This document provides an overview of all the components available in the project, with links to their detailed README documentation. Each component serves a unique purpose and can be integrated for various functionalities.
- AddressForm: A form component designed to capture and manage address information.
- AddressItem: Displays a single address item in a structured format.
- BeneficiaryList: Lists beneficiaries and their details for user interaction.
- BlogFooter: A footer component optimized for blog pages with relevant navigation links.
- BlogPage: A template for displaying blog content with proper formatting.
- BlogTabs: Tab navigation specific to blog sections.
- Breadcrumb: A breadcrumb navigation component for enhancing user experience.
- CategoriesFilter: A filter component to help users select and view categories.
- ChipReviewItem: Displays individual review items in a chip format.
- FyButton: A customizable button component for various user interactions.
- FyDropdown: A dropdown menu component for selection options.
- FyHtmlRenderer: Renders raw HTML content safely.
- FyImage: An image component with support for various display options.
- FyInput: A basic input field component for forms.
- FyInputGroup: Groups input fields for collective operations.
- HtmlContent: Displays HTML content with built-in formatting.
- InfiniteLoader: A loader that supports infinite scrolling and data loading.
- Modal: A modal dialog component for displaying content overlays.
- Skeletons: Placeholder components to simulate loading content.
- SvgWrapper: A wrapper component for rendering SVG icons.
- Dropdown: A versatile dropdown component.
- EmptyState: A component to display empty state messages when data is unavailable.
- FilterModal: A modal dedicated to filtering options for search and listings.
- FormBuilder: A dynamic form builder for creating complex forms.
- GoogleMap: Integrates Google Maps for location services.
- Listing Description: Displays detailed descriptions for listings.
- Loader: A simple loading spinner for indicating background processes.
- OrderHeader: Displays order header at the top of an order page.
- OrderShipment: Shows shipment details for orders.
- PageNotFound: A 404 page component to display when a page is not found.
- PaymentDetailCard: Displays detailed payment information in a card format.
- PriceBreakup: Presents a breakdown of pricing elements.
- ProductCard: A card component to showcase product details.
- ProfileNavigation: A navigation component for user profile management.
- QuantityControl: A component for controlling product quantities.
- RangeSlider: A slider component for selecting ranges.
- RbiGuideline: Displays RBI-related guidelines for users.
- ReasonsList: A list component for displaying reasons or options.
- ScrollTop: A button to scroll back to the top of the page.
- ShipmentAddress: Displays address details specific to shipments.
- ShipmentBreakup: Breaks down shipment items and related information.
- ShipmentItem: Shows details for an individual shipment item.
- ShipmentTracking: A component for tracking shipment progress.
- ShipmentsUpdateItem: An update item component for tracking shipment changes.
- SortModal: A modal for sorting options in listings.