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Python Notes

If-Else Statement

If Statement

  • An if statement is used to test a condition for truth:
    • If the condition evaluates to True, code in the if part is executed.
    • If the condition evaluates to False, code is skipped.
  if condition:
      # code inside

For example, if the grade variable is greater than 60:

  if grade > 60:
      print("You passed!")

The code "inside" the if statement must be indented (preferably 2 spaces).


  • An else clause can be optionally added to an if statement.
    • If the condition evaluates to True, code in the if part is executed.
    • If the condition evaluates to False, code in the else part is executed.
  if grade > 60:
      print("You passed.")
      print("You failed.")

The code "inside" the else clause must also be indented.


One or more elif statements (short for "else if") can be optionally added in between the if and else to provide additional condition(s) to check. Sometimes two is simply not enough.

if grade > 90:
elif grade > 80:
elif grade > 70:
elif grade > 60:

Relational Operators

  • == equal to

  • != not equal to

  • > greater than

  • < less than

  • >= greater than or equal to

  • <= less than or equal to


We can use the .randint() function from a module called random to generate a random number from a range.

Logical Operators

Logical operators, also known as Boolean operators, combine and evaluate two conditions. They are and, or, and not operators:

  • and returnsTrue if both conditions are True, and returns False otherwise.
  • or returns True if at least one of the conditions is True, and False otherwise.
  • not returns True if the condition is False, and vice versa.


  • In programming, a loop is used to repeat a block of code until a specified condition is satisfied. It's another incredibly powerful tool that's used a ton!
  • People will often use the generic term “iterate” when referring to loops; iterate simply means “to repeat”.
  • A while loop looks very similar to an if statement. Just like an if statement, it executes the code if the condition is True.
  • However, the difference is that the while loop will continue to execute the code inside of it, over and over again, as long as the condition is True.
  • In other words, instead of executing once if a condition is true, it executes again and again while that condition is true.


  • To loop through a set of code a specified number of times, we can use a for loop and the range() function.
  • The range() function returns a sequence of numbers. By default, the sequence starts at 0 and increments by 1, ending at a specified number.


Lists are created using square brackets [ and ]. And the items are separated by , commas.

  • List items allow duplicate values.
  • Lists can have values with different data types.
  • There's no limit to how much data a list can hold.


  • List items are changeable, meaning we can update individual items within a list.

  • But before we do that, how can we access an individual item within a list? Well, this is where index comes in! index is an item's position in a list.

  • Python is 0-indexed, meaning that the indices starts at 0.

      vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
      # Index:   0    1    2    3    4
  • Another thing to note about index is that it can be positive or negative.

  • If the index is negative, it starts from -1 (which is the last item of a list) and it goes backwards from there.

      vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
      # Index:   0    1    2    3    4
      # Index:  -5   -4   -3   -2   -1


  • Is there a way to get more than just one individual item? Yep! It's called slicing.- Slicing is where we can access certain parts of a sequence.
  • Instead of accessing an item using a single index like name[index], we can get multiple items by specifying where to start and where to end the range like name[start : end].

Built-in Functions (Lists)

Python comes with some built-in functions, including ones specifically for lists.

Here are some examples:

  • The len() function returns the total length of a list.
  • The max() function returns the maximum value in a list.
  • The min() function returns the minimum value in a list.

List Methods

  • .append() Add an item to the end of the list
  • .clear() Remove all items from the list
  • .copy() Return a shallow copy of the list
  • .count() Return the number of times the value appears in the list
  • .extend() Appends another list to the current list by extending it
  • .index() Returns the index of a value inside the list
  • .insert() Insert an item at a specified position in the list
  • .pop() Remove an item from a specified position in the list
  • .remove() Remove an item from the list based on the value of the item
  • .reverse() Reverses the list in place
  • .sort() Sorts the list in place


The first way is using a for-in loop. Here's an example:

    snowfall = [0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 3.9, 2.2, 0.8]

    for i in snowfall:

The i is a variable which represents an item inside the list, each time the loop iterates. This is saying for every item in the snowfall list, print out the item. The output will be:



  • Lists are used to store different items in a single variable.
  • An index is an item's position in a list. Python lists are 0-indexed.
  • Slicing can access certain parts of a list with name[start:end].
  • Python has built-in functions like len(), max(), min().
  • Lists have built-in methods like .append(), .insert(), .remove(), .pop().
  • We can iterate over a list using for-in


A function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. To execute this block of code, you just need to know the function's name, followed by a pair of parenthesis ()

Built-in functions are 68 functions that come with the Python interpreter available for use. Here are some that you might recognize: print(), input(), len()

User-defined functions are functions we define ourselves to do a specific task, and it's a two-step process: 1. define 2. call

To define a function, we need a function definition. A function definition begins with the def keyword, followed by the function name, a set of parentheses, and a colon in that order.

    def name():
    # The code inside
  • The def keyword.
  • The function name, followed by a pair of parentheses ().
  • The colon :.

The code inside the function is called the body of the function. And just like if statements and while loops, the code inside a function must be indented

Note: The common naming convention for functions is snake_case

Suppose we want to create a function named say_hello():

Defining a function creates the function, and it's the first step, but it doesn't mean that Python will automatically run the code inside its body. How do we convey to Python that we want the function body executed? We need to call the function!

    def say_hello():
       print('Howdy! 🤠')
       print('How are you?')


To call a function, we use the function name followed by parentheses somewhere in the code

Parameters & Arguments

Parameters are variables that a function takes in as input. They go inside the parentheses in the function definition and are used inside the function.

An argument is the value sent to the function when the function is called.

    def happy_birthday(name):
       print('Happy birthday to you')
       print('Happy birthday to you')
       print('Happy birthday dear ' + name )
       print('Happy birthday to you')

  • name is the parameter
  • Pochita is the argument

Return Value

The return keyword is used to terminate a function and output a value:

    def function_name():
    # The code inside
    return value
  • The return keyword is used to terminate a function and output a value
  • When a return statement is reached, Python will stop the execution of the current function, sending a value out to where the function was called.

print() functions can be anywhere in the program — inside or outside of a function, whereas return is the output of a function; you don't need to print out whatever you are returning.

As a rule of thumb:

  • Use return in a function when you want to send value(s) from one point in the code to another.
  • Use print() in a function when you want to display some text to the user.

add(a, b) that adds two numbers a and b. subtract(a, b) that subtracts two numbers a and b multiply(a, b) that multiplies two numbers a and b. divide(a, b) that divides two numbers a and b. exp(a, b) that takes a to the exponent (or power) of b.


Scope determines where in the program a variable is visible and can be used.

Here are two types of scope:

  • The scope of the answer variable is only inside the add() function. It is a local variable that belongs to the local scope of the add() function.
  • Now, a variable created outside of a function is called a global variable and belongs to the global scope, meaning that they can be used by every function.


With classes, we can create our own data type and use them to model everyday objects with their own unique characteristics and behaviors.

Classes serve as a template for the objects created using that class. Simply put, a class is like a blueprint. A class can make a bunch of objects with identical sets of attributes, similar to how a car manufacturer can use a model blueprint to build hundreds of cars in different colors, interiors, wheels, etc.

In our example, 📜 (class) ➡️ 👩🏼‍💻👨🏻‍💻👩🏽‍💻👩‍💻🧑🏾‍💻 (objects).

The class keyword following a class name creates the class. By convention, the class name is capitalized

    class Student:
    name = ''
    year = 0
    gpa = 0.0
    enrolled = False

The Student class has four attributes:

.name of the type str (text string)

.year of the type int (integer number)

.gpa of the type float (decimal number)

.enrolled` of the type bool`` (boolean value)


An object is an "instance" of a class. A class is simply a template to create objects, which are individual copies of the class with actual values.

The __init__() Method

Using __init__() in our class definition lets us construct objects with unique attributes. When we create a new Student() object, we can pass in values for each attribute to initialize the new object, all in a single line!

So if we reformat our Student class with __init__():

    class Student: 
    def __init__(self, name, year, gpa, enrolled): = name
    self.year = year
    self.gpa = gpa
    self.enrolled = enrolled

    daniel = Student('Daniel Li', 10, 4.0, True)

Note that __init__() also uses a separate parameter called self. This represents the object we'll create out of Student(). We need to include self whenever we want to use __init__(). It's always the first parameter.


    class Student: 
            def __init__(self, name, year, enrolled, gpa): = name
    self.year = year
    self.enrolled = enrolled
    self.gpa = gpa
    def display_info(self):
            print('The student ' + + '\'s GPA is ' + str(self.gpa) + '!')

    mitsuha = Student('宮水三葉', 11, False, 4.0)
    taki = Student('立花瀧', 11, True, 3.8)


    # Output:
    # The student 宮水三葉's GPA is 4.0!
    # The student 立花瀧's GPA is 3.8!

Note: Take a look at def display_info(self). Like what we learned about with the init() method, the first argument in the methods we make is always self. Every method has to have this self argument. The object attached to the method call is what self refers to.

In our example, we created two objects, mitsuha and taki.

When we called the mitsuha.display_info() method, the self parameter refers to the mitsuha object. In the case of taki.display_info(), self refers to the taki object.


A module is any file with a .py extension. But more ideally, a module contains statements, functions, and class definitions that revolve around a similar purpose.

  • By default, Python comes with over 200 modules that we can use.

Here are some examples:

  • random module to generate a random number.
  • math module to calculate the square root.
  • datetime module to work with dates and times.

Random Choices

    import random

    dice = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

  • Theimport keyword is used to access the random module.
  • The .choices() method will randomly select a single item by default.

We can also set how many items are randomly chosen with the k parameter:

    import random

    dice = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    print(random.choices(dice, k=3))
  • This will return a new list of three items randomly selected from dice. Every time you run it, the output should be different.
  • Note: The k parameter only sets the length of the returned list from .choices(). This means that a list item may be included in the returned list more than once.

Multiple Modules

There are two ways to import two or more modules at the top of our program:

With multiple import statements:

    import random
    import math

    # Rest of the code...

With one import statement and modules separated by commas:

    import random, math

    # Rest of the code...

These two code blocks do the exact same thing.


At the top of our file, this keyword goes before the import keyword:

    from module_name import objects

We can use the from keyword to import one or more objects from a module, such as built-in classes, methods, or variables.

The next example uses the from keyword to import random module's .sample() method that returns a list of values randomly picked from another list: from random import sample

    famous_houses = [
    '🐺 Stark',
    '🐉 Targaryen',
    '🦌 Baratheon',
    '🦑 Greyjoy',
    '🦁 Lannister'

    example = sample(famous_houses, 2)

    print(f'Example: {example}')

Since the .sample() method was directly imported, we can just write sample() instead of the usual random.sample().

By the way, more than one method, variable, or class can be imported from a module on a single line.

If we want to import both the .choice() and .sample() methods:

    from random import choice, sample

Note: The random.choice() method randomly selects and returns a single element from a list.


We can nickname a module by using the as keyword. This is called aliasing.

    import random as rd

From this point of the program, the random module will be known as rd.

The from and as keywords can also be combined:

from random import sample as samp

    example = samp(['Stark', 'Targaryen', 'Baratheon', 'Greyjoy', 'Lannister'], 2)

    print('Example: ' + example[0] + ' ' + example[1])

Instead of typing sample(), we can use the alias we assigned it to, samp().

datetime module

The datetime module specializes in dates and times. Just like random, it comes with Python by default and can simply be imported.

The datetime module has a date object that accepts the following properties:

.year: An integer between 1 and 9999. .month: An integer between 1 and 12. .day: An integer between 1 and the number of days in a given month.

The syntax for a date is, month, day), like so:

    import datetime

    release_date =, 2, 20)
    print(release_date)     # Output: 1991-02-20

The output shows the date object with a dash between each part. Also, any single number gets a leading zero 0.

The .year, .month, and .day properties can be accessed like with any other class object:

    print(f'Python was released in {release_date.year}.')
    # Output: Python was released in 1991.

Retrieving the current date is possible with the method: