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299 lines (196 loc) · 9.35 KB

File metadata and controls

299 lines (196 loc) · 9.35 KB


Pork 2.1.0 -- 2022-12-28

Bugs fixed

  • Pork.show_source can work under frozen literal string mode now.
  • Fix picking the right test for the file line number from ENV['PORK_TEST'] (I totally forgot the details for this from 2017, but I think it should make it more accurate anyway)
  • Ruby 3.2 compatibility fix. (Removed the use of Random::DEFAULT)


  • Introduced Pork::API.around which will pass the test object to the block, and whenever the object is called with call it'll run the test. Note that if call was never called, it'll act like Pork::API.before and the test will still run unlike RSpec. To skip the test, call skip directly.

Pork 2.0.0 -- 2016-09-10

Incompatible changes

  • Pork::Executor is now renamed to Pork::Suite, and the new Pork::Executor would be served as the real executor who's responsible for running the test suites!
  • Pork::Executor.execute would now take a hash as the argument.
  • Pork::Suite.after would now run in a reverse manner because that would serve better as a destructor.


  • Pork::Suite.desc would now preserve the original argument being passed to Pork::Suite.describe, rather than converting it to a string.
  • Major internal structure cleanup. Now we don't include everything into the context, but use different objects to do different things. For example, now we have Pork::Isolator to isolate the context.
  • Introduced Pork.execute_extensions which would be extending to Pork::Executor. The only extension for it for now is Pork::Should.
  • Don't crash if Pork.loaded was never called.
  • Now you could also make assertions in after block without triggering Missing assertions errors.

Pork 1.5.0 -- 2016-03-10


  • Now it would show loading time between pork was loaded and test started. You could tweak the time by using Pork.loaded.
  • Pork in sequential mode would just use Isolate internally. This would reduce the internal complexity.
  • Added PORK_REPORT=progressbar, using ruby-progressbar underneath.

Pork 1.4.4 -- 2015-11-10

Bugs fixed

  • Now Pork.protected_exceptions would not create stat object. We should not create it unless we're trying to run a test.

Pork 1.4.3 -- 2015-10-08


  • Introduced Pork.protected_exceptions to protect exceptions aren't derived from StandardError. Check README for usage.

Pork 1.4.2 -- 2015-09-23

Bugs fixed

  • Do not extend anything if no report_extensions was loaded.

Pork 1.4.1 -- 2015-07-23


  • Introduced Expect#approx for comparing two floating point numbers.

Bugs fixed

  • Removed the extra colon with PORK_REPORT=description.

Pork 1.4.0 -- 2015-07-18


  • Introduced Pork.report_mode and ENV['PORK_REPORT'].
  • The replicating command for ENV['PORK_SEED'] is more accurate now.
  • Now you can still run test sequentially when ENV['PORK_TEST'] is set.

Bugs fixed

  • Using ENV['PORK_TEST'] to specify a describe block would run all before/after blocks properly now.

Pork 1.3.1 -- 2015-06-06


  • Added pork_description in the test case so that we could access the description for the running test case. To access the full message, use self.class.send(:description_for, "would: #{pork_description}"). Note that this is not a public API yet, and is subject to change.

Pork 1.3.0 -- 2015-05-24

Incompatible changes

  • is renamed to Pork.execute, and would now do a full run.
  • Pork::Executor.all_tests would also include paths to describe blocks.


  • Now describe could also take a second argument to specify groups.
  • PORK_TEST could also accept a file path and line number pointing to a describe block. Previously only would block would work.

Bugs fixed

  • Pork.show_source would never raise SyntaxError anymore.

Pork 1.2.4 -- 2015-04-25


  • Introduced Pork.show_source to print the source of failing tests. Using this feature requires method_source installed.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed a potential data race in parallel tests using should.

Pork 1.2.3 -- 2015-04-16


  • Now would could take a second argument with :groups => [:name], and you could also specifying the groups to run in PORK_TEST. Checkout README for more information. Input from @mz026

  • PORK_TEST could also accept a file path without a line number now.

Pork 1.2.2 -- 2015-03-19


  • Show tests per second and assertions per second as in minitest.

Pork 1.2.1 -- 2015-03-18

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed that sometimes it cannot find the test because source_location sometimes won't use the full path. Always use File.expand_path then.
  • Properly strip pork backtrace.

Pork 1.2.0 -- 2015-03-17

Incompatible changes

  • Mutant integration is removed for now. Please let me know if it could be integrated without a problem.
  • Default mode changed to :shuffled, and the original mode renamed to :sequential.
  • Running individual test changed from description to file:line_number. Input from @mz026


  • Paths in backtrace would no longer use . to indicate current directory. Some editor such as Sublime didn't like it.

Pork 1.1.3 -- 2015-02-04

  • Fixed exit status.
  • Introduced require 'pork/more' for colored output and bottom-up backtrace.
  • Introduced Pork.Rainbows! for fun.

Pork 1.1.2 -- 2015-01-28

  • Really fixed passing ENV['PORK_MODE']=execute. I should sleep now.

Pork 1.1.1 -- 2015-01-28

  • Fixed passing ENV['PORK_MODE']=execute

Pork 1.1.0 -- 2015-01-28

Bugs fixed

  • Now we can interrupt the tests and still see current report.
  • Use exit! in at_exit to avoid issues.
  • Fixed the description order for nested test cases.

Incompatible changes

  • Pork::Parallel.parallel API slightly changed.
  • Pork::Isolate.isolate API slightly changed.
  • Pork::Isolate.all_tests format changed.
  • Mutant::Integration::Pork could be broken now... but it never really works.


  • Accept ENV['PORK_MODE'] for Pork.execute_mode
  • Accept ENV['PORK_SEED'] for setting up srand.
  • Accept ENV['PORK_TEST'] for running a particular test case.
  • For failure tests, it would now print the replicating command.

Pork 1.0.4 -- 2014-12-29

  • Make backtrace easier to read by using . and ~.
  • Fix parallels mode to detect missing assertions properly.
  • Slightly changed Pork::Stat. A kinda incompatible change, but using Pork::Stat should be considered private.

Pork 1.0.3 -- 2014-12-26

  • Fix Kernel#should compatibility for JRuby 1.7.18- and Ruby 2.2.0 by never assuming ThreadGroup#list would preserve the order.

Pork 1.0.2 -- 2014-12-09

  • Hash difference is much improved. Now it uses / to separate keys, and use quotes for string keys and colons for symbol keys, so that we won't be confused when comparing string hashes and symbol hashes. Further more, it would show <undefined> for hashes missing a key, and <out-of-bound> for arrays out of bound. Previously, hash with nil values are indistinguishable with hash missing keys. Thanks Chun-Yi Liu (@trantorliu).

Pork 1.0.1 -- 2014-11-21

  • Fixed the failure message for hash diff.

Pork 1.0.0 -- 2014-11-20

Bugs fixed

  • Now exceptions raised in after hook are properly rescued.
  • Previously runtime includes loading time, now it only includes test running time.

Incompatible changes

  • Internal structure was completed rewritten.
  • Simply require 'pork' would no longer introduce Kernel#should. Use require 'pork/should' to bring it back. (require 'pork/auto' would already do this for you)
  • Removed @__pork__desc__ (which is implementation detail anyway)
  • Renamed Pork.report_at_exit to Pork.autorun


  • Pork.autorun also accepts a flag to enable/disable autorun.

  • Introduced Pork::Expector#expect to replace Kernel#should

  • Kernel#should is now optional and a wrapper around Pork::Expector#expect

  • Introduced Pork::Inspect#diff_hash. See for Pork.inspect_failure_mode for detail.

  • Introduced Pork.execute_mode. See for detail

  • Introduced Pork::Isolate which allows you to run a specific test.

  • Introduced Pork::Shuffle which we could run tests in random order. See for Pork.execute_mode for detail.

  • Introduced Pork::Parallel which we could run tests in parallel. See for Pork.execute_mode for detail.

  • Introduced Pork::Executor#pork_stat to access the current stat from test.

  • Introduced mutant integration.

Pork 0.9.2 -- 2014-11-07

  • Pork::Error is now a StandardError instead of an Exception. We should all try to avoid using Exception directly, since we don't want to interferer with signal handling.

Pork 0.9.1 -- 2014-07-14

Bugs fixed

  • It would now properly exit(1) when there's an error.
  • It would now properly search the stashes chain upon paste.


  • Kernel#should now accepts a second argument for building messages lazily.
  • Should#satisfy now accepts a second argument for building messages lazily.
  • Introduced Pork.inspect_failure_mode to switch failure display mode.
  • Default Pork.inspect_failure_mode to :auto, which would display failures accordingly.

Pork 0.9.0 -- 2014-07-11

  • First serious release! Bunch of updates. Nearly complete.

Pork 0.1.0 -- 2014-07-09

  • Birthday!