This is the 2016 goal matrix, from Friendly Code's working document, created as part of the 2016 Strategic Plan. Below are the individual goals of each focus area that was identified by Friendly Code's membership. The goals from below can also be found in the issue tracker within the Strategic Plan Github. Progress and work toward these goals/issues are in turn are trackable in the Strategic Plan waffle.
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Establish a project timeline and tracking system |
Identify a method to communicate the skill or task needs on individual projects |
Establish a project proposal template and establish criteria for accepting new projects |
A marketing or communications plan will be developed for highlighting projects |
End of Q1 |
Create a plan to motivate non-traditional participation and contribution in projects |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Leadership team will share minutes from all leadership meetings |
February 2016 |
Establish and agree upon a clear leadership structure |
Establish clearly-defined roles and responsibilities for leadership roles |
Establish organizational goals |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Establish a budget and accounting mechanism |
Create fundraising plan |
Execute fundraising plan to leverage community partnerships to raise $XXXX in funds from X different partners or funding sources |
December 2016 |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Provide agenda and announce purpose and intent for all Friendly Code meetings prior to their start. |
Establish a method to track contribution for both “on-site” and “off-site” work to Friendly Code projects, activities, and initiatives |
Investigate participation opportunities outside of bi-monthly Tuesday night hacknights. |
Create an annual schedule of events (projects and events spreadsheet). |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Read, understand, and adhere to Code for America’s Code of Conduct. |
Create an internal vision statement that defines the culture Friendly Code wishes to foster. |
Develop an outreach plan that seeks to expand participation across all cross-sections of Grand Rapids. |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Increase percent of membership who identifies with minority and underrepresented groups in 2016. |
Maintain level of activity of twice monthly meetings with an average of 5 or more participants. |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Develop at least one (1) partnership with an educational institution (e.g. KCAD, GVSU, GRCC) by end of year. |
Formalize (e.g. MOU) relationship with City of Grand Rapids in 2016. |
Develop a list of organizations or potential partners from CfA’s focus areas (Health, Safety and Justice, Economic Development, Communications and Engagement) with whom a mutually,beneficially relationship can be developed by XXXX. |
Goal |
Timeline |
Champion/Responsible Party |
Develop a budget using the tools provided by CfA |
Develop an appropriate financial management system |
Read Me | Strategic Plan | Issue Tracker (Waffle) | Goal Matrix | Project Management | Leadership Structure | Fundraising | Programming | People & Partnerships | Financial Management