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Lexing issues of MATLAB

Lexing of MATLAB looks easy enough at first, but there are many language feature that make a traditional approach (Dragon style lexing + parsing) impossible.

This file attempts to document these, so that others don't make the same mistakes (e.g. "trust me, it's easy, I'll just write a flex lexer and fix some stuff afterwards").

No official grammar

Doesn't exist. This is the first hurdle.

Command form

A function without outputs, that takes string arguments such as "disp" or "clear", is normally called like this:


However, you may omit the brackets (and optionally the quotation):

disp Potato!

This is called command form, and requires special treatment in the lexer. For example \ is not a valid character to appear in MATLAB program text, but you can write:

cd C:\potato

So, we need to have special rules to detect command form. Thankfully this got a bit easier in a recent MATLAB release and it is documented.

Command form bracketing

If command form wasn't weird enough already, there are some surprising properties involving brackets. They are classed into two: opening ({[, and closing )}]. If there is an imbalance, whitespace is included in the string lexed.

For example, this should lex as IDENT(foo) CARRAY(bar) CARRAY(baz):

foo bar baz % potato

However, this should lex as IDENT(foo) CARRAY(b)ar baz ). Please note the trailing whitespace here, it's intentional.

foo b)ar baz % potato

Command form quotation

To add to this, you can single-quote strings in command form, and they disappear.

For example, this again lexes as IDENT(foo) CARRAY(bar) CARRAY(baz):

foo 'bar' baz % potato

Imbalanced strings create lex errors:

foo 'bar baz % potato
    ^ error here

Quotations without separating whitespace are concatenated into whatever is lexed. For example, this lexes as IDENT(foo) CARRAY(barbaz). Note no quotations here.

foo bar'baz'

The creates counter-intuitive things like:

foo a' 'b  % actually a single CARRAY 'a b'

A double single quote escapes to a single quote:

foo pot''''ato % pot'ato

Finally, this does not work with double-quotes. The following lexes as IDENT(foo) CARRAY("bar"). Note the double-quotes are part of the single-quoted string.

foo "bar"

Continuations in command form

The final cherry on top is that continuations can appear in command forms as well, and they carry on to the next line. This lexes as IDENT(foo) CARRAY(bar) CONTINUATION CARRAY(baz).

foo bar ...

However, continuations are not allowed to be the first thing in a command-form. This lexes as IDENT(foo) CONTINUATION IDENT(bar) CONTINUATION IDENT(baz).

foo ...
    bar ...


The allowed syntax for numbers is extremely free, which creates ambiguities that need to be manually resolved. For example the following are all valid number tokens:


In a classic lexer, this would create an ambiguity for this:


In older versions of MATLAB (R) this used to parse, but now thankfully it doesn't. But you still need to add a special error checking for number lexing to raise an error in this specific case.

Also note that the ./ operator (and the other 4 operators that start with a '.') create an ambiguity here. Consider the following expression:

x = 1./b

In MATLAB and Octave this appears to be resolved by giving the ./ higher precedence, so the individual tokens here should be 1, ./, and b.

Single-quoted strings

The single quote has two meanings. It can either be a transpose operation (e.g. a') or a character array (e.g. 'foo'). It also means some expressions require you to use intermediate values. For example the following cannot be simplified to y = 'foo'';:

x = 'foo';
y = x';

The rules as to when a ' introduces a string are complex and depend on the previously lexed token and whitespace before this token. The following rules are given in order of precedence:

If there is preceding whitespace or we're the first token on the current line then we're always a CARRAY:

x = 'foo'
x = [a' 'foo']

If the last token is an identifier, number, transpose operator, or any closing bracket then we deal with a transpose operator.

x = y';
y = 1'';
z = 1.''.';
w = size(1)';

Otherwise we have a character array.


MATLAB (R) features very user friendly ways to write matrices, but they are painful to parse and lex correctly. Inside matrices whitespace matters. The lexer needs to keep track of all brackets so that it can always know if we're inside a matrix (or cell) or not.

The canonical way to write a 2x2 identity matrix is this:

m = [1, 0; 0, 1];

However there are many other ways this can be written:

m = [1 0
     0 1];

Or perhaps:

m = [1,0;;;
% potato
  ,0 1,;];

Rows are separated by either ; or a newline. Items on each row are separated by whitespace or commas, or both. Unfortunately this leads to trouble:

m = [+1 +0
     + 0 +1 + 0];

Why is the final +0 added to the +1? Why is it not its own element creating a malformed matrix? Or even worse:

x = [1 + 1]  % this is [2]
y = [1 ++ 1] % this is [1 1]
z = [1 +++ 1] % this is also [1 1]

As this depends on whitespace, to deal with this in the parser we have decided to add anonymous commas in the lexer. So the parser sees the following instead:

m = [+1, +0
     + 0, +1 + 0];
x = [1 + 1]  % this is [2]
y = [1, ++ 1] % this is [1 1]
z = [1, +++ 1] % this is also [1 1]

The rules when to add such a comma are probably the single most complex feature of the lexer.

First we need to find the first two characters after any whitespace. Following the 1 in x, this would be + and for y it would be ++. Note that this search must also correctly skip line continuations.

Second, commas can only appear after some tokens. Specifically identifiers, numbers, char arrays or strings, closing brackets, the 'end' keyword or transpose operations.

Third, we never add commas if no whitespace follows the current token.

So if we have whitespace, the previous token is relevant, and the next characters exists and is not */\^<>^|=.:! (indicating a binary operation) but is not .NUMBER, or the next two characters are not == (again indicating a binary operation) then maybe we need to add a comma. In order of precedence, based on the next non-whitespace character:

No comma in these situations:

  • ,, ;, newline
  • % (and # for octave)

Add an anonymous comma in these situations:

  • any alphanumeric character
  • ' or "
  • any opening bracket
  • @ or ?
  • . (it must be a number literal)
  • - or + or ~ and the character after is also + or - or (
  • - or + or ~ and the character after is alphanumeric

Do not add a comma otherwise.

Lambda functions

There is one more exception to these already confusing rules, and these are lambda functions. If we encounter a closing bracket of a lambda parameter list, then no comma is inserted:

x = {@(x) 12};

Note that your lexer will need to keep track of, and match, brackets; and distinguish between normal round brackets and a lambda function parameter list.

Assignment targets

Assignment targets look like matrices, but they are not. Many things that are permitted in a matrix are not valid in an assignment target. For example the following is not valid:

[x; y] = size(1)';

Ideally, in the parser we know if we're dealing with a matrix or not; so we can directly reject some expressions. Otherwise we'd have to go back after we've seen the = and either re-parse or do much deeper analysis; or reject during semantic analysis.

To make this easier the lexer should distinguish between a matrix and assignment targets. This essentially involves looking ahead matching brackets to find the first non-whitespace character following the closing ]. If it is a = then we deal with an assignment target, if not then it must be a matrix.

This look-ahead is not easy, since strings can appear legitimately. For example:

[x.('fo)o')] = 10;

While this is not semantically legal (field names cannot have brackets) it should be lexed correctly.

Identifiers and Keywords

Classic dragon-style lexing and parsing benefits greatly from having keywords. But what is a keyword in MATLAB (R)? It depends on the context, and it is highly malleable.

The documentation gives us a list via the iskeyword function, listing e.g. if, else, and end.

However the following is legal:

x = struct()
x.end = 12;

In lexing terms, if the previous token was a selection token (.) then the following token is always an identifier.

Having a function named end is also legal if the function is a class method.

~ is an operator, but it can be a legal identifier in an assignment target (to indicate "don't care"):

[~, x] = size(1);

In lexing terms, we have decided to keep it as an operator, but have a special rule in the parser rule for identifier that allows the ~ in some cases. A similar rule exists for end to allow the following expressions:

y = x(1:end, end-1:end-1);

Some keywords are keywords only in some contexts. Specifically classdef introduces properties, enumeration, events, and methods as keywords. The methods block removes this limitation again. Hence you can have a method called properties, but not a property called properties.

Since 2019b the function keyword makes arguments become a keyword in the top-level block.

function potato(x)
   arguments % keyword
      x uint
      arguments = 12; % identifier
   arguments = 42; % keyword again not allowed in MISS_HIT

Interaction with command form

Note that keeping track of blocks is essential anyway, since the argument validation x uint would normally be lexed as command-form. But inside properties, events, enumeration, and arguments blocks the command-form detection must always be turned off.

Block comments

Block comments can be nested (this is not documented officially). The following will print 1 and 5:

disp 1
disp 2
disp 3
disp 4
disp 5

If any text appears before or after the %{ or %} the block comment is ignored. For example this will print 1 2 4 5.

disp 1 %{
disp 2
disp 3
disp 4
disp 5

MISS_HIT Lint will emit warnings about comments that contain %{ and %} unless they are proper block comments.


While unicode is not permitted in identifiers, it is permitted in program texts and literals. This can lead to surprising programs:

potato foo bar ٪ This will print foo and bar
function potato(varargin)
    for i = 1:nargin

Here we have a clever use of the arabic percent ٪. This is not %, which starts a comment. Instead we print:


If the ٪ is a % then the program would only print:
