Interactive Docker shell to play around with pyUmbral implementation due to dependency issues on mac and python installation.
Run the following command to build the docker container. It will per default download and install all the dependencies:
docker build -t py-umbral-docker .
To run an interactive shell
docker run -v $(pwd)/contents:/contents -it py-umbral-docker /bin/bash -c "cd /pyUmbral; pipenv shell"
And work with your files (/contents/
in this example):
cd /contents && python
The output for /contents/
Generate Alice Keypair
/pyUmbral/umbral/ RuntimeWarning: No default curve has been set. Using SECP256K1. A slight performance penalty has been incurred for only this call. Set a default curve with umbral.config.set_default_curve().
warn(cls.__WARNING_IF_NO_DEFAULT_SET, RuntimeWarning)
Alice Private Key: <umbral.keys.UmbralPrivateKey object at 0x7fc1827b3ef0>
Alice Public Key: <class 'umbral.keys.UmbralPublicKey'>:0388c807163c79d
Encrypt message ('Proxy Re-encryption is cool!') with Alice Public Key
Ciphertext: b'\xf3`>\xb6}g\xe0\xb4\x1bw\xbb\x1e\x02\x99oI\xbf\x7f\x8a\xec4\xdf\x9f\xbbG|8+\x0f\x17\xb9-eZ\x001\x1d\xdd\xbd\xef\xf9\x0e4\xa6\x8a\xc1\xb8f\xcd\x9c5\xa1\xfaj\ny'
Capsule: <umbral.pre.Capsule object at 0x7fc17ddb9978>
Generate Bob Keypair
Bob Private Key: <umbral.keys.UmbralPrivateKey object at 0x7fc17ddb9940>
Bob Public Key: <class 'umbral.keys.UmbralPublicKey'>:02935e56594eb13
Generate Split Rekey
Attach cfrags
b'Proxy Re-encryption is cool!'
Try decrypting as malicious actor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 63, in <module>
cleartextMalicious = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, mali_private_key, alices_public_key)
File "/pyUmbral/umbral/", line 509, in decrypt
encapsulated_key = _open_capsule(capsule, decrypting_key, check_proof=check_proof)
File "/pyUmbral/umbral/", line 492, in _open_capsule
key = _decapsulate_reencrypted(receiving_privkey, capsule)
File "/pyUmbral/umbral/", line 448, in _decapsulate_reencrypted
raise GenericUmbralError()
You can now edit the files in ./contents
with your favourite editor and run them in the container.
PyUmbral is the Python Implementation of the Umbral Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme. The Umbral PRE Scheme was developed by David Núñez and enables splitting of re-encryption keys used for proxy re-encryption. See the whitepaper here: