetGroupIcon": [[14, "enumpresetgroupicon"]], "EnumPresetIcon": [[14, "enumpreseticon"]], "EnumPresetTitle": [[14, "enumpresettitle"]], "EnumProvisioning": [[14, "enumprovisioning"]], "EnumRegisterLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "enumregisterlivestreamstatus"]], "EnumRegisterPresetStatus": [[14, "enumregisterpresetstatus"]], "EnumResultGeneric": [[14, "enumresultgeneric"]], "EnumScanEntryFlags": [[14, "enumscanentryflags"]], "EnumScanning": [[14, "enumscanning"]], "EnumWindowSize": [[14, "enumwindowsize"]], "Media": [[14, "media"]], "NotifProvisioningState": [[14, "notifprovisioningstate"]], "NotifStartScanning": [[14, "notifstartscanning"]], "NotifyCOHNStatus": [[14, "notifycohnstatus"]], "NotifyLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "notifylivestreamstatus"]], "NotifyPresetStatus": [[14, "notifypresetstatus"]], "Preset": [[14, "preset"]], "PresetGroup": [[14, "presetgroup"]], "PresetSetting": [[14, "presetsetting"]], "RequestCOHNCert": [[14, "requestcohncert"]], "RequestClearCOHNCert": [[14, "requestclearcohncert"]], "RequestConnect": [[14, "requestconnect"]], "RequestConnectNew": [[14, "requestconnectnew"]], "RequestCreateCOHNCert": [[14, "requestcreatecohncert"]], "RequestCustomPresetUpdate": [[14, "requestcustompresetupdate"]], "RequestGetApEntries": [[14, "requestgetapentries"]], "RequestGetCOHNStatus": [[14, "requestgetcohnstatus"]], "RequestGetLastCapturedMedia": [[14, "requestgetlastcapturedmedia"]], "RequestGetLiveStreamStatus": [[14, "requestgetlivestreamstatus"]], "RequestGetPresetStatus": [[14, "requestgetpresetstatus"]], "RequestReleaseNetwork": [[14, "requestreleasenetwork"]], "RequestSetCOHNSetting": [[14, "requestsetcohnsetting"]], "RequestSetCameraControlStatus": [[14, "requestsetcameracontrolstatus"]], "RequestSetLiveStreamMode": [[14, "requestsetlivestreammode"]], "RequestSetTurboActive": [[14, "requestsetturboactive"]], "RequestStartScan": [[14, "requeststartscan"]], "ResponseCOHNCert": [[14, "responsecohncert"]], "ResponseConnect": [[14, "responseconnect"]], "ResponseConnectNew": [[14, "responseconnectnew"]], "ResponseGeneric": [[14, "responsegeneric"]], "ResponseGetApEntries": [[14, "responsegetapentries"]], "ResponseLastCapturedMedia": [[14, "responselastcapturedmedia"]], "ResponseStartScanning": [[14, "responsestartscanning"]], "ResponseGetApEntries::ScanEntry": [[14, "responsegetapentries-scanentry"]], "State Management": [[15, "state-management"]], "Camera Readiness": [[15, "camera-readiness"]], "Keep Alive": [[15, "keep-alive"]], "Camera Control": [[15, "camera-control"]]}, "indexentries": {}}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/http.html b/docs/http.html index c939caad..553dbd6a 100644 --- a/docs/http.html +++ b/docs/http.html @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ -
                                              Supported Cameras

                                      While the version listed above are mininum versions needed to support the Open GoPro API, the documentation +

                                      While the version listed above are minimum versions needed to support the Open GoPro API, the documentation assumes that the GoPro is always updated to the most recent version. This is relevant in cases where functionality changes between versions.

                                      @@ -672,36 +672,28 @@



                                    Query / Configure Analytics


                                    Set Client as Third Party

                                    Set Client as Third Party


                                    Supported Cameras:

                                    • HERO12 Black
                                    • -
                                    • HERO11 Black Mini
                                    • -
                                    • HERO11 Black
                                    • -
                                    • HERO10 Black
                                    • -
                                    • HERO9 Black
                                    • -
                                    +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                    HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                    Supported Protocols:

                                    • USB
                                    • WIFI


                                    Response Schema: application/json

                                  headers, using the username and password from the COHN status obtained during or after provisioning.</p> ">

                                  All HTTPS messages must contain Basic access authentication headers, using the username and password from the COHN status obtained during or after provisioning.


                                  Configure COHN Settings

                                  Configure COHN Settings


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI
                                  Request Body schema: application/json
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Request samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "cohn_active": 0

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Create the COHN SSL/TLS certificates


                                  Request samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "cohn_active": 0

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Create the COHN SSL/TLS certificates

                                  This creates the Camera On the Home Network SSL/TLS certs certs. -The created certificate(s) can be obtained via Get COHN Certificate and -used for SSL/TLS communications


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>This creates the Camera On the Home Network SSL/TLS certs certs. +The created certificate(s) can be obtained via <a href="#operation/GPCAMERA_GET_HOME_NETWORK_CERT">Get COHN Certificate</a> and +used for SSL/TLS communications</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI

                                  This creates the Camera On the Home Network SSL/TLS certs certs. +The created certificate(s) can be obtained via Get COHN Certificate and +used for SSL/TLS communications

                                  Request Body schema: application/json
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  If 1, replace existing Root CA cert with a newly-generated one.


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Request samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "override": 0

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Delete COHN Certificates


                                  Request samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "override": 0

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Delete COHN Certificates


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Get COHN Certificate


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Get COHN Certificate


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: text/plain

                                  Get COHN Status

                                  Get COHN Status


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  default camera


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "enabled": 0,
                                  • "ipaddress": "",
                                  • "macaddress": "string",
                                  • "password": "string",
                                  • "ssid": "string",
                                  • "state": 0,
                                  • "status": 0,
                                  • "username": "string"


                                  Command and control of the camera


                                  Configure Turbo Transfer

                                  Configure Turbo Transfer

                                  Some cameras support Turbo Transfer mode, which allows media to be downloaded over WiFi more rapidly.


                                  This special mode should only be used during media offload.


                                  It is recommended that the user check for and, if necessary, disable Turbo Transfer on connection.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Some cameras support Turbo Transfer mode, which allows media to be downloaded over WiFi more rapidly.</p> +<p>This special mode should only be used during media offload.</p> +<p>It is recommended that the user check for and, if necessary, disable Turbo Transfer on connection.</p> +<p>Note that Disabling / enabling turbo mode willa lso enable / disable the transferring media camera UI.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Some cameras support Turbo Transfer mode, which allows media to be downloaded over WiFi more rapidly.


                                  This special mode should only be used during media offload.


                                  It is recommended that the user check for and, if necessary, disable Turbo Transfer on connection.


                                  Note that Disabling / enabling turbo mode willa lso enable / disable the transferring media camera UI.

                                  query Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  0 to disable, 1 to enable


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Enable Wired camera control over USB


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Enable Wired camera control over USB


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  If 1, enable wired usb control; If 0, disable usb control


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Keep Alive


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Keep Alive

                                  In order to maximize battery life, GoPro cameras automatically go to sleep after some time. +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI
                                  • +

                                  In order to maximize battery life, GoPro cameras automatically go to sleep after some time. This logic is handled by a combination of the Auto Power Down setting which most (but not all) cameras support and a Keep Alive message that the user can regularly send to the camera.

                                  The camera will automatically go to sleep if both timers reach zero.

                                  The Auto Power Down timer is reset when the user taps the LCD screen, presses a button on the camera, -programmatically (un)sets the shutter, sets a setting, or loads a Preset.

                                  + programmatically (un)sets the shutter, sets a setting, or loads a Preset.

                                  The Keep Alive timer is reset when the user sends a keep alive message.

                                  The best practice to prevent the camera from inadvertently going to sleep is to start sending Keep Alive messages every 3.0 seconds after a connection is established.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • -
                                  • WIFI
                                  • -


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Camera Control Status


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Camera Control Status

                                  This command is used to tell the camera that a client (i.e. External Control) wishes to claim control of the camera. +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI
                                  • +

                                  This command is used to tell the camera that a client (i.e. External Control) wishes to claim control of the camera. This causes the camera to immediately exit most contextual menus and return to the idle screen. Any interaction with the camera's physical buttons will cause the camera to reclaim control and update control status accordingly. If the user returns the camera UI to the idle screen, the camera updates control status to Idle.





                                  • The entity currently claiming control of the camera is advertised in camera status 114
                                  • Information about whether the camera is in a contextual menu or not is advertised in camera status 63.

                                  See the below diagram for a state diagram of Camera Control:

                                  global behaviors state diagram


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • -
                                  • WIFI
                                  • -
                                  query Parameters
                                  integer (EnumCameraControlStatus)
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Date / Time


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Date / Time


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: date=2023_12_31

                                  current date in format YYYY_MM_DD

                                  Example: time=21_12_13
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Digital Zoom


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Digital Zoom


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]
                                  Example: percent=50

                                  Zoom Level (0-100)


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Shutter


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Set Shutter


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: "start" "stop"

                                  Start / stop encoding.


                                  Hilight a Media File

                                  Hilight a Media File

                                  Add a hilight / tag to an existing photo or media file.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Add a hilight / tag to an existing photo or media file.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Add a hilight / tag to an existing photo or media file.

                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.MP4

                                  The path to a file on the camera to HiLight

                                  Example: ms=1
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Hilight While Recording


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Hilight While Recording

                                  Add hilight at current time while recording video


                                  This can only be used during recording.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Add hilight at current time while recording video</p> +<p>This can only be used during recording.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Add hilight at current time while recording video


                                  This can only be used during recording.


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Remove Hilight


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Remove Hilight

                                  Remove an existing hilight from a photo or video file.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Remove an existing hilight from a photo or video file.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Remove an existing hilight from a photo or video file.

                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.MP4

                                  The path to a file on the camera to remove a HiLight from

                                  Example: ms=1
                                  Limitations -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 gopro 123456789 184517614 Jan 1 00:00 GL030078.LRV -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 gopro 123456789 34877660 Jan 1 00:00 GL040078.LRV -

                                  Download a Media File

                                  Download a Media File

                                  Note that this is the same endpoint for all media (photos, video, etc.).


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Note that this is the same endpoint for all media (photos, video, etc.).</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Note that this is the same endpoint for all media (photos, video, etc.).

                                  path Parameters
                                  Example: 100GOPRO

                                  Case sensitive directory that media resides in

                                  • GOPR0001.JPG - Sample photo file
                                  • GH010397.MP4 - Sample video file

                                  Case sensitive media filename

                                  Get Last Captured Media


                                  Get Last Captured Media

                                  This will return the complete path of the last captured media. Depending on the type of media captured, it will return:

                                  • single photo / video: The single media path
                                  • -
                                  • any grouped media: The path to the first captured media in the group
                                  • -

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • +
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI


                                  Supported Protocols:


                                  This will return the complete path of the last captured media. Depending on the type of media captured, it will return:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • -
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • single photo / video: The single media path
                                  • +
                                  • any grouped media: The path to the first captured media in the group


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "file": "GOPR0002.JPG",
                                  • "folder": "100GOPRO"

                                  Get Media File GPMF


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "file": "GOPR0002.JPG",
                                  • "folder": "100GOPRO"

                                  Get Media File GPMF



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>None</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.JPG

                                  media file name


                                  Response Schema: application/octet-stream
                                  string <binary>

                                  Get Media File Info


                                  Get Media File Info


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.JPG

                                  media file name


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "ao": "auto",
                                  • "avc_profile": 0,
                                  • "cl": 0,
                                  • "cre": 1692992748,
                                  • "ct": 0,
                                  • "dur": 42,
                                  • "eis": 0,
                                  • "fov": "string",
                                  • "fps": 1001,
                                  • "fps_denom": 30000,
                                  • "gumi": "12345678998765443211234567899875",
                                  • "h": 1080,
                                  • "hc": 99,
                                  • "hi": [
                                  • "lc": 0,
                                  • "ls": -1,
                                  • "mos": [
                                  • "mp": 0,
                                  • "prjn": 0,
                                  • "profile": 255,
                                  • "progr": 0,
                                  • "pta": 0,
                                  • "rot": "string",
                                  • "s": 1234567890,
                                  • "subsample": 0,
                                  • "tr": 0,
                                  • "us": 0,
                                  • "w": 1920

                                  Get Media File Screennail


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "ao": "auto",
                                  • "avc_profile": 0,
                                  • "cl": 0,
                                  • "cre": 1692992748,
                                  • "ct": 0,
                                  • "dur": 42,
                                  • "eis": 0,
                                  • "fov": "string",
                                  • "fps": 1001,
                                  • "fps_denom": 30000,
                                  • "gumi": "12345678998765443211234567899875",
                                  • "h": 1080,
                                  • "hc": 99,
                                  • "hi": [
                                  • "lc": 0,
                                  • "ls": -1,
                                  • "mos": [
                                  • "mp": 0,
                                  • "prjn": 0,
                                  • "profile": 255,
                                  • "progr": 0,
                                  • "pta": 0,
                                  • "rot": "string",
                                  • "s": 1234567890,
                                  • "subsample": 0,
                                  • "tr": 0,
                                  • "us": 0,
                                  • "w": 1920

                                  Get Media File Screennail

                                  A screennail is a low-res preview image that is higher resolution than a thumbnail.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>A screennail is a low-res preview image that is higher resolution than a thumbnail.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  A screennail is a low-res preview image that is higher resolution than a thumbnail.

                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.JPG

                                  media file name


                                  Response Schema: application/octet-stream
                                  string <binary>

                                  Get Media File Telemetry


                                  Get Media File Telemetry

                                  Get Media File Telemetry track data


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Get Media File Telemetry track data</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Get Media File Telemetry track data

                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.JPG

                                  media file name


                                  Response Schema: application/octet-stream
                                  string <binary>

                                  Get Media File Thumbnail


                                  Get Media File Thumbnail


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: path=100GOPRO/GOPR0002.JPG

                                  media file name


                                  Response Schema: application/octet-stream
                                  string <binary>

                                  Get Media List


                                  Get Media List

                                  Limitations <span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> G0010394<span class="token punctuation">.</span>JPG<span class="token punctuation">,</span> G0010395<span class="token punctuation">.</span>JPG<span class="token punctuation">.</span> G0010396<span class="token punctuation">.</span>JPG </code></pre> -<hr> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> -<hr> -<p>Supported Protocols:</p> -<ul> -<li>USB</li> -<li>WIFI</li> -</ul> -" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  To minimize the size of the JSON transmitted by the camera, grouped media items such as Burst Photos, - Time Lapse Photos, Night Lapse Photos, etc are represented with a single item in the media list with additional keys - that allow the user to extrapolate individual filenames for each member of the group.

                                  +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI
                                  • +

                                  To minimize the size of the JSON transmitted by the camera, grouped media items such as Burst Photos, +Time Lapse Photos, Night Lapse Photos, etc are represented with a single item in the media list with additional keys +that allow the user to extrapolate individual filenames for each member of the group.

                                  Filenames for group media items have the form "GXXXYYYY.ZZZ" where XXX is the group ID, YYY is the group member ID and ZZZ is the file extension.


                                  For example, take the media list below, which contains a Time Lapse Photo group media item:


                                  For example, take the media list below, which contains a Time Lapse Photo group media item:

                                       "id": "2530266050123724003",
                                       "media": [
                                  @@ -2252,21 +2077,6 @@ 


                                  ..., G0010394.JPG, G0010395.JPG. G0010396.JPG

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • -
                                  • WIFI
                                  • -


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Example: "1554375628411872255"
                                  • "cre": 1696600109,
                                  • "glrv": 817767,
                                  • "ls": -1,
                                  • "mod": 1696600109,
                                  • "n": "GOPR0001.JPG",
                                  • "s": 2806303



                                  All currently known setting values indexed by setting ID

                                  Enum: 1 4 6 7 9 18 24 25 26 27 28 100 107 108 109 110 111
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>1</td> <td>4K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>2.7K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>2.7K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>1440</td> -<td>HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>1080</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td>4K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td>5K</td> -<td>HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td>5K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td>5.3K 8:7</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td>5.3K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td>4K 8:7</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>5.3K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>107</td> <td>5.3K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>108</td> <td>4K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>109</td> <td>4K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>110</td> <td>1080</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>111</td> <td>2.7K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6044,98 +5848,95 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  1 4KHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 2.7KHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 2.7K 4:3HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 1440HERO9 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 1080HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  18 4K 4:3HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  24 5KHERO9 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  25 5K 4:3HERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  26 5.3K 8:7HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  27 5.3K 4:3HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  28 4K 8:7HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  100 5.3KHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  107 5.3KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  108 4KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  109 4KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  110 1080HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  111 2.7KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 13
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>240</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>120</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>100</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>60</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>50</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>30</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>25</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>24</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td>200</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Frames Per Second


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6210,58 +6008,55 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 240HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 120HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 100HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  5 60HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 50HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  8 30HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 25HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  10 24HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  13 200HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Superview</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Webcam Digital Lenses


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6311,33 +6103,30 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  0 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 NarrowHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 SuperviewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 4 6 7 11 12
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Never</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>1 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>5 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>15 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>30 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td>8 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td>30 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Auto Power Down


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6402,44 +6188,87 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
                                  0 NeverHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 1 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  4 5 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 15 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  730 MinHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  118 SecondsHERO11 Black Mini
                                  1230 SecondsHERO11 Black Mini
                                  Enum: 0 1



                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  + + - - - + + + - - - - + + + + + - - - + + +
                                  730 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackValueMeaningSupported Cameras
                                  118 SecondsHERO11 Black Mini
                                  0OFFHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1230 SecondsHERO11 Black Mini1ONHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 3 4
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>4:3</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>16:9</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>8:7</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>9:16</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Aspect Ratio


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -6485,33 +6311,30 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  0 4:3HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 16:9HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 8:7HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 9:16HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Superview</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>Max SuperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>Linear + Horizon Leveling</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>HyperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>Linear + Horizon Lock</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td>Max HyperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6586,57 +6406,54 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 SuperviewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 Max SuperViewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  8 Linear + Horizon LevelingHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 HyperViewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  10 Linear + Horizon LockHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  11 Max HyperViewHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 19 100 101 102
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>19</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>Max SuperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6685,32 +6499,29 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  19 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  100 Max SuperViewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  101 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  102 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 19 100 101 102
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>19</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>Max SuperView</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Time Lapse Digital Lenses


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6759,32 +6567,29 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  19 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  100 Max SuperViewHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  101 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  102 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 13 20 21 26
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>13</td> <td>Time Lapse Video</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td>Time Lapse Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td>Night Lapse Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td>Night Lapse Video</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Media Format


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6833,33 +6635,30 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  13 Time Lapse VideoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  20 Time Lapse PhotoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  21 Night Lapse PhotoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  26 Night Lapse VideoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 2 3
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>2</td> <td>60Hz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>50Hz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6899,23 +6695,20 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  2 60HzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 50HzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 100
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Low</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>High</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Boost</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Auto Boost</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>Standard</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -6975,39 +6765,36 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 LowHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 HighHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 BoostHERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 Auto BoostHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  100 StandardHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Locked</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Horizon Leveling


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -7043,19 +6827,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 LockedHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Locked</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Horizon Leveling


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -7091,21 +6869,18 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 LockedHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>On</td> -<td>HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -7143,22 +6915,19 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 OnHERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>2</td> <td>15 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>30 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -7202,24 +6968,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  2 15 SecondsHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 30 SecondsHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 OffHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>0.5s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>1s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>2s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>5s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>10s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>30s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>60s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>120s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>3s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -7295,59 +7055,56 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 0.5sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 1sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 2sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 5sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 10sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 30sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  8 60sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  9 120sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  10 3sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>15 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>30 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>1 Minute</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>5 Minutes</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>15 Minutes</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>30 Minutes</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>1 Hour</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>2 Hours</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>3 Hours</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -7423,59 +7177,56 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 15 SecondsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 30 SecondsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 1 MinuteHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 5 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 15 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 30 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 1 HourHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  8 2 HoursHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  9 3 HoursHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Maximum Video Performance</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Extended Battery</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Tripod / Stationary Video</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Video Performance Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO10 Black

                                  @@ -7516,25 +7264,22 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 Maximum Video PerformanceHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  1 Extended BatteryHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  2 Tripod / Stationary VideoHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Easy</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Pro</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -7571,20 +7313,17 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 EasyHERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 ProHERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>1X Speed (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>1X Speed (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td>1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>103</td> <td>1X Speed (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>104</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>105</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>106</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>107</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>108</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>109</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>110</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>111</td> <td>1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>112</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>113</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>114</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>115</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>116</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>117</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>118</td> <td>1X Speed (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>119</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>120</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>121</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>122</td> <td>1X Speed (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>123</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>124</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Full Frame) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>125</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Full Frame) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>126</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>127</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>128</td> <td>1X Speed (2.7K) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>129</td> <td>1X Speed (2.7K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>130</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>131</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>132</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>133</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>134</td> <td>1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>135</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>136</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>137</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Easy Mode Speed


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -7941,339 +7677,336 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 8X Ultra Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 4X Super Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 2X Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  3 1X Speed (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  4 4X Super Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  5 2X Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  6 1X Speed (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  7 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  8 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  9 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  10 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  11 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  12 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  13 1X Speed (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  14 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  15 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  16 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  17 4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  18 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  19 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  20 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  21 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  22 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  23 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  24 2X Slo-Mo (4K)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  25 4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  26 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  27 4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  100 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  101 4X Super Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  102 2X Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  103 1X Speed (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  104 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  105 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  106 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  107 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  108 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  109 4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  110 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  111 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  112 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  113 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  114 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  115 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  116 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  117 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  118 1X Speed (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  119 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  120 2X Slo-Mo (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  121 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  122 1X Speed (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  123 1X Speed (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  124 2X Slo-Mo (Full Frame) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  125 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Full Frame) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  126 1X Speed (4K) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  127 1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  128 1X Speed (2.7K) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  129 1X Speed (2.7K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  130 2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  131 2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  132 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  133 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  134 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  135 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  136 1X Speed (4K) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  137 1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>On</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Enable Night Photo


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -8309,21 +8039,18 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 OnHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>2.4GHz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>5GHz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Wireless Band


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -8361,21 +8085,18 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 2.4GHzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  1 5GHzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>1</td> <td>Short</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Long</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Max</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Trail Length


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -8418,24 +8136,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  1 ShortHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  2 LongHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  3 MaxHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 101 102
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Highest Quality</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>Extended Battery (Green Icon)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>Longest Battery (Green Icon)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Video Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -8476,24 +8188,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 Highest QualityHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  101 Extended Battery (Green Icon)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  102 Longest Battery (Green Icon)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Standard</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>High</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Bit Rate


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8529,19 +8235,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 StandardHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 HighHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>8-Bit</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>10-Bit</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Bit Depth


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8577,19 +8277,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 8-BitHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 10-BitHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Standard</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>HDR</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Log</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8630,24 +8324,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 StandardHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 HDRHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 LogHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Highest Quality</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Standard Quality</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Basic Quality</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Video Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8688,24 +8376,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 Highest QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Standard QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Basic QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>TimeWarp</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Star Trails</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Light Painting</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Vehicle Lights</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Max TimeWarp</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>Max Star Trails</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>Max Light Painting</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>Max Vehicle Lights</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Lapse Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8771,49 +8453,46 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 TimeWarpHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Star TrailsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Light PaintingHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 Vehicle LightsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 Max TimeWarpHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 Max Star TrailsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 Max Light PaintingHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 Max Vehicle LightsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>None</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Max Lens 1.0</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Max Lens 2.0</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens Mod


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8854,24 +8530,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 NoneHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Max Lens 1.0HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Max Lens 2.0HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>On</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens Mod Enable


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8907,19 +8577,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 OnHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Super Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Night Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Photo Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -8955,19 +8619,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 Super PhotoHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Night PhotoHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 3
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>4:3</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>16:9</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>8:7</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Aspect Ratio


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -9008,24 +8666,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 4:3HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 16:9HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 8:7HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Widescreen</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Vertical</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Full Frame</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -9066,40 +8718,39 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 WidescreenHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 VerticalHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Full FrameHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black

                                  All currently known status values indexed by status ID

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system's internal battery present?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Charging</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging)


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -9165,141 +8813,96 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system currently overheating?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera busy?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Quick Capture feature enabled?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system encoding right now?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is LCD lock active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Are Wireless Connections enabled?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Completed</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  The pairing state of the camera


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -9365,15 +8965,12 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>Pairing Bluetooth Device</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -9431,31 +9025,22 @@


                                  Pairing Bluetooth Device

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Completed</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  State of current scan for WiFi Access Points


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -9521,33 +9103,24 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Completed</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  WiFi AP provisioning state


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -9613,137 +9183,92 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Wireless remote control version


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is a wireless remote control connected?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Wireless Pairing State. Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The camera's WiFi SSID. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  The number of wireless devices connected to the camera


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Preview Stream enabled?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: -1 0 1 2 3 4 8
                                  Limitations <td>SD Card Swapped</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Primary Storage Status


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -9825,85 +9347,58 @@


                                  SD Card Swapped

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<p><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"> + <img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"> +<img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"> + <img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Total number of photos on sdcard


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Total number of videos on sdcard


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                  Limitations <td>GoPro App: Ready</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -10017,195 +9509,131 @@


                                  GoPro App: Ready

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is locate camera feature active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5...4...3...2...1...)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  WiFi signal strength in bars


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds). Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>Hemisphere</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Liveview Exposure Select Mode


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -10262,100 +9687,68 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Does the camera currently have a GPS lock?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera in AP Mode?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Internal battery level (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <td>Accessory connected and a microphone is plugged into the accessory</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Microphone Accessory status


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -10405,33 +9795,24 @@


                                  Accessory connected and a microphone is plugged into the accessory

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Digital Zoom level (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <td>5 GHz</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Wireless Band


                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -10473,135 +9851,90 @@


                                  5 GHz

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Digital Zoom feature available?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is 5GHz wireless band available?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>270 degrees (laying on left side)</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Rotational orientation of the camera


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -10659,203 +9989,134 @@


                                  270 degrees (laying on left side)

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Flatmode ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Video Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Photo Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Current Time Lapse Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings.json)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e. counting down)?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>Media Mod microphone with external microphone</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p> Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Media Mod state


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -10905,15 +10163,12 @@


                                  Media Mod microphone with external microphone

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                  Limitations <td>1/2x (slow-motion)</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Time Warp Speed


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -11043,27 +10295,18 @@


                                  1/2x (slow-motion)

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system's Linux core active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <td>Max Lens 2.0</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189)


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -11113,63 +10353,41 @@


                                  Max Lens 2.0

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Video Hindsight Capture Active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Scheduled Capture Preset ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Scheduled Capture set?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                                  Limitations <td>111 = Display Mod: 1, HDMI: 1, Display Mod Connected: True</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p> Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Display Mod Status (bitmasked)


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -11258,64 +10473,43 @@


                                  111 = Display Mod: 1, HDMI: 1, Display Mod Connected: True

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black


                                  Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Turbo Transfer active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <td>Camera External Control: An outside entity (app) has control and is in a menu or modifying settings</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera control status ID


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  @@ -11364,30 +10555,21 @@


                                  Camera External Control: An outside entity (app) has control and is in a menu or modifying settings

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera connected to a PC via USB?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <td>Enabled</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera control over USB state


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  @@ -11428,28 +10607,15 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • "settings": {
                                  • "status": {


                                  Enum: "auto" "wind" "stereo" "off"
                                  Example: "auto"
                                  + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black

                                  • "settings": {
                                  • "status": {


                                  Enum: "auto" "wind" "stereo" "off"
                                  Example: "auto"

                                  Audio option

                                  integer [ 0 .. 255 ]
                                  Example: "0"

                                  Advanced Video Code Profile

                                  @@ -11735,40 +10901,32 @@


                                  the camera to begin the update process. Chunks are stored until they are explicitly deleted, allowing the client to stop and resume as needed. Details can be found in the diagram below.

                                  simple ota state diagram


                                  Resumable OTA Update

                                  Resumable OTA Update

                                  Perform Resumable OTA Update


                                  To send a portion of the OTA image as per the requestBody specification, do not use the request parameter.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Perform Resumable OTA Update</p> +<p>To send a portion of the OTA image as per the requestBody specification, do not use the <code>request</code> parameter.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Perform Resumable OTA Update


                                  To send a portion of the OTA image as per the requestBody specification, do not use the request parameter.

                                  query Parameters
                                  Enum: "delete" "showui" "start" "progress" "cancelled"

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "bytes_complete": 0,
                                  • "complete": true,
                                  • "message": "string",
                                  • "sha1": "string",
                                  • "status": 0

                                  Simple OTA Update


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "bytes_complete": 0,
                                  • "complete": true,
                                  • "message": "string",
                                  • "sha1": "string",
                                  • "status": 0

                                  Simple OTA Update


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  Request Body schema: multipart/form-data

                                  Always set to 1

                                  string <binary>
                                  Limitations <p>To find the currently available Presets / Preset Groups, use <a href="#operation/OGP_PRESETS_GET">Get Preset Status</a>.</p> ">

                                  Presets are organized into Preset Groups.

                                  To find the currently available Presets / Preset Groups, use Get Preset Status.


                                  Get Available Presets

                                  Get Available Presets

                                  Get the currently available Preset Groups and Presets, the set of which -depends on the current camera settings.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Get the currently available Preset Groups and Presets, the set of which +<a href="#tag/Presets/Presets">depends</a> on the current camera settings.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Get the currently available Preset Groups and Presets, the set of which +depends on the current camera settings.


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Array of objects
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Is this preset user defined?

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "customIconIds": [
                                  • "customTitleIds": [
                                  • "presetGroupArray": [

                                  Load Preset by ID


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "customIconIds": [
                                  • "customTitleIds": [
                                  • "presetGroupArray": [

                                  Load Preset by ID

                                  Preset ID's are not constant and must be retrieved via Get Preset Status


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Preset ID&#39;s are not constant and must be retrieved via <a href="#operation/OGP_PRESETS_GET">Get Preset Status</a></p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Preset ID's are not constant and must be retrieved via Get Preset Status

                                  query Parameters

                                  Preset to load


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Load Preset Group by ID


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Load Preset Group by ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  integer (EnumPresetGroup)
                                  Enum: 1000 1001 1002
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Update Custom Preset


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Update Custom Preset

                                  Limitations </li> </ol> <p>Note! The range of acceptable custom <code>title_id</code>&#39;s and <code>icon_id</code>&#39;s can be found in the - <a href="#operation/OGP_PRESETS_GET">Get Preset Status</a> response</p> -<hr> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -</ul> -<hr> -<p>Supported Protocols:</p> -<ul> -<li>WIFI</li> -<li>USB</li> -</ul> -" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  This only operates on the currently active Preset and will fail if the current +<a href="#operation/OGP_PRESETS_GET">Get Preset Status</a> response</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI
                                  • +

                                  This only operates on the currently active Preset and will fail if the current Preset is not custom.

                                  The use cases are:

                                    @@ -14261,18 +13390,7 @@


                                  Note! The range of acceptable custom title_id's and icon_id's can be found in the - Get Preset Status response


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • -
                                  • USB
                                  • -
                                  +Get Preset Status response

                                  Request Body schema: application/json
                                  Limitations ">

                                  When the preview stream is started, the camera starts up a UDP client and begins writing MPEG Transport Stream data to the client on port 8554. In order to stream this data, the client must implement a UDP connection that binds to the same port and decode the data.


                                  Start the Preview Stream

                                  Start Preview Stream


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI
                                  query Parameters
                                  Example: port=8556
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Stop the Preview Stream


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Stop Preview Stream


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }


                                  Get information about the camera


                                  Get Camera State

                                  Get Camera State

                                  Get all camera settings and statuses.


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +<p>Get all camera settings and statuses.</p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Get all camera settings and statuses.


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  All currently known setting values indexed by setting ID

                                  Enum: 1 4 6 7 9 18 24 25 26 27 28 100 107 108 109 110 111
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>1</td> <td>4K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>2.7K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>2.7K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>1440</td> -<td>HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>1080</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td>4K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td>5K</td> -<td>HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td>5K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td>5.3K 8:7</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td>5.3K 4:3</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td>4K 8:7</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>5.3K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>107</td> <td>5.3K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>108</td> <td>4K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>109</td> <td>4K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>110</td> <td>1080</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>111</td> <td>2.7K</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -15868,98 +14956,95 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  1 4KHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 2.7KHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 2.7K 4:3HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 1440HERO9 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 1080HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  18 4K 4:3HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  24 5KHERO9 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  25 5K 4:3HERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  26 5.3K 8:7HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  27 5.3K 4:3HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  28 4K 8:7HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  100 5.3KHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  107 5.3KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  108 4KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  109 4KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  110 1080HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  111 2.7KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 13
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>240</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>120</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>100</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>60</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>50</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>30</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>25</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>24</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td>200</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Frames Per Second


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16034,58 +15116,55 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 240HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 120HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 100HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  5 60HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 50HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  8 30HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 25HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  10 24HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  13 200HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Superview</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Webcam Digital Lenses


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16135,33 +15211,30 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  0 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 NarrowHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 SuperviewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 4 6 7 11 12
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Never</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>1 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>5 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>15 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>30 Min</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td>8 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td>30 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Auto Power Down


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16226,44 +15296,87 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + + +
                                  0 NeverHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 1 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  4 5 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 15 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 30 MinHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  11 8 SecondsHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black Mini
                                  12 30 SecondsHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black Mini
                                  Enum: 0 1



                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
                                  ValueMeaningSupported Cameras
                                  0OFFHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1ONHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 3 4
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>4:3</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>16:9</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>8:7</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>9:16</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Aspect Ratio


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -16309,33 +15419,30 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  0 4:3HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 16:9HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 8:7HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 9:16HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Superview</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>Max SuperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>Linear + Horizon Leveling</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>HyperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>Linear + Horizon Lock</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td>Max HyperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16410,57 +15514,54 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 SuperviewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 Max SuperViewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  8 Linear + Horizon LevelingHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 HyperViewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  10 Linear + Horizon LockHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  11 Max HyperViewHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 19 100 101 102
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>19</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>Max SuperView</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16509,32 +15607,29 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  19 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  100 Max SuperViewHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  101 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  102 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 19 100 101 102
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>19</td> <td>Narrow</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>Max SuperView</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>Wide</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>Linear</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Time Lapse Digital Lenses


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16583,32 +15675,29 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  19 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  100 Max SuperViewHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  101 WideHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  102 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 13 20 21 26
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>13</td> <td>Time Lapse Video</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td>Time Lapse Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td>Night Lapse Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td>Night Lapse Video</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Media Format


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16657,33 +15743,30 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  13 Time Lapse VideoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  20 Time Lapse PhotoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  21 Night Lapse PhotoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  26 Night Lapse VideoHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 2 3
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>2</td> <td>60Hz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>50Hz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16723,23 +15803,20 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  2 60HzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 50HzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 100
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Low</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>High</td> -<td>HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Boost</td> -<td>HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Auto Boost</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>Standard</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16799,39 +15873,36 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 LowHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 HighHERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 BoostHERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 Auto BoostHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  100 StandardHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Locked</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Horizon Leveling


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -16867,19 +15935,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 LockedHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Locked</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Horizon Leveling


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -16915,21 +15977,18 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 LockedHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>On</td> -<td>HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -16967,22 +16023,19 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 OnHERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>2</td> <td>15 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>30 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -17026,24 +16076,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  2 15 SecondsHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 30 SecondsHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 OffHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO9 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>0.5s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>1s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>2s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>5s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>10s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>30s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>60s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>120s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>3s</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -17119,59 +16163,56 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 0.5sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 1sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 2sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 5sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 10sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 30sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  8 60sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  9 120sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  10 3sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>15 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>30 Seconds</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>1 Minute</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>5 Minutes</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>15 Minutes</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>30 Minutes</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>1 Hour</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>2 Hours</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>3 Hours</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -17247,59 +16285,56 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 15 SecondsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 30 SecondsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 1 MinuteHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 5 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 15 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 30 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 1 HourHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  8 2 HoursHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  9 3 HoursHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Maximum Video Performance</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Extended Battery</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Tripod / Stationary Video</td> -<td>HERO10 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Video Performance Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO10 Black

                                  @@ -17340,25 +16372,22 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 Maximum Video PerformanceHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  1 Extended BatteryHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  2 Tripod / Stationary VideoHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Easy</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Pro</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -17395,20 +16421,17 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 EasyHERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 ProHERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>1X Speed (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>1X Speed (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td>1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>103</td> <td>1X Speed (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>104</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>105</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>106</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>107</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>108</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>109</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>110</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>111</td> <td>1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>112</td> <td>8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>113</td> <td>4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>114</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>115</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>116</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>117</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>118</td> <td>1X Speed (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>119</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>120</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>121</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>122</td> <td>1X Speed (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>123</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>124</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Full Frame) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>125</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Full Frame) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>126</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>127</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>128</td> <td>1X Speed (2.7K) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>129</td> <td>1X Speed (2.7K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>130</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>131</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>132</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>133</td> <td>2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>134</td> <td>1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>135</td> <td>1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>136</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>137</td> <td>1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Easy Mode Speed


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -17765,339 +16785,336 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 8X Ultra Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 4X Super Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 2X Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  3 1X Speed (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  4 4X Super Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  5 2X Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  6 1X Speed (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  7 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  8 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  9 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  10 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  11 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  12 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  13 1X Speed (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  14 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  15 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  16 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  17 4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  18 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  19 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  20 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  21 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  22 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  23 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  24 2X Slo-Mo (4K)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  25 4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  26 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  27 4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  100 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  101 4X Super Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  102 2X Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  103 1X Speed (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  104 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  105 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  106 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  107 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  108 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  109 4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  110 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  111 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  112 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  113 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  114 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  115 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  116 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  117 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  118 1X Speed (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  119 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  120 2X Slo-Mo (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  121 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  122 1X Speed (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  123 1X Speed (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  124 2X Slo-Mo (Full Frame) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  125 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Full Frame) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  126 1X Speed (4K) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  127 1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  128 1X Speed (2.7K) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  129 1X Speed (2.7K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  130 2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  131 2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  132 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  133 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  134 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  135 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  136 1X Speed (4K) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  137 1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>On</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Enable Night Photo


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -18133,21 +17147,18 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 OnHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>2.4GHz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>5GHz</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Wireless Band


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -18185,21 +17193,18 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 2.4GHzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  1 5GHzHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>1</td> <td>Short</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Long</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Max</td> -<td>HERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Trail Length


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -18242,24 +17244,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  1 ShortHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  2 LongHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  3 MaxHERO12 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 101 102
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Highest Quality</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>101</td> <td>Extended Battery (Green Icon)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>102</td> <td>Longest Battery (Green Icon)</td> -<td>HERO11 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Video Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  @@ -18300,24 +17296,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 Highest QualityHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  101 Extended Battery (Green Icon)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  102 Longest Battery (Green Icon)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Standard</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>High</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Bit Rate


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18353,19 +17343,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 StandardHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 HighHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>8-Bit</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>10-Bit</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Bit Depth


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18401,19 +17385,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 8-BitHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 10-BitHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Standard</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>HDR</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Log</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18454,24 +17432,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 StandardHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 HDRHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 LogHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Highest Quality</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Standard Quality</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Basic Quality</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Video Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18512,24 +17484,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 Highest QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Standard QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Basic QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>TimeWarp</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Star Trails</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Light Painting</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Vehicle Lights</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Max TimeWarp</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td>Max Star Trails</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td>Max Light Painting</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td>Max Vehicle Lights</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Lapse Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18595,49 +17561,46 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  0 TimeWarpHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Star TrailsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Light PaintingHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 Vehicle LightsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 Max TimeWarpHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 Max Star TrailsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 Max Light PaintingHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 Max Vehicle LightsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>None</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Max Lens 1.0</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Max Lens 2.0</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens Mod


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18678,24 +17638,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 NoneHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Max Lens 1.0HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Max Lens 2.0HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Off</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>On</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> -" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens Mod Enable


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Max Lens Mod Enable


                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18731,19 +17685,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 OnHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Super Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Night Photo</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Photo Mode


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18779,19 +17727,16 @@


                                  - + - +
                                  0 Super PhotoHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Night PhotoHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 3
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>4:3</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>16:9</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>8:7</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Aspect Ratio


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18832,24 +17774,21 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 4:3HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 16:9HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 8:7HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <tbody><tr> <td>0</td> <td>Widescreen</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Vertical</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Full Frame</td> -<td>HERO12 Black</td> +<td><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  @@ -18890,40 +17826,39 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  0 WidescreenHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 VerticalHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Full FrameHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black

                                  All currently known status values indexed by status ID

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system's internal battery present?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Charging</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Rough approximation of internal battery level in bars (or charging)


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -18989,141 +17921,96 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system currently overheating?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera busy?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Quick Capture feature enabled?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system encoding right now?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is LCD lock active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  When encoding video, this is the duration (seconds) of the video so far; 0 otherwise


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Are Wireless Connections enabled?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Completed</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  The pairing state of the camera


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -19189,15 +18073,12 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>Pairing Bluetooth Device</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  The last type of pairing in which the camera was engaged


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -19255,31 +18133,22 @@


                                  Pairing Bluetooth Device

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Time since boot (milliseconds) of last successful pairing complete action


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Completed</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  State of current scan for WiFi Access Points


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -19345,33 +18211,24 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Time since boot (milliseconds) that the WiFi Access Point scan completed


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4
                                  Limitations <td>Completed</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  WiFi AP provisioning state


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -19437,137 +18291,92 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Wireless remote control version


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is a wireless remote control connected?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Wireless Pairing State. Each bit contains state information (see WirelessPairingStateFlags)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  SSID of the AP the camera is currently connected to. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The camera's WiFi SSID. On BLE connection, value is big-endian byte-encoded int32


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  The number of wireless devices connected to the camera


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Preview Stream enabled?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: -1 0 1 2 3 4 8
                                  Limitations <td>SD Card Swapped</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Primary Storage Status


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -19649,85 +18455,58 @@


                                  SD Card Swapped

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  How many photos can be taken with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  How many minutes of video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Total number of photos on sdcard


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Total number of videos on sdcard


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                  Limitations <td>GoPro App: Ready</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  The current status of Over The Air (OTA) update


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -19841,195 +18617,131 @@


                                  GoPro App: Ready

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is there a pending request to cancel a firmware update download?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is locate camera feature active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The current timelapse interval countdown value (e.g. 5...4...3...2...1...)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Remaining space on the sdcard in Kilobytes


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is preview stream supported in current recording/mode/secondary-stream?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  WiFi signal strength in bars


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The number of hilights in currently-encoding video (value is set to 0 when encoding stops)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Time since boot (milliseconds) of most recent hilight in encoding video (set to 0 when encoding stops)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  The minimum time between camera status updates (milliseconds). Best practice is to not poll for status more often than this


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  How many minutes of Time Lapse Video can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>Hemisphere</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Liveview Exposure Select Mode


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20086,100 +18795,68 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Liveview Exposure Select: y-coordinate (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Does the camera currently have a GPS lock?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera in AP Mode?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Internal battery level (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <td>Accessory connected and a microphone is plugged into the accessory</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Microphone Accessory status


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20229,33 +18903,24 @@


                                  Accessory connected and a microphone is plugged into the accessory

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  integer [ 0 .. 100 ]

                                  Digital Zoom level (percent)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <td>5 GHz</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Wireless Band


                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20297,135 +18959,90 @@


                                  5 GHz

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Digital Zoom feature available?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Are current video settings mobile friendly? (related to video compression and frame rate)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera currently in First Time Use (FTU) UI flow?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is 5GHz wireless band available?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system fully booted and ready to accept commands?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the internal battery charged sufficiently to start Over The Air (OTA) update?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera getting too cold to continue recording?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>270 degrees (laying on left side)</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Rotational orientation of the camera


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20483,203 +19097,134 @@


                                  270 degrees (laying on left side)

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<p><img src="" alt="HERO12 Black"> + <img src="" alt="HERO11 Black Mini"> +<img src="" alt="HERO11 Black"> + <img src="" alt="HERO10 Black"> +<img src="" alt="HERO9 Black"></p> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Is this camera model capable of zooming while encoding?


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Flatmode ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Video Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Photo Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Current Time Lapse Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Preset Group (ID) (corresponds to ui_mode_groups in settings.json)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Current Preset (ID)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  Preset Modified Status, which contains an event ID and a Preset (Group) ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black


                                  The number of Live Bursts can be captured with current settings before sdcard is full


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Total number of Live Bursts on sdcard


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Capture Delay currently active (i.e. counting down)?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 2 3
                                  Limitations <td>Media Mod microphone with external microphone</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p> Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Media Mod state


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20729,15 +19271,12 @@


                                  Media Mod microphone with external microphone

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                  Limitations <td>1/2x (slow-motion)</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Time Warp Speed


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20867,27 +19403,18 @@


                                  1/2x (slow-motion)

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the system's Linux core active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <td>Max Lens 2.0</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera lens type (reflects changes to setting 162 or setting 189)


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -20937,63 +19461,41 @@


                                  Max Lens 2.0

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Video Hindsight Capture Active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black


                                  Scheduled Capture Preset ID


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Scheduled Capture set?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                                  Limitations <td>111 = Display Mod: 1, HDMI: 1, Display Mod Connected: True</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p> Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -<li>HERO9 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Display Mod Status (bitmasked)


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  @@ -21082,64 +19581,43 @@


                                  111 = Display Mod: 1, HDMI: 1, Display Mod Connected: True

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Does sdcard meet specified minimum write speed?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black


                                  Number of sdcard write speed errors since device booted


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is Turbo Transfer active?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  Limitations <td>Camera External Control: An outside entity (app) has control and is in a menu or modifying settings</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera control status ID


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  @@ -21188,30 +19663,21 @@


                                  Camera External Control: An outside entity (app) has control and is in a menu or modifying settings

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  Enum: 0 1

                                  Is the camera connected to a PC via USB?


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Limitations <td>Enabled</td> </tr> </tbody></table> -<p>Supported Cameras:</p> -<ul> -<li>HERO12 Black</li> -<li>HERO11 Black Mini</li> -<li>HERO11 Black</li> -<li>HERO10 Black</li> -</ul> " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera control over USB state


                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  @@ -21252,59 +19715,38 @@



                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Total SD card capacity in Kilobytes


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  HERO12 Black + HERO11 Black Mini +HERO11 Black

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "settings": {
                                  • "status": {

                                  Get Date / Time


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "settings": {
                                  • "status": {

                                  Get Date / Time


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Example: "2023_12_31"
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Timezone offset in minutes

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "date": "2023_12_31",
                                  • "dst": 0,
                                  • "time": "11_05_45",
                                  • "tzone": -480

                                  Get Hardware Info


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "date": "2023_12_31",
                                  • "dst": 0,
                                  • "time": "11_05_45",
                                  • "tzone": -480

                                  Get Hardware Info


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Example: "065747046ceb"
                                  Limitations " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Camera serial number

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "info": {

                                  Get Last Captured Media


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "info": {

                                  Get Last Captured Media

                                  This will return the complete path of the last captured media. Depending on the type of media captured, it will return:

                                  • single photo / video: The single media path
                                  • -
                                  • any grouped media: The path to the first captured media in the group
                                  • -

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • +
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI


                                  Supported Protocols:


                                  This will return the complete path of the last captured media. Depending on the type of media captured, it will return:

                                  • WIFI
                                  • -
                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • single photo / video: The single media path
                                  • +
                                  • any grouped media: The path to the first captured media in the group


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "file": "GOPR0002.JPG",
                                  • "folder": "100GOPRO"

                                  Get Open GoPro Version


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "file": "GOPR0002.JPG",
                                  • "folder": "100GOPRO"

                                  Get Open GoPro Version


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  string <version>
                                  Example: "2.0"
                                  JSON list of objects that contain setting and option IDs necessary to construct set-setting commands and are given in dependency order as outlined above. For more information on the object format, see the JSON schema


                                  Anti-Flicker (134)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Anti-Flicker (134)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 2 3
                                  Example: 2
                                  @@ -21579,61 +19989,53 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  2 60HzHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 50HzHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Aspect Ratio (108)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Aspect Ratio (108)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 3 4
                                  @@ -21641,66 +20043,58 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 4:3HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 16:9HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 8:7HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 9:16HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Aspect Ratio (192)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Aspect Ratio (192)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 3
                                  @@ -21708,89 +20102,81 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 4:3HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 16:9HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 8:7HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Auto Power Down (59)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Auto Power Down (59)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 4 6 7 11 12
                                  Example: 4
                                  @@ -21798,76 +20184,68 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 NeverHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 1 MinHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  4 5 MinHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 15 MinHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 30 MinHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  11 8 SecondsHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black Mini
                                  12 30 SecondsHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black Mini


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Bit Depth (183)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Bit Depth (183)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  @@ -21875,51 +20253,43 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 8-BitHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 10-BitHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Bit Rate (182)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Bit Rate (182)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Example: 1
                                  @@ -21927,53 +20297,45 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 StandardHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 HighHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Controls (175)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Controls (175)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  @@ -21981,91 +20343,83 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 EasyHERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 ProHERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Duration (172)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Duration (172)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                  @@ -22073,413 +20427,405 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 15 SecondsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 30 SecondsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 1 MinuteHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 5 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 15 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 30 MinutesHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 1 HourHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  8 2 HoursHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  9 3 HoursHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Easy Mode Speed (176)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Easy Mode Speed (176)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
                                  Example: 103
                                  @@ -22487,371 +20833,363 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 8X Ultra Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 4X Super Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 2X Slo-MoHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  3 1X Speed (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  4 4X Super Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  5 2X Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  6 1X Speed (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  7 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  8 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  9 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  10 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  11 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  12 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  13 1X Speed (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  14 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  15 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Ext. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  16 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  17 4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  18 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  19 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  20 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  21 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  22 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  23 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  24 2X Slo-Mo (4K)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  25 4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  26 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  27 4X Super Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  100 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  101 4X Super Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  102 2X Slo-Mo (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  103 1X Speed (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  104 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  105 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  106 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  107 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  108 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  109 4X Super Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  110 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  111 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  112 8X Ultra Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  113 4X Super Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  114 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  115 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  116 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  117 2X Slo-Mo (4K) (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  118 1X Speed (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  119 1X Speed (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  120 2X Slo-Mo (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  121 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  122 1X Speed (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  123 1X Speed (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  124 2X Slo-Mo (Full Frame) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  125 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Full Frame) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  126 1X Speed (4K) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  127 1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  128 1X Speed (2.7K) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  129 1X Speed (2.7K) (50Hz) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  130 2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  131 2X Slo-Mo (2.7K) (50Hz) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  132 2X Slo-Mo (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  133 2X Slo-Mo (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  134 1X Speed (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  135 1X Speed (50Hz) (Long. Batt.) (Low Light) (V2) (Vertical)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  136 1X Speed (4K) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  137 1X Speed (4K) (50Hz) (Full Frame) (Low Light) (V2)HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Enable Night Photo (177)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Enable Night Photo (177)

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  @@ -22859,94 +21197,86 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  1 OnHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Frames Per Second (3)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Frames Per Second (3)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 13
                                  @@ -22954,91 +21284,83 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 240HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 120HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 100HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  5 60HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 50HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  8 30HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 25HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  10 24HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  13 200HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Framing (193)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Framing (193)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  @@ -23046,67 +21368,107 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 WidescreenHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 VerticalHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Full FrameHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  HindSight (167)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  GPS (83)

                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  Example: 1
                                  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
                                  IDMeaningSupported Cameras
                                  0OFFHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1ONHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  HindSight (167)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 2 3 4
                                  Example: 2
                                  @@ -23114,56 +21476,48 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  2 15 SecondsHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 30 SecondsHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 OffHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Horizon Leveling (150)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Horizon Leveling (150)

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  @@ -23171,51 +21525,43 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 LockedHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Horizon Leveling (151)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Horizon Leveling (151)

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 2
                                  @@ -23223,79 +21569,71 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  2 LockedHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Hypersmooth (135)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Hypersmooth (135)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 100
                                  Example: 3
                                  @@ -23303,111 +21641,103 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 LowHERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 HighHERO9 Black, HERO10 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 BoostHERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 Auto BoostHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  100 StandardHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Interval (171)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Interval (171)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                  @@ -23415,121 +21745,113 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 0.5sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 1sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 2sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 5sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 10sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 30sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  8 60sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  9 120sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  10 3sHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Lapse Mode (187)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Lapse Mode (187)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                                  @@ -23537,124 +21859,116 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 TimeWarpHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Star TrailsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Light PaintingHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  3 Vehicle LightsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  4 Max TimeWarpHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  5 Max Star TrailsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  6 Max Light PaintingHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  7 Max Vehicle LightsHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Lens (121)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Lens (121)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11
                                  Example: 7
                                  @@ -23662,102 +21976,94 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 WideHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 NarrowHERO9 Black, HERO10 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 SuperviewHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 LinearHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 Max SuperViewHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  8 Linear + Horizon LevelingHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 HyperViewHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  10 Linear + Horizon LockHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  11 Max HyperViewHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Lens (122)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Lens (122)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 19 100 101 102
                                  Example: 100
                                  @@ -23765,65 +22071,57 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  19 NarrowHERO9 Black, HERO10 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  100 Max SuperViewHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  101 WideHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  102 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Max Lens (162)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Max Lens (162)

                                  HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  @@ -23831,56 +22129,48 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  1 OnHERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Max Lens Mod (189)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Max Lens Mod (189)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  @@ -23888,56 +22178,48 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 NoneHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Max Lens 1.0HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Max Lens 2.0HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Max Lens Mod Enable (190)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Max Lens Mod Enable (190)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  @@ -23945,67 +22227,59 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 OffHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 OnHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Media Format (128)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Media Format (128)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 13 20 21 26
                                  Example: 13
                                  @@ -24013,61 +22287,53 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  13 Time Lapse VideoHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  20 Time Lapse PhotoHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  21 Night Lapse PhotoHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  26 Night Lapse VideoHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Photo Mode (191)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Photo Mode (191)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  @@ -24075,56 +22341,48 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 Super PhotoHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Night PhotoHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Profiles (184)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Profiles (184)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  @@ -24132,139 +22390,131 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 StandardHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 HDRHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 LogHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Resolution (2)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Resolution (2)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 1 4 6 7 9 18 24 25 26 27 28 100 107 108 109 110 111
                                  Example: 24
                                  @@ -24272,142 +22522,134 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  1 4KHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 2.7KHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  6 2.7K 4:3HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  7 1440HERO9 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  9 1080HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  18 4K 4:3HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  24 5KHERO9 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  25 5K 4:3HERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  26 5.3K 8:7HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  27 5.3K 4:3HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  28 4K 8:7HERO11 Black Mini, HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  100 5.3KHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  107 5.3KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  108 4KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  109 4KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  110 1080HERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  111 2.7KHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Time Lapse Digital Lenses (123)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Time Lapse Digital Lenses (123)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black +HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 19 100 101 102
                                  Example: 101
                                  @@ -24415,70 +22657,62 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  19 NarrowHERO9 Black, HERO10 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  100 Max SuperViewHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  101 WideHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  102 LinearHERO12 Black, HERO9 Black, HERO10 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Trail Length (179)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Trail Length (179)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 1 2 3
                                  Example: 3
                                  @@ -24486,61 +22720,53 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  1 ShortHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  2 LongHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  3 MaxHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Video Mode (180)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Video Mode (180)

                                  HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 101 102
                                  @@ -24548,61 +22774,53 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 Highest QualityHERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  101 Extended Battery (Green Icon)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black
                                  102 Longest Battery (Green Icon)HERO11 BlackHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Video Mode (186)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Video Mode (186)

                                  HERO12 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  @@ -24610,61 +22828,53 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 Highest QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  1 Standard QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black
                                  2 Basic QualityHERO12 BlackHERO12 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Video Performance Mode (173)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Video Performance Mode (173)

                                  HERO10 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1 2
                                  @@ -24672,74 +22882,66 @@


                                  - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 Maximum Video PerformanceHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  1 Extended BatteryHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black
                                  2 Tripod / Stationary VideoHERO10 BlackHERO10 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Webcam Digital Lenses (43)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO9 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Webcam Digital Lenses (43)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black +HERO10 Black + HERO9 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 2 3 4
                                  Example: 3
                                  @@ -24747,65 +22949,57 @@


                                  - + - + - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 WideHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  2 NarrowHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  3 SuperviewHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black
                                  4 LinearHERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, HERO11 Black Mini, HERO9 Black, HERO12 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 BlackHERO10 BlackHERO9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Wireless Band (178)


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black Mini
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Wireless Band (178)

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black Mini + HERO11 Black

                                  path Parameters
                                  Enum: 0 1
                                  @@ -24813,25 +23007,25 @@


                                  - + - + - +
                                  ID MeaningCamerasSupported Cameras
                                  0 2.4GHzHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black
                                  1 5GHzHERO11 Black Mini, HERO12 Black, HERO11 BlackHERO12 BlackHERO11 Black MiniHERO11 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }



                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }


                                  Webcam Stabilization

                                  Note! The Low Hypersmooth option provides lower/lighter stabilization when used in Webcam mode vs other camera modes.


                                  Enter Webcam Preview

                                  Enter Webcam Preview

                                  Not supported on WiFi for: - - Hero 11 Black Mini - - Hero 11 Black - - Hero 10 Black - - Hero 9 Black


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  +<hr> +<p>Not supported on <strong>WiFi</strong> for:</p> +<pre><code><span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">11</span> Black Mini +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">11</span> Black +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">10</span> Black +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">9</span> Black +</code></pre> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Not supported on WiFi for:

                                  - Hero 11 Black Mini
                                  +- Hero 11 Black
                                  +- Hero 10 Black
                                  +- Hero 9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Exit Webcam Mode


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Exit Webcam Mode

                                  Not supported on WiFi for: - - Hero 11 Black Mini - - Hero 11 Black - - Hero 10 Black - - Hero 9 Black


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  +<hr> +<p>Not supported on <strong>WiFi</strong> for:</p> +<pre><code><span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">11</span> Black Mini +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">11</span> Black +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">10</span> Black +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">9</span> Black +</code></pre> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Not supported on WiFi for:

                                  - Hero 11 Black Mini
                                  +- Hero 11 Black
                                  +- Hero 10 Black
                                  +- Hero 9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Get Webcam Status


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Get Webcam Status


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
                                  Webcam Stabilization

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "error": 0,
                                  • "status": 0

                                  Get Webcam Version


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "error": 0,
                                  • "status": 0

                                  Get Webcam Version


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -
                                  +<hr> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI


                                  Response Schema: application/json
                                  Webcam Stabilization " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY jaVotg">

                                  Current webcam version

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "max_lens_support": true,
                                  • "usb_3_1_compatible": true,
                                  • "version": 0

                                  Start Webcam


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  • "max_lens_support": true,
                                  • "usb_3_1_compatible": true,
                                  • "version": 0

                                  Start Webcam

                                  Not supported on WiFi for:

                                  +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • +
                                  • WIFI
                                  • +

                                  Not supported on WiFi for:

                                  • Hero 11 Black Mini
                                  • Hero 11 Black
                                  • Hero 10 Black
                                  • Hero 9 Black

                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • -
                                  • WIFI
                                  • -
                                  query Parameters
                                  Webcam Stabilization " class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS sc-ckdEwu LxEPk">

                                  Request was successfully received by the camera

                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Stop Webcam


                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Stop Webcam

                                  Not supported on WiFi for: - - Hero 11 Black Mini - - Hero 11 Black - - Hero 10 Black - - Hero 9 Black


                                  Supported Cameras:

                                  • HERO12 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO11 Black
                                  • -
                                  • HERO10 Black
                                  • -

                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  +<hr> +<p>Not supported on <strong>WiFi</strong> for:</p> +<pre><code><span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">11</span> Black Mini +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">11</span> Black +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">10</span> Black +<span class="token operator">-</span> Hero <span class="token number">9</span> Black +</code></pre> +" class="sc-iKOmoZ sc-cCzLxZ WVNwY VEBGS">

                                  HERO12 Black +HERO11 Black + HERO10 Black


                                  Supported Protocols:

                                  • USB
                                  • WIFI

                                  Not supported on WiFi for:

                                  - Hero 11 Black Mini
                                  +- Hero 11 Black
                                  +- Hero 10 Black
                                  +- Hero 9 Black


                                  Response Schema: application/json

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }

                                  Response samples

                                  Content type
                                  { }