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341 lines (299 loc) · 13 KB

1.6.1 - February 13 2024

  • Add Non-sequential-Applicative operators and computation expressions
  • Add proper SeqT implementation
  • Matrix and Vector types implement IEnumerable's and IReadOnly's interfaces
  • Add limited applicative support to dictionaries
  • Add (forward) tee operator (|-)
  • Add "mapsquared" pipe operators (|>>>) and (<<<|)
  • Add some functions, interfaces and optimizations to DList<'T>
  • Add findLastSliceIndex and tryFindLastSliceIndex
  • Add Result.Sequence
  • Add Result.iterError
  • Add Validation.ofOptionWith
  • Add List.chunkBy
  • Rename Sequence overloads to Sequential
  • Add Async.Await Async.AsTask and more overloads to Async.Sequential
  • Add empty and isEmpty to IReadOnlyCollection and Exception module
  • Fix bug in lift3 for List and Array
  • Type inference for generic traversals slightly improved

1.5.0 - October 15 2023

  • Support for Fable 4 (some functions had to be removed from Fable in order to it)
  • More IList and IReadOnlyList functions
  • Bug fixes in parse, tryParse, seq's TryFinally and (=>>) for ValueTask
  • Add Free.hoist
  • Add distinct for NonEmptySeq and NonEmptyList
  • Add ValueOption.ofOption and Task.result for Task and ValueTask

1.4.0 - February 22 2023

  • Additional Alternatives available (functions, error monads)
  • More IReadOnlyDictionary functions
  • Bug fixes in Map as FoldIndexable and missing <*> for IDictionary and IReadOnlyDictionary
  • Deprecate
  • Guid to/from bytes conversion

1.3.3 - February 5 2023

  • Fix missing zero overload for voption
  • Add (>>=) and (>=>) to ReaderT
  • Add ValueOption.toOption
  • Deprecate (<**>)

1.3.2 - December 2 2022

  • Applicative Computation Expressions
  • Support for ValueOption, ValueTask and ValueTuple
  • Possibility to use explicit type parameters (plus, Seq.sum, guard, ofBytes, ofBytesWithOptions, ofBytesBE, parse, tryParse)
  • Use InlineIfLambda attribute in CEs
  • Small fixes (add lift3 for tuples, fix join for ref tuple and Free.map3)
  • Small improvements in type inference
  • Use F# Core 6.0.6
  • Speed up List and Array extensions using Collectors
  • Use FSharp.Core implementations for old functions that were adopted there
  • Add some missing Option, Result zip functions
  • Add explicit type parameters
  • Use InlineIfLambda attribute in CEs
  • Some missing Option, Result zip functions
  • Add NonEmptyList.sequence
  • Improve null handling for Array extensions

1.2.4 - May 5 2022

  • Fix: Fable regressions
  • Add additional applicative operators directly to types

1.2.3 - March 31 2022

  • Fix: upcoming problem with new .NET6 overloads
  • Add Choice method and reduce function for NonEmptySeq

1.2.2 - October 7 2021

  • Bugfix: Seq.drop returns an empty sequence instead of intended output

1.2.1 - July 16 2021

  • Bump Fable to 3.2.6
  • Fable compatibility for un/curry functions and CE expressions
  • Add missing Lift2, Lift3, lift3 and use MergeSources3
  • Add bindError function
  • Bug fixes: tryParseArray and Result.map3 signature

1.2.0 - June 6 2021

  • Update to compile with Fable 3
  • Allow specialized builders for generic CEs
  • Add new types: NonEmptySeq, NonEmptySet, NonEmptyMap and MultiMap
  • Integrate Task in strict CEs
  • Add Mapi Support in NonEmpty List
  • Add Cont.eval / ContT.eval
  • Builder for NonEmptySeq
  • Add choose function to Map and Dictionaries modules (in Extensions)
  • Add choosei to several modules
  • Add zipShortest function and use that to make generic Zip safe for collections
  • Add map2Shortest, a safe map2 variant to several modules
  • Add missing map3/lift3 extensions
  • Add TryLast to Foldable and introduce operator tryLast
  • Add tryHead and tryLast to String module (in the Extensions namespace)
  • Add yield! to
  • Add SequenceBiApply and partition to Validation
  • Add indexer optic for List and Array
  • Rename Parse active pattern to Parsed
  • Include internal error in Result.get
  • Add support for %o %x %X and %B to scan functions
  • Bugfix: Evaluate traverse left to right
  • Use list instead of array for the generic implementation of sequence
  • Better hiding of internals in parsing

1.1.7 - January 7 2021

  • Fix short-circuiting Traverse

1.1.6 - December 7 2020

  • Fix signature of Free.fold
  • Update Task extensions so they can handle short-circuit, exceptions and cancellations
  • Fix String.drop function

1.1.5 - November 22 2020

  • Use list internally instead of array for the generic implementation of sequence
  • Make <*> for functions evaluate side-effects left-to-right
  • Remove BindReturn from monad computation expression in order to avoid type inference issues in F#5

1.1.4 - October 7 2020

  • Fix: TryWith for State and Reader, Filter, DistinctBy, SortBy and SortByAscending for user defined types.
  • Compile-time safety for try-blocks and while-loops in generic computation expressions.
  • Reduce allocations in NonEmptyList builder implementation.
  • Add support for clean signatures to all Indexables.
  • Improved, fixed and additional documentation in the extensions namespace.

1.1.3 - July 19 2020

  • Add map2/lift2 for all monad transformers
  • Add Tuple2 and Tuple3 extensions
  • Add non-generic <!> operator for Validation, mainly intended to be used for applicative validation in Fable

1.1.1 - May 10 2020

  • Fix: issue with generic intercalate function
  • Fix: traverse for seq of asyncs

1.1.0 - April 14 2020

  • Fix: issue with equality for DLists in Fable
  • Add Nullable module and map and bind overloads for Nullable
  • Add <= and >= Applicative Math operators

1.1.0-RC4 - March 31 2020

  • Fix: issue with Fable consumption of the library
  • Bitraversable abstraction
  • Fix: compatibility issue with 1.0 in a separate branch (from which it will be released)
  • Generic lift2 function made extensible and usable from F#5 preview's applicative CEs
  • Polymorphic itemX and mapItemX function working in Fable
  • More Traverse/Sequence overloads for extensions
  • Add Dictionary/Lazy extensions and some additionals for ResizeArray
  • Convert NonEmptyList builder empty list error in a compile-time error
  • ZipList as Alternative
  • ZipList without Equality
  • Conversion functions for NonEmptyList, replacing Unchecked module from previous RC
  • Fix: zero and empty for DList
  • Fix: defaults for zero function
  • Fix: ofSeq/ofList for IEnumerables
  • Rename LeftZero for Traversable/Alternative, fixed some issues and add some instances

1.1.0-RC3 - March 5 2020

  • Retarget Fable compilation to Extensions, some types from Data and abstractions Comonad, Invariant and Bind
  • Lens new functions: choosed and non
  • Fix: _item (from Lens)
  • Generic choice function made extensible and already working with semigroups
  • More operations on NonEmptyList and nel builder
  • Added missing operations for Computation Expressions to some types
  • Fix: signature for curry, uncurry and State.modify
  • Fix: traverse operation when derived from sequence operation
  • Short-circuit mechanism for Traversable and Alternatives
  • More extension functions: Result.bindError, Choice.bindChoice2Of2 and Array.apply
  • Fix and rename optional function to opt
  • Rename liftA2 to lift2
  • More ZipFunctor instances and better Unzip internals

1.1.0-RC2 - January 25 2020

  • Some tweaks to Free (internals)
  • Add functions gets and modify for stateful computations
  • Better type inference for lift
  • Some functions deprecated in Validation and Extensions
  • Fix: swap type parameteres of Bifunctor and Bifoldable for Choice / Result
  • Default Monoid for bool (xor)
  • Some minor bug fixes
  • Better signatures and xml descriptions

1.1.0-RC1 - January 13 2020

1.1.0-CI00272 - September 14 2019

  • Initial Fable support for Extensions
  • Add generic bind, try/findIndex and try/findSliceIndex functions
  • Traverse and TraverseIndexed for Map<,>
  • Lens: fix foldOf and add maximumOf/minimumOf

1.1.0-CI00271 - August 15 2019

  • Add intersect functions for Map/Dictionaries
  • Add polyvariadic memoizationN, curryN/uncurryN functions
  • Add polyvariadic parsing functions (scanf family)
  • Add Dict.containsKey, IReadOnlyDictionary.containsKey
  • More lens for Map and Set
  • Extend String and Task modules
  • Task as ZipFunctor and Applicative
  • Improve performace for union on dictionaries and maps
  • Add unary negation operator for applicative maths
  • Fix: add missing CE members to Monad Transformers
  • Fix: infinite seq of asyncs can now be traversed
  • Fix: generic sum function works with any monoid
  • Fix 'use' for strict builders

1.1.0-CI00252 - October 8 2018

  • Add Invariant Abstraction
  • Some convenient conversion functions between Option and Result
  • OfSeq for IReadOnlyDictionary
  • OfList for all same instances as OfSeq
  • Add some ReadOnly Collections related functions

1.1.0-CI00245 - September 22 2018

  • Fix some type inference problems
  • More Xml docs and type annotations

1.1.0-CI00240 - September 15 2018

  • Lens with less constraints (speed up compile time)
  • More generic Foldable functions
  • More extensions and abstractions with IReadOnlyDictionary

1.1.0-CI00230 - August 30 2018

  • Option as ZipFunctor
  • More Async extensions
  • More clean signatures supported
  • Removed tuple size limitations
  • Add generic functions 'maximum' and 'minimum' for Foldable
  • Fix: generic 'scan' signature
  • Fix: bug in '<|>' for Choice
  • Optimized Foldable/Collection generic functions by adding specific overloads

1.1.0-CI00208 - June 15 2018

  • Async as ZipFunctor
  • More Async extensions

1.1.0-CI00204 - June 5 2018

  • Fix culture neutrality of TryParse functions
  • More integration with ReadOnly Collections
  • More extensions for Map, IDictionary and ReadOnly collections
  • Map and Dictionary as ZipFunctor
  • Result and Choice as Semigroup and Alt
  • Exceptions and AggregateExceptions as Semigroup

1.0.0 - April 27 2018

  • Public 1.0.0 release that includes a better architected API and numerous bug fixes

1.0.0-RC3 - April 13 2018

  • Re-introduce Choice based monad transformers with ChoiceT
  • Generic split function is now bigeneric
  • Bug fix in OptionT execution

1.0.0-RC2 - March 31 2018

  • A hoist function was added to some Monad Transformers
  • Bug Fixes

1.0.0-RC1 - March 26 2018

  • Accumulative Validations
  • DList<'T> implementation changed
  • C# Extension Methods removed
  • Require operators instead of named methods:
    • (>>=) instead of Bind
    • (=>>) instead of Extend
    • (<|>) instead of Append
  • Custom operations:
    • sortBy renamed to orderBy
    • first and nth removed
    • top operator added
  • Unify Second with Map
  • Defaults improved
  • Identity<'T> is now in FSharpPlus.Data

1.0.0-CI00148 - February 17 2018

  • More flexibility in Computation Expressions
  • Dictionary extensions
  • Bug fixes

1.0.0-CI00145 - February 6 2018

  • Wrappers compiled as structs
  • New tryItem operation for Indexable types
  • Better default methods
  • Bug fixes

1.0.0-CI00136 - January 28 2018

  • Rename ErrorT to ResultT
  • Removed Haskell Compatibility

1.0.0-CI00134 - January 25 2018

  • IEnumerator functions
  • Applicative Math: new syntax, more operators
  • Function sequenceA renamed to sequence
  • More types: DList, Multiplication monoid
  • Changes in either function (args swapped)
  • Namespaces renamed
  • Lens functions renamed
  • Removed function toString

1.0.0-CI00099 - December 31 2017

  • Some Delayed Monad Transformers
  • Bug fixes

1.0.0-CI00092 - December 26 2017

  • New execution model for Computation Expressions
  • Use F# new Result Type to model failures
  • Functions minValue and maxValue are now generic constants
  • Many String and other extensions

1.0.0-CI00091 - November 30 2017

  • Targeting Netstandard 2.0
  • (0, +) as default monoid for numerics
  • Rename:
    • Empty, Append and Concat to MEmpty, MAppend and MConcat
    • MZero and MPlus to Empty and Append.
    • mempty and mappend to zero and plus
    • mconcat and mfold to Seq.sum and sum
  • Generic constants (empty, zero, app, ...)
  • Compose for applicative functors
  • Unify RMap with Map and LMap with Contramap

1.0.0-CI00089 - March 9 2017

  • Functions create, singleton and traverse (Traversable) for NonEmptyList
  • Reader<'R, 'T> and Writer<'Monad<'T * 'Monoid>> as Comonads
  • IDictionary<'Key,'Value> as Functor and Monoid
  • Standard signature for Join
  • Enhancements in Traversable, including bug fixed and more infinite seqs cases
  • Adapt code to be usable (no regressions) and able to be compiled from F# 4.1
  • Extensive documentation, including tutorials and a classepedia (abstractions) diagram (WIP)

1.0.0-CI00078 - January 21 2017

  • Builders support MonadPlus and FX computations
  • Bin path for sample files corrected
  • Added Delay implementation for Cont
  • Added Invokables for builders: TryWith, TryFinally and Using
  • Fix overloads for Task
  • Improve functor's map resolution in presence of interfaces
  • Generalize Unzip to any functor

1.0.0-CI00063 - December 26 2016

  • Initial release using ProjectScaffold