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File metadata and controls

91 lines (68 loc) · 4.17 KB

Backend of the xRAM-Memory website

This project concentrates the content management system and the API for the xRAM-Memory website. The project used several Python libraries, especially: Django (base framework and CMS), Django REST Framework (API), newspaper3k and goose3 (news crawlers), django-filer (file management) and celery (queue management for processing). distributed).

Project dependencies are managed with the pipenv tool.


  1. Install Python 3.7.* and Pipenv
  2. Install the packages: python3-dev(el), python3-pdfkit, poppler-utils and wkhtmltopdf
  3. Install project dependencies: pipenv install --dev --python 3.7 and npm install
  4. Set environment variables in .env from .env.example, in particular, set at least DJANGO_SECRET_KEY, DJANGO_LUNR_INDEX_REMOTE_SECRET and DJANGO_HASHID_FIELD_SALT variables
  5. Enter pipenv shell: pipenv shell
  6. Install nltk bodies: python ./scripts/ --user
  7. Collect the statics: ./ collectstatic
  8. Create the media dir and the lunr index: mkdir -p ./media/lunr_index && ./media/lunr_index/index.json
  9. Run the migrations: ./ migrate
  10. Create a superuser: ./ createsuperuser

Local environment


  1. Run the installation steps above
  2. Enter a pipenv shell
  3. Start a memcached container: docker run --name my-memcache -d -p memcached memcached -m 64
  4. Start the application locally: ./ runserver_plus
  5. Go to http://localhost:8000/admin/
  6. Clone, build the image and run the micro-lunr_index_builder project:
docker run -d --name xram_memory__lunr_index_builder -v <absolute path to the index file created on the step 7 above>:/usr/src/app/index.json:rw -e AUTH_TOKEN=<DJANGO_LUNR_INDEX_REMOTE_SECRET value> -p 3001:3000 xram_memory/lunr_index_builder


  1. Start a redis container listening on the default port locally:
docker run --name some-redis -d -p redis
  1. Start as many instances of celery as necessary. In a pipenv shell, run:
celery worker -A xram_memory -n 1
  1. (Optional) Monitor workers with Flower. In a pipenv shell, run:
flower -A xram_memory

Data Entities

The following models (entities) are present in this project:

The diagram below illustrates the relationship between the entities (click to open the image):


Project structure

A Django project is made up of several applications, each with a specific responsibility, which can be expressed by the organization of folders. This is the structure of the ./xram_memory folder, which contains the system source code:

├── albums - Album management application
├── artifact - Artifact management application
├── lib - Specialized libraries developed for the project
│ ├── file_previews - File preview generator
│ ├── news_fetcher - Main system program, more about it below
│ │ └── plugins - The various plugin implementations
│ │ ├── archives - News Archivers
│ │ ├── parsers - News Content Extractors
│ │ └── pdf_captures - PDF news capture generators
│ └── stopwords - A dictionary of stopwords in multiple languages
├── logger - Application responsible for logging system operations
├── lunr_index - Application responsible for generating client-side search indexes
├── page - Application for managing Static Pages
├── quill_widget - Application that provides a rich text editing widget with the Quill.js library
├── search_indexes - Application responsible for generating server-side search indexes (ElasticSearch)
├── static - Static files
├── taxonomy - Application responsible for classifying content (Taxonomy)
├── templates - Global changes to templates
├── users - Application responsible for managing users and groups
└── utils - Global Utilities

In the ./tests folder we have the project tests. Code coverage is currently at 65%.