____ __ __ ____ ____ ____
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This repo consists of the code for the DMR++ ECS module, lambda, and a python CLI to interact with the DMR++ container.
We are following v<major>.<minor>.<patch>
versioning convention, where:
means we changed the infrastructure and/or the major components that makes this software run. Will definitely lead to breaking changes.<minor>+1
means we upgraded/patched the dependencies this software relays on. Can lead to breaking changes.<patch>+1
means we fixed a bug and/or added a feature. Breaking changes are not expected.
The prerequisites depend on which use case is needed.
This module is meant to used within the Cumulus stack. If you don't have Cumulus stack deployed yet please consult this repo and follow the documetation to provision it.
For each release after v4.1.0, there will be a python wheel published in the release assets. This can be installed and
used locally via pip like the following:
pip install https://github.com/ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator/releases/download/v1.0.0-test/dmrpp_file_generator-4.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
The python module uses Docker compose to generate dmrpp files locally so no other dependencies should be needed.
In main.tf file (where you defined cumulus module) add
module "dmrpp-generator" {
// Required Parameters
source = "https://github.com/ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator/releases/download/<tag_num>/dmrpp-generator.zip"
cluster_arn = module.cumulus.ecs_cluster_arn
region = var.region
prefix = var.prefix
// Optional Activity Parameters
docker_image = "ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator:<tag_num>" // default to the correct release
cpu = 800 // default to 800
enable_cw_logging = False // default to False
memory_reservation = 900 // default to 900
prefix = "Cumulus stack prefix" // default Cumulus stack prefix
desired_count = 1 // Default to 1
log_destination_arn = var.aws_log_mechanism // default to null
// Optional Lambda Specific Configuration
cumulus_lambda_role_arn = module.cumulus.lambda_processing_role_arn // If provided the lambda will be provisioned
timeout = 900
memory_size = 256
ephemeral_storage = 512
Note: When the lambda is provisioned the module will create a private ECR repository for the dmrpp_generator container. The first deployment could take +5 minutes as the image needs to be pulled from docker hub and pushed to this new ECR repository. This is a temporary work around until a public ECR repository can be created for the lambda image.
The module returns the service id and the lambda ARN:
output "dmrpp_task_id" {
value = module.dmrpp_service.dmrpp_task_id
output "dmrpp_lambda_arn" {
value = module.dmrpp_lambda.dmrpp_lambda_arn
In variables.tf file you need to define
variable "dmrpp-generator-docker-image" {
default = "ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator:<tag_num>"
Assuming you already defined the region and the prefix
In your workflow.tf add
"HyraxProcessing": {
"Parameters": {
"cma": {
"event.$": "$",
"task_config": {
"buckets": "{$.meta.buckets}",
"distribution_endpoint": "{$.meta.distribution_endpoint}",
"files_config": "{$.meta.collection.files}",
"fileStagingDir": "{$.meta.collection.url_path}",
"granuleIdExtraction": "{$.meta.collection.granuleIdExtraction}",
"collection": "{$.meta.collection}"
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "${module.dmrpp-generator.dmrpp_task_id}",
"Catch": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"ResultPath": "$.exception",
"Next": "WorkflowFailed"
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 2,
"MaxAttempts": 3
"Next": "<Your next Step>"
Where <Your next Step>
is the next step in your workflow.
Add the options desired to the collection definition as follows:
"config": {
"meta": {
"dmrpp": {
"options": [
"flag": "-M"
"flag": "-s",
"opt": "s3://ghrcsbxw-public/dmrpp_config/file.config",
"download": "true"
"flag": "-c",
"opt": "s3://ghrcsbxw-public/aces1cont__1/aces1cont_2002.212_v2.50.tar.cmr.json",
"download": "false"
For a list of all configuration options see: https://docs.opendap.org/index.php?title=DMR%2B%2B#:~:text=4.2%20Command%20line%20options
If your workflow is used by multiple collections which use a common dmrpp
config, the config can be set at the workflow's
instead of in the collection
(Note: if the workflow and collection both have a dmrpp
key, the
configurations will be merged together, with the collection's config overriding
any keys that are found in both the workflow and collection):
# terraform
dmrpp_config = {
options = [
flag = "-M"
flag = "-s"
opt = "s3://ghrcsbxw-public/dmrpp_config/file.config"
download = "true"
flag = "-c"
opt = "s3://ghrcsbxw-public/aces1cont__1/aces1cont_2002.212_v2.50.tar.cmr.json"
download = "false"
# workflow JSON
"HyraxProcessing": {
"Parameters": {
"cma": {
"event.$": "$",
"task_config": {
"dmrpp": ${jsonencode(dmrpp_config)}
The subprocess call to the BESD library has a configurable timeout value. It will default to 60 seconds if not configured. There are two ways to provide a custom value.
- Setting the
terraform variable - Adding
to the collection definition:collection.meta.dmrpp
If the value is provided in the collection definition this will take precedence over the environment variable.
When making the subprocess call, stdout and stderr will default to None
to prevent an issue from occurring where the
timeout is not respected. This can be configured in two ways.
- Setting the
environment variable in terraform - Adding
to the collection definition:collection.meta.dmrpp
If the value is provided in the collection definition this will take precedence over the environment
variable. Can be true
or false
The processing code will verify that dmrpp outputs are produced and if not an exception will be raised. This behavior can be disabled if needed. This can be configured in two ways.
- Setting the
environment variable in terraform - Adding
to the collection definition:collection.meta.dmrpp
If the value is provided in the collection definition this will take precedence over the environment
variable. Can be true
or false
Find the version you want to use and get the asset URL for the .whl file and install like the following example command:
pip install https://github.com/ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator/releases/download/v<release_version>/dmrpp_file_generator-<dmrpp_version>-py3-none-any.whl
Create a PAYLOAD environment variable holding dmrpp options
PAYLOAD='{"dmrpp_regex": "^.*.nc4", "options":[{"flag": "-M"}, {"flag": "-s", "opt": "s3://ghrcsbxw-public/dmrpp_config/file.config","download": "true"}]}'
is optional to override the DMRPP-Generator regex
now uses docker compose v2. Please update to
docker compose v2 or you will get the error
/bin/sh: 1: docker compose: not found
$ dmrpp -h
usage: dmrpp [-h] -p NC_HDF_PATH [-prt PORT] [-pyld PAYLOAD] [--validate] [--no-validate]
Generate and validate DMRPP files. Any DMR++ commandline option can be provided in addition to the options listed below. To see what options are available check the documentation:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to netCDF4 and HDF5 folder
-prt PORT, --port PORT
Port number to Hyrax local server
-pyld PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
Payload to pass to the besd get_dmrpp call. If not set, will check for PAYLOAD environment variable, or default to '{}'
--validate Validate netCDF4 and HDF5 files against OPeNDAP local server. This is the default behavior
--no-validate Do not validate netCDF4 and HDF5 files against OPeNDAP local server. The default behavior is --validate.
The folder <absolute/path/to/files>
should contain netCDF and/or HDF files
$ dmrpp --path /path/to/inputs/ --no-validate
$ dmrpp --path /path/to/inputs/ --validate
Log file: /tmp/dmrpp-generator-13z6cizs
Results served at : http://localhost:8080/opendap (^C to kill the server)
Shutting down the server...
A prompt will ask you to visit localhost:8080. If you want to change the default port run the command with
$ dmrpp --path /path/to/inputs/ --validate -prt 8889
Log file: /tmp/dmrpp-generator-34blq6gn
Results served at : http://localhost:8889/opendap (^C to kill the server)
Shutting down the server...