All notable changes to the "keil-assistant" extension will be documented in this file.
- Fixed: can't use shortcut key
- Change: adjust view
- Optimize: Update doc
- Optimize: support double click to open file with non-preview mode
- Fixed: output messy code
- Optimize: extend more armcc keywords
- Fixed: error rebuild command
- New: support show source referance files
- New: add exclude list on open multi-project workspace
- New: add 'Active Target' button
- Changed: adjust keybindings
- New: support multi-target keil project
- New: add armclang cpp macros
- Optimize: extend more armcc keywords
- Fixed: some incorrect C51 keywords
- Fixed: some other bugs
- Fixed: add missed system include path
- Changed: remove c51 language highlight
- Optimized: add more system macro
- Add: switch workspace after open project
- Changed: change icon
- Fixed: build failed without workspace
- Add: Add some internal defines for ARM/C51
- Fixed: Can't run task by CMD
- Add: Shortcut keys
- Fixed: Not found C51/STM32 system include dir
- Fixed: Invalid macro
- First release