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Minima 🦄 is a reliable and lightweight framework for Go to carve the web 💻. Developed with core net/http🔌and other native packages, and with 0 dependencies.

⚙️ Setup

Please make sure you have Go version 1.15 or higher

mkdir <project-name> && cd  <project-name>

go mod init<user-name>/<repo-name>

go get

go run main.go

🦄 Quickstart

package main

import ""

func main() {
	app := minima.Engine()

	app.Get("/", func(res *minima.Response, req *minima.Request) {
		res.OK().Send("Hello World")


🔖 Guide

Official guide: Official docs:

🔮 Features

  • Reliable - great modular API for building great server side applications
  • Compatible with net/http - use your plain old middlewares written in plain old net/http
  • Lightweight - clocked in ~1000 loc
  • No Dependency - just your plain old go standard libraries
  • Great Documentation - best in class precise documentation
  • Auto Docs - docgen for generating all of your routing docs from jsdoc like comments to json or markdown files

❓ Why Minima

Minima's name is inspired by the word minimal and is the motivation for building this framework. As a Golang developer, I was struggling to learn it in my early days due to the steeper learning curve while using net/http.

Also while checking out some other alternate frameworks, I found out that something like fiber wasn't compatible with net/http modules like gqlgen and other middlewares.

Minima solves this problem as it has a very narrow learning curve as well as a robust structure that supports all net/http modules and other middlewares without compromising performance.

🍵 Examples

Here are some basic examples related to routing and params:

📑 Routing & Router

func UserGetRouter() *minima.Router {
	// router instance which would be used by the main router
	router := minima.NewRouter()

	return router.Get("/user/:id", func(res *minima.Response, req *minima.Request) {
		// getting the id parameter from route
		id := req.Param("id")

		// instead of adding a param in route, you just need to fetch it

		username := req.Query("name")

		// get user from database
		userdata, err := db.FindUser(id, username)

		if err != nil {
			// check for errors
			res.NotFound().Send("No user found with particular id")
		// send user data

func main() {
	// main minima instance
	app := minima.New()
	// UseRouter method takes minima.router as a param
	// it appends all the routes used in that specific router to the main instance

	// running the app at port 3000

📑 Params

func main() {
	app := minima.New()

	app.Get("/getuser/:id", func(res *minima.Response, req *minima.Request) {
		userid := req.Param("id")
		// check if user id is available
		if userid == "" {
			res.Error(404, "No user found")
			panic("No user id found in request")
		//Will print 20048 from router /getuser/200048

📑 Query Params

func main() {
	app := minima.New()

	app.Get("/getuser", func(response *minima.Response, request *minima.Request) {
		// query params work a bit differently
		// instead of adding a param in route, you just need to fetch it

		userid := req.Query("id")

		if userid == "" {
			res.Error(404, "No user found")
			panic("No user id found in request")
		// the above will print 20048 from router /getuser?id=20048

📒 Minima Interface

Minima is based on a custom implementation of radix tree which makes it extremely performant. The router itself is fully compatible with net/http

🔖 Minima's Interface

type Minima interface {
	// Minima interface is built over net/http so every middleware is compatible with it

	// initializes net/http server with address
	Listen(address string) error

	//static file serve methods
	File(pth string, dir string) //serves a single static file to route
	Static(pth string, dir string) //serves whole directory with specified pth ex /static/main.html
	// main handler interface
	ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, q *http.Request)

	// main router methods
	Get(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima
	Patch(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima
	Post(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima
	Put(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima
	Options(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima
	Head(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima
	Delete(path string, handler ...Handler) *minima

	// takes middlewares as a param and adds them to routes
	// middlewares initializes before route handler is mounted
	Use(handler Handler) *minima

       //Takes http.Handler and appends it to middleware chain
	UseRaw(handler func(http.Handler) http.Handler) *minima

        // an custom handler when route is not matched
	NotFound(handler Handler)*minima

	// mounts routes to specific base path
	Mount(basePath string, router *Router) *minima

	// takes minima.Router as param and adds the routes from router to main instance
	UseRouter(router *Router) *minima

	// works as a config for minima, you can add multiple middlewares and routers at once
	UseConfig(config *Config) *minima

	// shutdowns the net/http server
	Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error

	// prop methods
	SetProp(key string, value interface{}) *minima
	GetProp(key string) interface{}

🔖 Response and Request Interfaces

Both response and request interfaces of minima are written in net/http so you can use any of your old route middlewares in minima out of the box without any hassle.

type Res interface {
	// response interface is built over http.ResponseWriter for easy and better utility

	// Header methods
	GetHeader(key string) string // gets a header from response body
	SetHeader(key string, value string)  *Response // sets a new header to response body

	DelHeader(key string)  *Response // Deletes a header from response body
	CloneHeaders() http.Header // clones all headers of the response body

	Setlenght(len string) *Response // sets content length of the response body

	SetBaseHeaders() *Response // sets a good stack of base headers for response body

	FlushHeaders() // flushes headers

	// utility functions for easier usage
	Send(content string) *Response      //send content
	WriteBytes(bytes []byte) error      //writes bytes to the page
	JSON(content interface{}) *Response //sends data in json format
	XML(content interface{}, indent string) //sends data in xml format
	Stream(contentType string read io.Reader) // streams content to the route
	NoContent(code int)
	Error(status int, str string) *Response

	// this functions returns http.ResponseWriter instance which means you could use any of your alrady written middlewares in minima!
	Raw() http.ResponseWriter

	// renders an html file with data to the page
	Render(path string, data interface{}) *Response
	// custom method when there's an error
	Error(content interface{}) *Response
	// closes io.Writer connection from the route
	CloseConn() *Response

	// redirects to given url
	Redirect(url string) *Response

	// sets header status
	Status(code int) *Response

	//cookie methods
	SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie) *Response // sets a new cookie to the response

	SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie) *Response // clears a cookie to the response


type Req interface {
	// minima request interface is built on http.Request

	// returns param from route 
	Param(name string) string
	// sets a new param to the request instance
	SetParam(key string, value) string
	//returns query param from route url
	Query(key string) string
	//returns query params to a string
	QueryString() string
	//returns raw url.Values
	QueryParams() url.Values
	//returns the ip of the request origin
	IP() string

	//returns whether the request is tls or not
	IsTLS() bool

	//returns whether the request is a socket or not
	IsSocket() bool

	//returns scheme type of request body
	SchemeType() string

	//Gets form value from request body 
	FormValue(key string) string

	//Gets all the form param values
	FormParams() (url.Values, error)

	//Gets file from request 
	FormFile(key string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error)

	//Gets request Multipart form
	MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)
	// returns path url from the route
	Path() string

	// returns raw request body
	Body() map[string][]string

	// finds given key value from body and returns it
	BodyValue(key string) []string

	// returns instance of minima.IncomingHeader for incoming header requests
	Header() *IncomingHeader

	// returns route method ex.get,post
	Method() string

	// Header methods
	SetHeader(key string, value string) *Response //sets a new header to request body
	//Get a header from request body
	GetHeader(key string) string

	//Cookie methods
        Cookies() []*http.Cookie // gets all cookies from request body

	GetCookie(key string) *http.Cookie // gets a specific cookie from request body


🔌 Middlewares

Minima's middlewares are written in its own custom res and req interfaces in accordance with the standard libraries maintained by Go. You can use res.Raw() to get the http.ResponseWriter instance and req.Raw() to getthe http.Request instance, meaning all community written middlewares are compatible with Minima.

Minima also takes http.Handler while using .UseRaw function and runs it in a chain.

Here is an example of standard net/http middleware being used with minima:

func MyMiddleWare(res *minima.Response, req *minima.Request) {
	w := res.Raw() // raw http.ResponseWriter instance
	r := req.Raw() // raw http.Request instance

	// your normal net/http middleware

💫 Contributing

If you wanna help grow this project or say a thank you!

  1. Give minima a GitHub star
  2. Fork Minima and Contribute
  3. Write a review or blog on Minima
  4. Join our Discord community


Lead Maintainers

Core Team

Community Contributors

Thanks to all the contributors, without whom this project would not have been possible:

Be a part of this contribution list by contributing today!

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

🧾 License

Copyright (c) 2021-present Apoorv and Contributors. Minima is a Free and Open Source Software licensed under MIT License