This Suitelet receives a request object and generates EDI formatted text from the indicated EDI template and fields mapped via the user interface in the customrecord_hck_edi_map record.
Field mapping is done in the customrecord_hck_edi_map record.
Template fields are wrapped in single dollar signs $
We call the Suitelet via POST request with the following parameters:
- template (String): NetSuite file ID of the EDI template.
- group (String): EDI group ID in the customrecord_hck_edi_map record.
- values (Object): An object with values to be replaced on the template body.
- lines (Array): An array of objects with values to be replaced on the template lines.
- separator (String|Optional): EDI template line separator, defaults to
Note that lines
fields take precedence over values
fields, so for example, orderDate could be also printed on each line.
import {resolveScript} from "N/url";
import {post} from "N/https";
import {audit, error} from "N/log";
const response = post({
url: resolveScript({
scriptId: "customscript_hck_edi_map",
deploymentId: "customdeploy_hck_edi_map",
returnExternalUrl: true,
body: JSON.stringify({
"template": "1234",
"group": "1",
"separator": "\r",
"values": {
"customerName": "John Doe",
"orderDate": "2023/02/14",
"totalAmount": "100.00"
"lines": [
{"counter": 1, "item": "12345", "quantity": 1, "price": "10.00"},
{"counter": 2, "item": "67890", "quantity": 1, "price": "90.00"}
const out = JSON.parse(response.body);
if (out.error) error({title: "Error", details: out.error});
audit({title: "Response", details: out.output});
// Returns {error: 'Error message', output: 'EDI formatted text
Outputted text is formatted according to the customrecord_hck_edi_map specifications.
10000John Doe 140022023##00000000000000000000000000000
2000000001 123450000000000000001000100000000000000000000000
2000000002 678900000000000000001000900000000000000000000000
Felipe Chang [email protected]