- Create Sonatype Jira account
- Install gpg
brew install gpg
- Generate gpg key
gpg --gen-key Follow instructions
Set key expiration to forever https://www.g-loaded.eu/2010/11/01/change-expiration-date-gpg-key/
Upload public key gpg --list-keys gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-keys <key_id>
Fix gpg terminal, otherwise Maven plugin errors
- Create private Maven settings by adding the following to ~/.m2/settings.xml
Modify all pom.xml files to exclude
from version -
Run deploy with Maven
mvn clean deploy -Prelease-sign-artifacts
- Promote release to production
Login to https://oss.sonatype.org, navigate to 'Staging Repository', find the newly created repository and press 'Close', wait for operation to complete, then press 'Release'. It will promote repository from staging to Central.