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File metadata and controls

121 lines (93 loc) · 4.09 KB


I've wrote this website engine for my own usage. This is why it was never specifically meant to be intuitively simple to deploy, use and modify by people other than myself. Any kind of backwards compatibility between this version of engine and any future ones is also not guaranteed.

Setup guide

  1. Install dependencies:
  • postgresql 9.3 or higher (should work on earlier versions too, but wasn't ever tested)
  • ghc 7.6 or higher
  • cabal-install 1.18 or higher
  • nginx (optional, see below)
  • supervisord (optional, see below)
  1. Create database

As postgres user:

$ sudo -u postgres psql
create role 'antiblog' identified by 'password';
create database 'antiblog';
grant all privileges on database 'antiblog' to 'antiblog';

If you care about security, pick safer password than just 'password'. And also configure your firewall to restrict external access to port 5432.

  1. Install package
$ mkdir ~/antiblog
$ cd ~/antiblog
$ wget
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal update
$ cabal install antiblog-
  1. Configure web server
$ .cabal-sandbox/bin/antiwork add-config
Alias [antiblog]:                                 # Name for section in ~/.antiblog.conf file
URL suffix []:                                    # Leave empty unless you do URL rewrites
API key [257c4519bfcdeac8599839ea1eaf619d]:
HTTP port [8080]:
Database host [localhost]:
Database port [5432]:
Database username [antiblog]:                     # These are parameters you've set up on step #2
Database password [password]:                     #
Database name [antiblog]:                         #
Antiblog title [The Antiblog]: 
Has "by <name>" in page header [yes]: 
Author name: Your Name
Author URL: 
Has "Powered by The Antiblog" in page header [yes]: 
Has "micro" tag for short posts [yes]: 

Configuration is put into ~/.antiblog.conf, just edit it directly if you need to change anything later.

  1. Start web server
$ .cabal-sandbox/bin/antiblog antiblog
Setting phasers to stun... (port 8080) (ctrl-c to quit)
  1. Setup antisync tool.
$ .cabal-sandbox/bin/antisync add-remote
Alias [antiblog]: 
Remote URL: http://localhost:8080            # Full address including http://
API key: 257c4519bfcdeac8599839ea1eaf619d    # Should be same as one setup in server

Configuration is put into ~/.antisync.conf, just edit it directly if you need to change anything later.

  1. Test the posting.

Create sample.txt file with contents:

## antiblog publish
## antiblog title My first post
## antiblog tags test
Hello, this is my first antiblog post.

and upload it via .cabal-sandbox/bin/antisync sync antiblog sample.txt

Then check that it shows up on the website.

I haven't yet wrote a proper reference of the markup language it uses, but sources of the parser should give you general idea.

  1. Setup supervisord (optional but recommended)

For development/testing sandbox it doesn't really matter, but if you want to run an antiblog on a public server, you'd want to make sure it runs continuously, restarts after failure, puts logs into a dedicated location etc. antiblog doesn't bother about any of that and assumes it's done by external launcher.

I use supervisord for that purpose, it's quite nice and simple enough to be used by not-really-sysadmin person like me. Just go to their website and read the manuals, they're pretty good.

If you prefer any alternative technology (may it be monit or daemonize or launchd or systemd or anything), that should work too.

  1. Setup nginx (optional but recommended)

Official beginners' guide is a good starting point.

  1. Enable rotation of the entries (optional)

Add ~/antibog/.cabal-sandbox/bin/antiwork antiblog rotate to crontab.

  1. Please drop me an email about how it went :-)