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1257 lines (897 loc) · 52.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1257 lines (897 loc) · 52.6 KB

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[1.48.0] – 2024-08-13


  • Updating the version according to the main project

[1.47.0] – 2024-07-12


  • Updated project dependencies

  • Some project folders were renamed in accordance with the rebranding:

    • ton_client -> ever_client
    • ton_client_processing -> ever_client_processing
    • ton_sdk -> ever_sdk
    • toncli -> evercli
  • Removed create failure, now we use anyhow and thiserror creates

[1.46.1] – 2024-05-16


  • Updated dependencies version

  • Removed ever-types from list of dependencies


  • Some fixes in WASM build

[1.45.0] – 2023-11-10


  • ABI 2.4 supported.


  • For contracts with ABI version => 2.4 initial public key should be explicitly supplied inside initial_data in abi module functions. Signer public key and initial_pubkey parameter are not used in contract initial data encoding since ABI version 2.4.

  • abi.decode_initial_data and abi.update_initial_data functions don't support ABI version => 2.4. abi.decode_account_data and abi.encode_initial_data should be used instead

  • Only workchain_id parameter is allowed if state_init parameter of DeploySet is provided. State init should be finalized and ready to be used in message as is.

  • abi.encode_account parameter state_init is BOC or cached BOC reference instead of StateInitSource enum. There is only one way to provide account state init now.

[1.44.4] – 2023-11-07


  • Account BOC for local error resolving is fetched from blockchain API instead of collections API

[1.44.3] – 2023-09-05


  • Error appeared during network paramaters resolving is returned to client instead of using default parameters

[1.44.2] – 2023-08-22


  • Pruned account serialization supported

[1.44.1] – 2023-07-25


  • functions with callbacks (e.g. processing.process_messages) can be called as sync.
  • send_event parameter is now optional with default value false.


[1.44.0] – 2023-07-12


  • Ability to call async functions via tc_request_sync.
  • In rust API, the following functions become sync (slight breaking): abi::encode_internal_message, abi::attach_signature_to_message_body, abi::attach_signature, abi::decode_message, abi::decode_message_body, abi::decode_account_data, abi::update_initial_data, abi::encode_initial_data, abi::decode_initial_data, abi::decode_boc, abi::encode_boc, boc::decode_tvc, boc::parse_message, boc::parse_transaction, boc::parse_account, boc::parse_block, boc::parse_shardstate, boc::get_blockchain_config, boc::get_boc_hash, boc::get_code_from_tvc, boc::cache_get, boc::cache_set, boc::cache_unpin, boc::encode_boc, boc::get_code_salt, boc::set_code_salt, boc::decode_state_init, boc::encode_state_init, boc::encode_external_in_message, boc::get_compiler_version, processing::monitor_messages, processing::get_monitor_info, processing::cancel_monitor
  • Code generator for modules.ts produces _sync wrapper for all API functions.
  • Added _sync version for each SDK function. So SDK can be used in utility scripts in sync manner. Not all bindings are support sync calls. The only binding that supports sync calls is the lib-node. Example:
    const sdk = new TonClient();

[1.43.3] – 2023-06-24


  • Memory leak in a spawned loop of the web socket link.

[1.43.2] – 2023-06-09


  • Non existing accounts are treated as missing since q-server return non existed if account is missing

[1.43.1] – 2023-06-01


  • MonitoredMessage API representation simplified.

[1.43.0] – 2023-05-23


  • network.network_retries_count config parameter is finally deprecated and not used in SDK. max_reconnect_timeout is used instead
  • Message monitoring errors received by subscription are returned from processing.fetch_next_monitor_results function
  • Message monitor buffers new messages for delayed start of the subscription. New subscription starts when 1 second has passed since the last addition or when 5 seconds has passed since last sending
  • Message monitor uses more than one subscription.
  • Version of ton_types upped to 2.0.0
  • Fixed code for changed dependencies api
  • Removed logic related to client-server clock sync
  • boc.encode_tvc and boc.decode_tvc are renamed to boc.encode_state_init and boc.decode_state_init.
  • boc.decode_tvc decodes TVC BOC according to the TVC spec.
  • DeploySet.tvc supports new TVC file format (according to new TVC spec). Old tvc files (with serialized state init) are also supported.
  • DeploySet.state_init allows to specify serialized state init.
  • DeploySet.code allows to construct state init from provided serialized code.
  • DeploySet's fields tvc, state_init and code are mutually exclusive (so you should provide value for one of these fields).
  • ProcessingEvent::MessageExpired is sent to callback in case of retry in processing.process_message

[1.42.1] – 2023-03-23


  • Client was notified about every REMP status timeout. Now it is notified only once when fallback scenario is started

[1.42.0] – 2023-03-22


  • Added message monitoring functions to the processing module: monitor_messages, fetch_next_monitor_results, get_monitor_info, cancel_monitor****.
  • Added processing.send_messages function.
  • Improved error resolving for deleted accounts
  • net.first_remp_status_timeout config parameter default value set to 1 ms in order to start fallback scenario together with REMP statuses processing while REMP is not properly tuned yet.
  • Network errors are returned on subscription creation if occured


  • ParamsOfSubscribe was not public.
  • subscribe did not trim subscription query text. It is required for some graphql servers expecting that query text starts from operation text.

[1.41.1] – 2023-02-14


  • update getLibName type declaration

[1.41.0] – 2023-02-13


  • CapSignatureWithId capability is supported.

    Network signature ID is used by VM in signature verifying instructions if capability CapSignatureWithId is enabled in blockchain configuration parameters.

    This parameter should be set to global_id field from any blockchain block if network can not be reached at the moment of message encoding and the message is aimed to be sent into network with CapSignatureWithId enabled. Otherwise signature ID is detected automatically inside message encoding functions.
    Overwrite priority: ExecutionOptions.signature_id -> -> last network block

    • optional parameter is added. Specify it in case of offline work for all message signing operations to use.
    • ExecutionOptions is extended with signature_id optional parameter. Specify locally for a particular run_tvm or run_executor call.
    • net.get_signature_id function returns global_id if CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled,
  • message_id and message_dst fields are added to all ProcessingEvent variants

  • Config parameter binding: { library: string, version: string }. Binding authors should define this parameter at context initialization.

  • tonclient-binding-library and tonclient-binding-version GraphQL request headers.

  • and error data fields.

  • specifying binding info in core initialization.

Client breaking changes

  • abi.get_signature_data function ouput parameter hash is renamed to unsigned for consistency with other crypto functions parameters

Possible breaking change on binding side

  • Changed type of the dictionary parameter or mnemonic crypto functions and crypto config. Now it uses MnemonicDictionary enum type instead of number. MnemonicDictionary numeric constants are compatible with previous values.


  • debot engine module is deprecated. Debot engine development has migrated to a separate repository (soon will be published). So, in order to reduce sdk binary size, we will remove debot engine module from sdk in the next releases.

[1.40.0] – 2023-01-11


  • abi.get_signature_data function that returns signature from message and hash to verify the signature


  • local endpoints with port specified are expanded with http protocol instead of https (e.g. localhost:8033 in expanded to http://localhost:8033/graphql)

[1.39.0] – 2022-12-07


  • Resolved endpoints are cached for 10 minutes so subsequent messages sent will not require additional server request

  • Queries are retried in case of network errors when websocket connection is used

  • WaitForTimeout error code (607) is returned in case of wait_for_transaction function was successfully executed but expected data did not appeared during the specified timeout

  • timeout parameter in net.query_transaction_tree behaviour changed. Now value 0 indicates that no time limit should be used and function will wait for all transactions execution


  • transaction_max_count parameter in net.query_transaction_tree which controls the count of transaction to be awaited and returned

  • data_layout and function_name parameters in abi.decode_message and abi.decode_message_body that can be used to decode responsible function output and optimize message decoding by strict layout check


  • abi.encode_initial_data function properly creates data in case of public key omitted. Now abi.encode_initial_data call without initial data values and public key creates the same data as compiled tvc

  • Graphql error messages with HTTP response 400 was skipped (was not propagated to the SDK client application).

  • Several misspelling.

  • Message processing freeze in case of large amount of messages parallel processing using Websocket connection

  • Websocket interaction thread panic

  • Debot module:

    • fill hash argument in SDK.signHash method with leading zeroes up to 32 bytes.

[1.38.1] – 2022-11-10


  • Aditional info query is removed from send_message to minimize API usage


  • Error code Unauthorized is returned from all network functions in case of authentication failure
  • Server connection attempt is not retried in case of authentication failure

[1.38.0] – 2022-10-06


  • Debot module:
    • ABI specification v2.3 is supported in DEngine.
    • Supported flags OVERRIDE_TS, OVERRIDE_EXPT, ASYNC_CALL for external messages in DEngine.


  • Support cookies in net module for std mode (not wasm)
  • Remove network aliases (main, dev,,
  • No balancing logic in case of 1 endpoint + removed the check of REMP support on backend during client initialization. These changes will make client initialization faster -> CLI tools that use SDK will work faster, web pages will load initial data faster.
  • Changed 401 error message to response message from API
  • Tests improvements: cryptobox tests made stable

[1.37.2] – 2022-08-10


  • crypto.encryption_box_get_info returns nacl box public key in info.public field.
  • Gosh instruction are supported in local VM and executor:
    • execute_diff
    • execute_diff_patch_not_quiet
    • execute_zip
    • execute_unzip
    • execute_diff_zip
    • execute_diff_patch_zip_not_quiet
    • execute_diff_patch_quiet
    • execute_diff_patch_zip_quiet
    • execute_diff_patch_binary_not_quiet
    • execute_diff_patch_binary_zip_not_quiet
    • execute_diff_patch_binary_quiet
    • execute_diff_patch_binary_zip_quiet


  • create_crypto_box optimisation. When a user creates a crypto box, library encrypts provided secret information using provided password and salt. When library encrypts the secret, it calculates encryption key from password and salt using scrypt function which takes a lot of CPU time (about 1 second). So when a user creates many crypto boxes using the same password and salt, it takes a lot of time (about 12 seconds for 10 crypto boxes). With the optimisations introduced in this version the library stores the pair (password+salt => encryption key) in internal cache for approximately 2 seconds. So when a user creates many crypto boxes at a time using the same password and salt, library uses cached information to skip heavy calculations. As a result now it takes only a second to create 10 crypto boxes.


  • Some enum types were not properly presented in api.json (some types that use serde(content="value"))

[1.37.1] – 2022-08-03


  • Pinned BOC cache now has reference counter for each pin in BOC. BOC can be pinned several times with the same pin. BOC is removed from cache after all references for all pins are unpinned with cache_unpin function calls.
  • Fixed error resolving in case when account state was modified after message expiration time. Now appropriate error text is added to error message instead of executor internal error

[1.37.0] – 2022-07-28


  • client sends as Authorization: Basic ... or Authorization: Bearer ... header.
  • client accepts endpoints with /graphql suffixes specified in config.
  • lib-web option disableSeparateWorker. By default, lib web starts a separate worker that will utilize core (wasm). So main thread never freezes – it is fine for UI. But in some cases (e.g. when worker already exists in application or extension) separate worker is a bad approach. In this case application can suppress this with libWebSetup({disableSeparateWorker: true}).


  • Updated zstd in order to fix building.
  • Fixed webpack configuration in packages/lib-web/example.
  • Rewrote to clarify the prerequisites for running lib-web/example.

[1.36.2] – 2022-07-18


  • responseType has changed from number to ResponseType so it presents in doc with link to ResponseType description.

[1.36.1] – 2022-07-18


  • Time synchronization check between device and server improved: calculation of timediff with server is moved from batched query to send_message function and therefore now query execution time does not affect this time diff.

[1.36.0] – 2022-07-01


  • ABI specification v2.3 is supported
  • parameter address is added to abi.encode_message_body function


  • memory leak in utils.compress_zstd and utils.decompress_zstd functions in WASM

[1.35.1] – 2022-06-28


  • abi module errors have been improved

[1.35.0] – 2022-06-28


  • chksig_always_succeed execution option used in params of the tvm.run_get, tvm.run_tvm and tvm.run_executor.
  • abi.calc_function_id function
  • tokio library is updated to 1.* version

[1.34.3] – 2022-06-08


  • send accessKey header in api requests (specified in


  • send headers in info api requests

[1.34.2] – 2022-05-30


  • build process
  • compress/decompress zstd for wasm

[1.34.1] – 2022-05-26


  • supported removing Copy interface from UInt256
  • supported changed interface of ton_types::Cell

[1.34.0] – 2022-05-18


  • client.config function that returns the current client config

  • run_executor().fees is extended with these fields:

    • ext_in_msg_fee - fee for processing external inbound message
    • total_fwd_fees - total fees of action phase
    • account_fees - total fees the account pays for the transaction
  • main and dev endpoints aliases for Evernode Cloud Mainnet and Devnet endpoints

  • binding-gen: enum of types produces its own type for each enum variant.

  • lib-web: large numbers in transaction fees are rounded now (previously they caused errors).

  • core: if an application calls first client core functions in parallel then core creates more than one internal context per single TonClient instance. As a side effect of this is that a Nodejs process didn't finish even when client.close was called.

[1.33.1] – 2022-05-10


  • Websocket errors weren't treated as a network errors. This is why all the processing functions that worked via wss protocol failed on these errors without retries. Now retries are performed.
  • SDK tried to rebalance even if only a single endpoint was specified. Now in case of a single endpoint, no rebalancing occurs.

[1.33.0] – 2022-05-02


  • allow_partial flag in all abi.decode_* functions. This flag controls decoder behaviour whether return error or not in case of incomplete BOC decoding
  • REMP supported. ProcessingEvent enum is extended with REMP statuses (enum of events posted into processing.wait_for_transaction function callback )
  • UNSTABLE. first_remp_status_timeout and next_remp_status_timeout parameters in network config

[1.32.0] – 2022-03-22


  • network.queries_protocol config parameter allows selecting protocol the SDK uses to communicaite with GraphQL endpoint:
    • HTTP – SDK performs single HTTP-request for each request.
    • WS – SDK uses single WebSocket connection to send all requests. This protocol is a preferable way when the application sends many GraphQL requests in parallel.


  • Debot module:
    • If DEngine received a non-zero exit_code while emulating a transaction while sending a message, DEngine will call onErrorId callback of the message.

[1.31.0] – 2022-03-09


crypto module:


  • Documentation generator for app object interface fills documentation from ParamsOfXXXAppObject enum.
  • Documentation generator for function with obj parameter add this parameter into parameters section with link to appropriate AppObject interface.

[1.30.2] – 2022-03-14


  • Update JSI client podspec for react-native greater than 0.66

[1.30.1] – 2022-02-16


  • Rebranding:
    • rename repository name from 'ton-client-js' to 'ever-sdk-js'
    • rename binary binding filenames from 'tonclient_' to 'eversdk_'
    • rename npm scope name from '@tonclient' to '@eversdk' @tonclient/core -> @eversdk/core @tonclient/lib-node -> @eversdk/lib-node @tonclient/lib-web -> @eversdk/lib-web @tonclient/lib-react-native -> @eversdk/lib-react-native

[1.30.0] – 2022-02-04


  • Added boc.encode_external_in_message function to encode message BOC based on a low level message parts such as a body, state init etc.
  • Added net.subscribe function to start a low level GraphQL subscription.
  • Added support for new MYCODE TVM command in tvm.run_tvm and tvm.run_get functions.

[1.29.0] – 2022-02-03


  • Added abi.encode_boc function to encode parameters with values to BOC, using ABI types.
  • Added support of address type in boc.encode_boc.
  • All fetch requests are now called with timeouts to prevent freezing in case of infinite answer.
  • Support of MYCODE instruction in TVM

[1.28.1] – 2022-02-01


  • Support breaking changes in ton-labs-block-json v0.7.1
  • Updated endpoints for alias.
  • Migrate from jcenter() to mavenCentral()

[1.28.0] – 2021-12-24


  • DevNet endpoints now changed to Ever OS domain:,,
  • Debot module:
    • Аdded float numbers support for Json interface
  • Added guide for custom giver usage.


  • Debot module: fixed a bug in Query.query function called with an empty variables field.

[1.27.1] – 2021-12-09


  • Empty function_name field in the "create run message failed" error.

[1.27.0] – 2021-12-03


  • Function abi.encode_initial_data which encodes initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key. This function is analogue of tvm.buildDataInit function in Solidity.


  • Subscription for Counterparties failed with 'Unknown type "CounterpartieFilter"' error.

[1.26.1] – 2021-12-01


  • Fixed building and warning.

[1.26.0] – 2021-11-25


  • Debot module:
    • Аdded allow_no_signature parameter to decode_and_fix_ext_msg() and onerror_id return value to prepare_ext_in_message() inner functions used in TS4.
    • Added support for async external calls.
    • Query interface extended with waitForCollection and query methods. waitForCollection allows to wait for completion of async external calls.
    • Added support for DeBots with ABI 2.2.
  • Function proofs.proof_message_data which proves message data, retrieved from Graphql API.

[1.25.0] – 2021-11-08


  • Added JS Blob support in lib-web

  • New module proofs is introduced!

  • Functions proofs.proof_block_data and proofs.proof_transaction_data which prove block data, retrieved from Graphql API.

    These are the first functions from proofs series :) Wait for others(proof_account_data, proof_message_data) in the next releases.

    Read about them more in the documentation.

  • abi.decode_boc function to decode custom BOC data into JSON parameters.

  • Ref(<ParamType>) type was added to ABI.
    Solidity functions use ABI types for builder encoding. The simplest way to decode such a BOC is to use ABI decoding. ABI has it own rules for fields layout in cells so manually encoded BOC can not be described in terms of ABI rules. To solve this problem we introduce a new ABI type Ref(<ParamType>) which allows to store ParamType ABI parameter in cell reference and, thus, decode manually encoded BOCs. This type is available only in decode_boc function and will not be available in ABI messages encoding until it is included into some ABI revision.

[1.24.0] – 2021-10-18


  • boc.get_boc_depth function to get depth of the provided boc.

  • boc.decode_tvc function returns additional fields code_hash, code_depth, data_hash, data_depth and compiler_version

  • Debot module:

    • added parse function to Json interface.

[1.23.0] – 2021-10-05


  • boc.get_code_salt and boc.set_code_salt functions for contract code salt management.
  • boc.encode_tvc and boc.decode_tvc functions for TVC image encoding and decoding
  • boc.get_compiler_version function extracting compiler version from contract code
  • abi.update_initial_data and abi.decode_initial_data function for pre-deployment contract data management

[1.22.0] – 2021-09-20


  • ABI v2.2 with fixed message body layout supported. See the specification.

    Now, for contracts with ABI version < 2.2 compact layout will still be used for compatibility, for contracts with ABI version 2.2 and more - fixed layout will be used.
    Please, make sure that you updated the ABI if you recompiled your contract with 2.2 ABI, or you may get an inconsistent contract behaviour.

  • Debot module:

    • added getEncryptionBoxInfo, getSigningBoxInfo functions to Sdk interface.
    • implemented Query DeBot interface in DEngine.

[1.21.5] – 2021-09-13


  • abi.encode_message and processing.process_message created invalid deploy message in case of Signer::None was used, and contract could not be deployed.
  • lib-node's bridge crashed on client.close.

[1.21.4] – 2021-09-08


  • Support MacOS aarch64 target

[1.21.3] – 2021-09-02


  • Information about used endpoint is added to subscription errors.
  • Graphql response error codes 500-599 are treated as retriable network errors

[1.21.2] – 2021-08-25


  • Updated crypto libraries in order to fix building.

[1.21.1] – 2021-08-24


  • http errors were not processed as network errors and didn't lead to endpoint reconnect and request retry

[1.21.0] – 2021-08-18


  • crypto.create_encryption_box function for creating SDK-defined encryption boxes. First supported algorithm - AES with CBC mode.
  • Debot module:
    • Аdded public prepare_ext_in_message function.


  • tvm.run_executor did not work when SDK is configured to use TONOS SE, because of incomplete default blockchain configuration. Now mainnet config from key block 10660619 (last key block at the moment of fix) is used as default.

[1.20.1] – 2021-07-30


  • RuntimeError: unreachable in wasm

[1.20.0] – 2021-07-16


  • ABI version 2.1 supported.
  • Now all requests to GraphQL are limited with timeout to react on unexpected server unavailability. Existing timeouts in waiting functions keep the same behaviour. All other requests timeout now can be set with net.query_timeout config parameter. Its default value is 60000 ms
  • Debot module:
    • added encrypt, decrypt functions to Sdk interface which accept encryption box handles.


  • Deployment with empty signer in cases of public key set in TVC or deploy set.

[1.19.0] – 2021-07-07


  • get_address_type function in utils module, which validates address and returns its type. See the documentation.
  • decode_account_data function in abi module that converts account data BOC into JSON representation according to ABI 2.1. See the documentation.
  • Diagnostic fields filter and timestamp added to wait_for_collection error
  • and endpoints that will be deprecated on 12.07.21 are now replaced with proper endpoints list, if they were specified in network endpoints config


  • Search of the first master blocks during the network start period was fixed in blocks and transactions iterators

[1.18.1] – 2021-07-01


  • Improved error messages regarding Union-typed parameters (e.g. abi and signer in encode_message): helper functions (e.g. signerNone, signerKeys, etc.) are suggested if applicable.

[1.18.0] – 2021-06-26


  • Iterators in net module: robust way to iterate blockchain items (blocks, transactions) in specified range. See documentation for create_block_iterator , create_transaction_iterator, resume_block_iterator, resume_transaction_iterator, iterator_next, iterator_remove functions.
  • Library adds http:// protocol to endpoints localhost,, if protocol isn't specified in config.
  • Debot module:
    • added tests for Json interface.

[1.17.0] – 2021-06-21


  • Added support of external encryption boxes. See the documentation
  • Debot module:
    • Dengine waits for completion of all transactions in a chain initiated by debot's onchain call.

[1.16.1] – 2021-06-16


  • timeout option to query_transaction_tree – timeout used to limit waiting time for the next message and transaction in the transaction tree.


  • Improved error messages regarding ABI and JSON interface. SDK now shows additional tips for the user in cases of errors.


  • Warnings in Rust 1.52+. Little fixes in the documentation.
  • total_output field in fees was always 0.
  • query_transaction_tree didn't wait for messages.

[1.16.0] – 2021-05-25


  • query_transaction_tree function that returns messages and transactions tree produced by the specified message was added to net module. See the documentation
  • libOptions.loadModule – ability to specify alternative WASM module loader.


  • AbiData.key type changed to u32.
  • attempt to use orderBy instead of order in query_collection will raise error.

[1.15.0] – 2021-05-18


  • Sync latency detection increases connection reliability. Library will change the current endpoint when it detects data sync latency on it.

  • Configuration parameters: latency_detection_interval, max_latency. See client documentation for details.

  • Debot module:

    • signing messages with signing box handles returned from debots.
    • return any sdk errors to debot in case of external calls.
    • defining signing box handle used to sign message in approve callback.

[1.14.2] – 2021-04-30


  • Typo in lib-react-native install script

[1.14.1] – 2021-04-28


  • Debot module:
    • DebotInfo field key renamed to caption

[1.14.0] – 2021-04-28


  • Debot module:
    • implementation of Network DeBot interface in DEngine.
    • implementation of signHash function in Sdk interface.


  • Debot module:
    • fixed bug in Json interface with supporting nested structures and arrays of structures.
    • fixed bug in Json interface with keys containing hyphens.

[1.13.0] – 2021-04-23


  • Refined bridging model in core package. Library introduces new interface BinaryBridge. Bridge authors can implement this interface instead of BinaryLibrary to get more precise control over bridging. For example it makes possible to use separated response handlers for different requests.

  • net.query_counterparties - allows to query and paginate through the list of accounts that the specified account has interacted with, sorted by the time of the last internal message between accounts.
    Subscription to counterparties collection is available via net.subscribe_collection function.

  • Blockchain interaction reliability improvement (broadcast): library sends external inbound messages simultaneously to the N randomly chosen endpoints. If all N endpoints failed to responce then library repeats sending to another random N endpoints (except the failed one). If all the available endpoints fail to respond then library throws error. The N parameter is taken from (default is 2).

  • Blockchain interaction reliability improvement (bad delivery list): library tracks endpoints with bad message delivery (expired messages). These endpoints have lower priority when library chooses endpoints to send message.

  • Debot module:

    • Implementation of Json DeBot interface in DEngine.

[1.12.0] – 2021-04-01


  • utils.compress_zstd compresses data using Facebook's Zstandard algorithm.
  • utils.decompress_zstd decompresses data using Facebook's Zstandard algorithm.
  • Debot module:
    • init function that creates an instance of DeBot and returns DeBot metadata.
    • Dengine fetches metadata form DeBot by calling 2 mandatory functions: getRequiredInterfaces and getDebotInfo. This data is returned by fetch and init functions.
    • approve DeBot Browser callback which is called by DEngine to request permission for DeBot activities.


  • Debot Module:
    • [breaking] fetch function does't create an instance of debot. It returns DeBot metadata (DebotInfo).
    • [breaking] start function does't create an instance of debot. It accepts DeBot handle created in init function.

[1.11.1] – 2021-03-15


  • Giver address in tests is calculated from secret key. Default values are provided for TON OS SE giver

[1.11.0] – 2021-03-05


  • utils.calc_storage_fee function to calculate account storage fee over a some time period.
  • Debot Module:
    • Added unstable functions to Sdk interface: getAccountsDataByHash

[1.10.2] – 2021-03-11


  • index.d.ts files in lib- packages are refined to be more typed.
  • export of the account.ts added to core/index.

[1.10.1] – 2021-03-10


  • New high-level wrapper Account.ts that simplifies work with accounts:

    Account class is introduced that supports these high-level methods:

    • (static) giver - allows to specify a giver to be used in all deploy operations
    • deploy - deploys a contract
    • run - executes a contract on-chain
    • runLocal - executes a contract off-chain (on client side, contract state does not change) (execution is syncronized with the previously called deploy or run so that it is performed on the updated account state)
    • getAddress - returns account address
    • getAccount- returns all the data about the account in json format
    • boc - returns the account boc.

    GiverContract object is introduced that is ititialized with TON OS SE Giver address and keys.

[1.10.0] – 2021-03-04


  • Add optional field src_address to ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage.
  • Field abi in ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage is optional and can be None if call_set and deploy_set are None.
  • boc.encode_boc function provides ability to build and serialize any custom tree of cells. Application can use several base Builder serialization primitives like integers, bitstrings and nested cells.
  • boc.get_blockchain_config function can extract blockchain configuration from key block and also from zerostate.
  • tvm module functions download current blockchain configuration if net is initialized with DApp Server endpoints. Otherwise default configuration is used.
  • Debot Module:
    • Support for debot invoking in Debot Engine. send browser callback is used not only for interface calls but to invoke debots.
    • start and fetch functions returns debot ABI.
    • Added new built-in interface Hex which implements hexadecimal encoding and decoding.
    • Added unstable functions to Sdk interface: naclBox, naclBoxOpen, naclKeypairFromSecret, getAccountCodeHash.


  • Both call_set and deploy_set in ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage can be omitted. In this case encode_internal_message generates internal message with empty body.
  • Debot Module:
    • send function accepts one argument - serialized internal message as string encoded into base64.



1.9.0 Feb 19, 2021


  • tuple_list_as_array parameter in tvm.run_get function which controls lists representation. Default is stack-like based on nested tuples. If set to true then returned lists are encoded as plain arrays. Use this option if you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed..." This reduces stack size requirements for long lists.
  • function_name field of CallSet structure can be the name or id (as string in hex starting with 0x) of the called function.
  • Fields config_servers, query_url, account_address, gas_used added into specific errors' object.


  • Binaries download links are now under https protocol
  • If you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed..." in run_get, use the new parameter tuple_list_as_array = true. See the documentation. This may happen, for example, when elector contract contains too many participants

1.8.0 Feb 11, 2021


  • Debot Module:
    • Added new built-in interface Msg which allows to send external message to blockchain and sign it with supplied keypair.


  • crypto.hdkey_public_from_xprv used compressed 33-byte form instead of normal 32-byte.

1.7.0 Feb 9, 2021


  • BOC cache management functions were introduced:
    • boc.cache_set,
    • boc.cache_get
    • boc.cache_unpin
  • Now functions that take boc as a parameter can also take a reference to boc cash instead so that it deсreases the number of boc serialization and deserializations which drastically improves performance of run_tvm and run_executor expecially in case of numerous calls on the same data.
  • boc_cache parameter in tvm.run_tvm and tvm.run_executor functions to save resulting messages and account BOCs into cache.
  • return_updated_account flag parameter introduced in tvm.run_tvm and tvm.run_executor functions to return updated account state. Important: by default this flag is false and account data is not returned.
  • abi.encode_internal_message function to encode an internal ABI-compatible message.
  • Debot Module:
    • Support for get-methods and external calls in debots. Debots can send external inbound messages to destination contracts (signed - for external calls and unsigned - for get-methods) using native language syntax without actions.
    • Built-in debot interfaces (interfaces implemented by DEngine). Added two built-in interfaces: base64 and Sdk.
    • Added DebotInterfaceExecutor to automatically route messages to destination interfaces.
    • Debot's fetch function is optional now. New debots can implement only start function.

1.6.3 Feb 4, 2021


  • Expired message wasn't retried if local execution succeeded.

1.6.0 Jan 29, 2021


  • nacl_sign_detached_verify function to verify detached signature.
  • aggregate_collection function as a wrapper for GraphQL aggregation queries.
  • batch_query function performs multiple queries per single fetch.
  • Active endpoint invalidation in case of network error occuring.
  • network.network_retries_count config parameter is deprecated. network.max_reconnect_timeout is introduced that allows to specify maximum network resolving timeout. Default value is 2 mins.
  • initial_pubkey field in DeploySet to specify public key instead of one from TVC file or provided by signer.
  • Support for debot interfaces:
    • send Browser Callback to send messages with interface calls to Browser.
    • new variant ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser::Send.
    • send API function to send messages from Browser to Debot.
    • - internal structure RunOutput to filter messages generated by debot to 4 categories: interface calls, external calls, get-method calls and invoke calls.


  • Device time synchronization is checked only in send_message. Data querying does not require proper time now

1.5.3 Jan 14, 2021


  • node binary filename for windows

1.5.2 Dec 30, 2020


  • *.d.ts type declarations in lib-react-native, lib-node, lib-web.


  • net module functions wait for net.resume call instead of returning error if called while the module is suspended

1.5.0 Dec 25, 2020


  • reconnect_timeout parameter in NetworkConfig.
  • endpoints parameter in NetworkConfig. It contains the list of available server addresses to connect. SDK will use one them with the least connect time. server_address parameter is still supported but endpoints is prevailing.
  • net.fetch_endpoints function to receieve available endpoints from server.
  • net.set_endpoints function to set endpoints list for using on next reconnect.
  • ErrorCode type in each module spec in api.json.

1.4.1 Dec 22, 2020


  • net.find_last_shard_block function returning account shard last block ID.
  • boc.get_code_from_tvc function extracting contract code from TVC image.
  • Debot Module:
    • Add new variant ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser::SwitchCompleted to notify browser when all context actions are shown.

1.3.3 - Dec 16, 2020


  • lib-react-native native module package name was changed to tonlabs.tonclient.

1.3.2 - Dec 11, 2020


  • lib-web index-template matches the documentation now

1.3.1 - Dec 9, 2020


  • AppObject wasn't working.

1.3.0 - Dec 8, 2020


  • net.query method . Performs custom graphql query that can be copied directly from the playground.
  • net.suspend and net.resume methods for disabling and enabling network activity. One of the possible use-cases is to manage subscriptions when a mobile application is brought to the background and into the foreground again.
  • Inline JSDoc comments.


  • Failed downloads issues.

1.2.1 - Dec 4, 2020


  • Publish npm packages without tests

1.2.0 - Dec 3, 2020


  • Thin binding: JS binding has become very thin - all the implementation, including network layer, was moved to the core TON-SDK library. Find out all the key changes in the core library CHANGELOG, starting from 1.0.0 release.
  • Mono repository: now all the platform packages are developed in the same repository, platform bridges were also moved here from core repository
  • Typescript: v1 JS binding is written in Typescript
  • Low level API: at the moment the library provides only low level API, we plan to extend it with high level handy wrappers in the future releases.
  • new API reference: core api reference documentation provides typescript samples of function signatures.

0.26.2 - Sep 21, 2020


  • Added Sensor.sol contract for recompilation tests

0.26.1 - Sep 15, 2020


  • contracts.createUnsignedRunMessage must migrate public key to header.pubkey when possible.

0.26.0 - August 20, 2020


  • All message creation functions (createDeployMessage, createRunMessage, run, deploy) now are accept the optional signingBox as an alternative to the keyPair.
  • getCryptoBox method of the contracts module. It creates a default TONCryptoBox implementation that uses the core crypto module.
  • More diagnostic fields configServer, queryUrl in error object.

0.25.5 - August 5, 2020


  • waitForTransaction didn't use prev_alt_ref for block walking

0.25.4 - July 31, 2020


  • Ability to use crypto module before setup.

0.25.3 - July 29, 2020


  • Fix test.

0.25.2 - July 26, 2020


  • Error reporting in test suite on react-native testApp.

0.25.1 - July 26, 2020

Bug fix

  • TimeoutOverflowWarning: 2147488647 does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer was fixed

0.25.0 - July 8, 2020


  • TONContractMessage includes the address field (equals to the dst)
  • Support for core contexts.
  • Test suite have been refactored and can be easily adopted to run on several Js targets.
  • networkTimeout configuration parameter for retrying GraphQL requests in case of network errors. Default value is 0 which means infinite retries until network connection will be succeeded.
  • New message processing tracing. Client starts root processing span with traceId and spanId calculated from messageId. Other components can report child span without passing parent context through pipeline.
  • messageProcessingTimeoutGrowFactor field removed from config since it's not used
  • graphql queries can be forcible aborted on a timeout in case of a half-open TCP connection,

0.24.0 - June 3, 2020


  • Detailed errors produced by core library.
  • Optional parameter fullRun for runLocal method allows to emulate an execution on a real node with all required checks and fees calculations.
  • Optional parameter account for runLocal method allows to provide the specified account data instead of loading them from a blockchain.
  • Optional result field account for runLocal and runMessageLocal methods returns state of an account after contract execution has finished. Presented only when the fullRun parameter has specified.
  • Method runMessageLocal as a replacement for the processRunMessageLocal with fullRun and account parameters.
  • 1003 error on contract run is replaced with more specific 1010-1012 errors

0.23.2 - May 25, 2020


  • Detailed errors instead of 1006.
  • Babel runtime dependency has returned.

0.23.1 - May 21, 2020


  • Methods serverNow() and serverTimeDelta() of TONClient returns current server time.
  • Check for a clock is out of sync before sending the first message (fail if out of sync).
  • Method waitForRunTransaction of contracts module.
  • Method waitForDeployTransaction of contracts module.
  • Method isDeployed of contracts module.

0.23.0 - May 15, 2020


  • Method runGet of contracts module executes get method on a local tvm.
  • Method arrayFromCONS of contracts module converts CONS-list to JS arrays.

0.22.2 - May 3, 2020


  • keep-alive checking support for graphql subscriptions

0.22.1 - Apr 29, 2020


  • GraphQL query will retry if network error has occurred


  • aggregate method of TONQueriesModuleCollection

0.22.0 - Apr 20, 2020


  • Aggregation queries


  • aggregate method of TONQueriesModuleCollection

0.21.26 - Apr 7, 2020


  • blocks_signatures collection queries failed

0.21.25 - Apr 4, 2020


  • blocks_signatures queries collection

0.21.24 - Mar 27, 2020


  • Stability fixes
  • Operation ID in queries


  • operationId parameter to waitFor and query


  • message expiration check was after sending request to node
  • operationId is used to reduce inactive server listeners

0.21.23 - Mar 24, 2020


  • Stability fixes


  • guard client initialization from several simultaneous starts.

0.21.22 - Mar 23, 2020


  • Ability to use web sockets for queries and mutations


  • config parameter useWebSocketForQueries


  • WebSocket reconnect log record changed from error to info

0.21.1 - Mar 19, 2020


  • Stability improvements


  • log to console WebSocket errors and reconnections
  • config parameters retriesCount and transactionTimeout have removed
  • config parameters messageRetriesCount, messageExpirationTimeout, messageExpirationTimeoutGrowFactor, messageProcessingTimeout, messageProcessingTimeoutGrowFactor, waitForTimeout
  • run method returns transactions with included fields compute.gas_fees and compute.gas_used
  • client will try to use all addresses from servers config if the first server fails


  • enhanced reconnection procedure when WebSocket connection has failed
  • expiration retries didn't work

0.21.0 - Mar 12, 2020



  • getGetDeployData returns full contract address

0.20.100 - Feb 17, 2020


  • registerAccessKey parameters passed as structure.
  • restrictToAccounts option for access keys.
  • parseMessage function for parsing message BOC into JSON.
  • deploy and processDeployMessage functions now check the account state before sending message and return alreadyDeployed = true if account is already active.

0.20.2 - Feb 12, 2020


  • tracer config parameter caused setup error (circular JSON).

0.20.1 - Feb 10, 2020


  • SDK Authorization support


  • authorization config parameter to specify SDK access key.
  • registerAccessKey customer account management function.
  • revokeAccessKey customer account management function.


  • flow type definitions types.js have actualized.

0.20.0 - Feb 4, 2020


  • Open Tracing (jaeger) integration:
    1. Optional tracer config parameter was added. If specified, must point to opentracing.Tracer object. If not specified then opentracing noop tracer will be used.
    2. TONClient.trace method to encapsulate some user code into open trace span:
      async function foo(..., parentSpan) {
          return client.trace('Foo', async (fooSpan) => {
              fooSpan.setTag('params', ...);
              await client.deploy(..., fooSpan);
              await, fooSpan);
          }, parentSpan);
      async function bar(..., parentSpan) {
          return client.trace('Bar', async (barSpan) => {
              barSpan.setTag('params', ...);
              await client.deploy(..., barSpan);
              await foo(..., barSpan);
          }, parentSpan);
    3. Example of creating jaeger tracer can be found in init-tests.ts file.
    4. All SDK functions now have hexademical address representation length check.

0.19.1 - January 28, 2020


  • stability improvements (WS connection timeouts was increased)

0.19.0 - January 23, 2020


  • Waiting for account update moved from deploy to local run functions.
  • More detailed verbose log.
  • Check internal messages from giver (in tests).
  • Functions running contracts locally (runLocal, calcRunFees, calcMsgProcessFees) have new parameters for waiting particular account state to run.


  • FIX: set query timeout measurement in ms (was sec) to supports GraphQL 0.21.0.

Breaking Compatibility

  • Because waiting for account update removed from deploy, developers must wait for account manually if required.