Fae::Image association only
option | type | default | description |
label | string | image_name.to_s.titleize | the uploader's label |
helper_text | string | the uploader's helper text | |
alt_label | string | "#{image_label} alt text" | the alt field's label |
alt_helper_text | string | the alt field's helper text | |
caption_label | string | "#{image_label} caption" | the caption field's label |
caption_helper_text | string | the caption field's helper text | |
show_alt | boolean | true | displays the alt field, label, and helper text |
show_caption | boolean | false | displays the caption field, label, and helper text |
required | boolean | false | adds required validation to the uploader |
attached_as | symbol | image_name.to_s | Sets the attached_as atrribute on upload. You'll need to customize this if your attached_as condition doesn't match the images associaiton name. |
fae_image_form f, :logo, label: 'Corporate Logo', required: true
Fae::File association only
option | type | default | description |
label | string | file_name.to_s.titleize | the uploader's label |
helper_text | string | the uploader's helper text | |
required | boolean | false | adds required validation to the uploader |
image_label: nil, alt_label: nil, caption_label: nil, omit: nil, show_thumb: nil, required: nil, helper_text: nil, alt_helper_text: nil, caption_helper_text: nil
fae_file_form f, :tasting_notes_pdf, helper_text: 'PDF format only'
Fae::TextField and Fae::TextArea association only
option | type | default | description |
label | string | attribute.to_s.titleize | the fields's label |
helper_text | string | the field's helper text | |
hint | string | the field's hint text (supports HTML) | |
markdown | boolean | false | adds markdown GUI toolbar |
markdown_supported | boolean | false | displays support text and hint for markdown |
input_options | hash with simple form options | false | adds simple form options to the input field |
image_label: nil, alt_label: nil, caption_label: nil, omit: nil, show_thumb: nil, required: nil, helper_text: nil, alt_helper_text: nil, caption_helper_text: nil, wrapper_html: nil, input_options: nil
fae_content_form f, :body, markdown: true
fae_content_form f, :ad, input_options: { collection: ['Header', 'Footer'], input_html: { class: 'js-ad-field' }, wrapper_html { class: 'hidden' } }
Displays the filter form, which includes the search field, submit, and reset buttons. It accepts options, followed by an optional block.
option | type | default | description |
action | string | "#{@index_path}/filter" | the path the form submits to |
title | string | "Search #{@klass_humanized.pluralize.titleize}" | the h2 text in the filter form |
search | boolean | true | displays the search field |
cookie_key | string | false | set your cookie name on the fae_filter_form if you want to persist the selected filtered state |
== fae_filter_form title: 'Search some stuff', search: false do
// optional form elements
fae_filter_select(attribute, options)
Dislays a select tag to be used within a fae_filter_form
option | type | default | description |
label | string | attribute.to_s.titleize | label on select |
collection | ActiveRecord collection | AttributeAsClass.for_fae_index | the collection of AR objects to populate the select options |
label_method | symbol | :fae_display_field | the attribute to use as the label in the select options |
placeholder | string or boolean | "All #{options[:label]}" | the blank value in the select. It can be set to false to disable |
options | array | [] | an alternative array of options if the options aren't an ActiveRecord collection |
grouped_options | array | [] | an alternative array of grouped options if the options aren't an ActiveRecord collection |
grouped_by | symbol | a Fae association on the models in collection . The association must have a fae_display_name method |
== fae_filter_form do
== fae_filter_select :group, label: 'Groupings', collection: Groups.for_filters
== fae_filter_select :group, label: 'Groupings', collection: Groups.for_filters, grouped_by: :filter