Paper: Baseline Acoustic Models for Brazilian Portuguese Using Kaldi Tools
A comparison between Kaldi and CMU Sphinx for Brazilian Portuguese was
performed. Resources for both toolkits were developed and made publicly
available to the community.
: acoustic model (AM)dict/
: phonetic dictionary (lexicon)lm/
: n-gram language model (LM)gram/
: context-free grammar (CFG) language model
NOTE: LM and CFG are mutually exclusive: if you use LM, it is senseless to use a grammar at the same time.
pocketsphinx_continuous \
-inmic yes \
-hmm sen4000_gau16.cd_cont_4000/ \
-dict dict/sen4000_gau16.dic \
-lm lm/lapsam.lm
pocketsphinx_continuous \
-inmic yes \
-hmm sen4000_gau16.cd_cont_4000/ \
-dict dict/sen4000_gau16.dic \
-fsg gram/tv_control.fsg 2> /dev/null
pocketsphinx_continuous \
-inmic yes \
-hmm sen4000_gau16.cd_cont_4000/ \
-dict dict/sen4000_gau16.dic \
-jsgf gram/tv_control.jsgf 2> /dev/null
If you use these resources or want to mention the paper referred above, please cite us as one of the following:
Batista, C., Dias, A.L., Sampaio Neto, N. (2018) Baseline Acoustic Models for Brazilian Portuguese Using Kaldi Tools. Proc. IberSPEECH 2018, 77-81, DOI: 10.21437/IberSPEECH.2018-17.
author = {Cassio Batista and Ana Larissa Dias and Nelson {Sampaio Neto}},
title = {{Baseline Acoustic Models for Brazilian Portuguese Using Kaldi Tools}},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {Proc. IberSPEECH 2018},
pages = {77--81},
doi = {10.21437/IberSPEECH.2018-17},
url = {}
Grupo FalaBrasil (2020) -
Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) -
Cassio Batista -