Brings the Upsource repository browser and code review tool to Ubuntu using the phusion/baseimage image.
To use it: docker pull gmetal/upsource
The Upsource version is 1.0.12551. It is installed in /usr/local/upsource.
Because the normal upsource starting script is non-blocking, a new script has been created, so that everything runs smoothly inside the docker container.
The script is /usr/local/upsource/bin/, and accepts one parameter, which is the base URL to use by upsource (e.g. the one which you will use in your browser). You also configure this the first time the image is initialised.
The data directory of upsource has been exposed as a volume: /usr/local/upsource/conf/data
You can create a named container: docker create -v /usr/local/upsource/conf/data --name upsource_data gmetal/upsource
Then use the named container for storing persistent data: docker run -p 8081:8081 --volumes-from upsource_data gmetal/upsource /usr/local/upsource/bin/ http://upsource.local/