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Small utility - programming example - about how to utilize the system's libpcap library.

Table of contents

A. How to create autotools for this program

A.1 Preparation

A.2 autoscan

A.2.1 aclocal

A.3 automake

A.4 autoreconf

B. pcapdemo: about the pcapdemo utility

B.1 What it is for?

B.2 What you will get?

A. How to create autotools for this program

A.1 Preparation

Create a and the source files according to the needs, in this example all source(s) placed into the root of the working directory.

  bin_PROGRAMS = pcapdemo
  pcapdemo_SOURCES = main.c
  pcapdemo_CFLAGS = -g -O0 -I. -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -Wall -Wextra
  pcapdemo_LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib -lc -lm -lpcap -lpthread
  distdir = $(prefix)

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A.2 autoscan

Execute autoscan utility

autoscan -I .

You will have a configure.scan file, which will be used later as after a small customization.

We going to have a new contents in that file.

#                                               -*- Autoconf -*-
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.


# Checks for programs.

# Checks for libraries.
# FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-lc':
AC_CHECK_LIB([c], [main])
# FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-lm':
AC_CHECK_LIB([m], [main])
# FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-lpcap':
AC_CHECK_LIB([pcap], [main])
# FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-lpthread':
AC_CHECK_LIB([pthread], [main])

# Checks for header files.
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdlib.h string.h unistd.h])

# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.

# Checks for library functions.


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A.2.1 aclocal

Execute aclocal before run automake with parameters.

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A.3 automake

We have to add AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE to the .scan file at the location right after AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]), then copy or rename the configure.scan file to

We can add version number, and package name, bug-report address to the package. All those are up to you though.

Before we execute autoreconf -ivf - to be sure avoiding error messages - we call automake to generate missing parts of our new build engine.

automake -caf --foreign

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A.4 autoreconf

After executing previous command above, then we can call the next utility to generate our configure script.

autoreconf -ivf

If no error occurres, then we will have our Makefile ready to deal with our codes.

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B. pcapdemo: about the pcapdemo utility

B.1 What it is for?

The small utility sniffs network packages using libpcap and bpf(4) accepts two parameters at the command prompt. See usage below:

pcapdemo [-h|--help] [-i|--if <name> [filter_text]]

        -h or --help - this help
        -i or --if   - device name used to pcap packets
        filter_text  - the filter applied upon pcap processing

You shall specify the device name to be used for capturing network packets! (Consult your system's ifconfig utility manual or any kind of utility which is intended to help identify installed network cards available at hand.)

The filter_text argument[s] is optional, using that, you can refine the pacap engine work filtering out those packtes which are not matching to the filtering criteria[s]. Consult with your system's manuals about pcap-filters(7) and how to use them.

Note! The access to the bpf(4) device - aka. Berkley Packet Filter device, can be found in your system's device subdirecory as /dev/bpf* - requires special privileges - most probably root access rights. If you aware of access and use pcap as root, you can adjust specific group or user to have access rights to the device - consult your system's manual to share access privileges user and/or group wise. On FreeBSD you can edit /etc/devfs.conf defining which user and or group have access and how can access the device.

If you have not got the proper access rights the application will return with error.

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B.2 What you will get?

When you run the compiled and linked program, you will get some output - indicating that something is happening on the network your machine is connected. The code first of all will try to identify the flavour of the packages - let us be specific: frames. Dealing with the ethernet frames - depending on what type of DLT exists on the physical layer. Most probably it's going to be DLT_EN10MB, which is good for ethernets in real or virtual environments. Then the code will deal with upper layers on the ISO/OSI stack - I mean the layers above the datalink layer. When I worked with the libpcap at the first time I had to have tool which sniffs for UDP multicast transmits from a network segment which was not in the same subnet as my machine was connected. I had a spare network card which was linked directly to the switch' port on the other subnet - nowadays network guys would call that SPAN-ning - using that card and the libpcap I've got some view into the "secret" data transmits between logically linked nodes without "bother" their administrators to hack a spy-node into the system's strict configuration schemas. As I said before I was looking for udp multicast data. Therefore the next layer - or the next frame I had to deal with was the IP where you get address info (source and destination). This info was essential to be able to filter out those traffic which was not belonging to the multicast group address I was looking for, but still matched to UDP protocol and address type of multicast. The data streamed on different ports - having the same multicast address - depending on the role applied by the processing nodes.

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