Domains may be registered in Dedicated Registrars, in which the registration and management of domains is their primary business, or Service Registrars, in which domains are supplementary to their main product(s). Dedicated Registrars can be used to centralise domain renewal when using multiple platforms with single or mutliple domains, whereas Service Registrars can offer tighter integration with their product offering, such as 1-click DNSSEC setup with Cloudflare.
- Cloudflare* is unique in providing DNS-level intercepts for protection, compression, and analytics.
- Digital Ocean^ allows you to easily point DNS entries to droplets, clusters, or load balancers.
- Microsoft Azure DNS
- Amazon Route 53 (AWS)
- Cockroach Labs* have an option for fully-managed, serverless, auto-scaling databases on GCP or AWS. Highly survivable, geo-partitioned at row level, multi-region coming soon.
- Digital Ocean*
- Cloudflare Pages*
- Nixstats*
- UptimeRobot
- Pingdom (by SolarWinds)
* Best in class.
^ Specific use case only.