Step 1: Install the dependencies using the apt package manager:
sudo bash ./data/scripts/
Step 2: Setup the postgres server:
sudo bash ./data/scripts/
Step 3: Compile adaguc-server:
bash && bash
Step 4: Install python wrapper for adaguc-server
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install Pillow chardet numpy netcdf4 six requests pillow aggdraw lxml setuptools wheel flask flask_cors gunicorn
pip install ./lib/dist/adaguc-0.0.2.tar.gz
Step 5: Start adaguc-server using the python wrapper:
source env/bin/activate
export ADAGUC_PATH=`pwd`
export ADAGUC_DATASET_DIR=/data/adaguc-datasets
export ADAGUC_DATA_DIR=/data/adaguc-data
export ADAGUC_AUTOWMS_DIR=/data/adaguc-autowms
python3 ./python/python-adaguc-server/
Copy a test netcdf file and display:
cp ./data/datasets/ /data/adaguc-autowms/
- You can browse your local instance via autowms using
- You can now load the test dataset via http://localhost:8080//wms? in
- Or directly via:'http://localhost:8080//wms?','testdata')
Copy a test dataset for satellite imagery
cp ./data/config/msg_hrvis_hdf5_example.xml /data/adaguc-datasets
pushd .
cd /data/adaguc-data
wget -nc -r -l2 -A.h5 -I /knmi/thredds/fileServer/,/knmi/thredds/catalog/ ''
export ADAGUC_PATH=`pwd`
export ADAGUC_CONFIG=./data/config/adaguc.vm.xml
export ADAGUC_DATASET_DIR=/data/adaguc-datasets/
export ADAGUC_DATA_DIR=/data/adaguc-data/
export ADAGUC_AUTOWMS_DIR=/data/adaguc-autowms/
bash ./Docker/ msg_hrvis_hdf5_example
- You can now load the test dataset via http://localhost:8080//wms?dataset=msg_hrvis_hdf5_example& in
- Or directly via:'http://localhost:8080//wms?dataset=msg_hrvis_hdf5_example&','HRVIS')
- Look in the database via
psql "host=localhost port=5432 user=adaguc password=adaguc dbname=adaguc"
sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "DROP DATABASE adaguc;" ; sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE adaguc;"